Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,281 to 20,300 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Children in Third Reich

    Unidentified Kinderheim: children, some in Hitler Youth or BDM uniforms. Extremely regimental flag ceremony in front of the house: one boy gives the signal, and all the boys turn their heads and salute the raising of a huge swastika flag. Children at desks in classroom, mostly CUs of children writing on slates (in one shot it is clear that they write in Zutterling).

  2. Hitler at Autobahn ceremony; Goebbels speaks

    Brief: MS of Hitler (upbeat) waving to passing motorcade during celebration of completion of another section of the Autobahn (Muenchen to Kirchhaven). 04:30:26 Goebbels speaks at Gauparteitag [Regional Party Day]. At outdoor rally, Goebbels on platform speaks re: the Party is the pillar of the German State. Intercut with various good shots of SA, NSDAP party members, army, SS, and other contingents with flags and crowds listening. Huge banner with eagle/swastika on scaffolding. Shots of contingents marching. Sound: "Horst Wessel Lied" (the SA anthem).

  3. Hitler's first speech as Chancellor

    Hitler's first appearance since becoming Chancellor. Hitler speaks to SA and civilians at an enormous rally at the Berlin Sportpalast. Some LS from various angles of stadium filled with spectators, with a lengthy and excited voiceover narration from Goebbels, describing the building excitement and enormous size of the crowd. Among the crowd shots is a group of what appears to be Japanese people sitting in a row. A banner reading "Macht Deutschland frei vom Marxismus" is visible time to time. Hitler enters, walks through crowd, shakes hands. Introduced, good sound on "Heils." Hitler pauses a...

  4. Hitler at Siemens factory

    Hitler's speech to Siemens factory workers. Hitler (on circular platform) starts off calmly, becoming more emphatic: "I want not only peace and quiet/order, but also what is our right....I'm not interested in the intellectual, I'm interested in the German people...." Shots of the workers in white lab coats listening to his speech.

  5. SA marching through streets

    Hitler, Goering and others review marching SA troops. A title in German indicates that the whole population has turned out to greet the SA. SA men accept cups of water from bystanders. Hitler and the others salute the men as they pass by. Good shots from behind of the men marching down a street crowded with onlookers, who cheer and wave flags. A title says, "The second hour, and still no end." Another title, not entirely visible on the screen, seems to be mocking the KPD by saying that they KPD would claim that the lanes in the street were very narrow, and that only a few curious people mad...

  6. Swastikas, flags, posters of Hitler

    Fast cuts, good images. VAR newspaper printing sequence of the Völkische Beobachter; people hanging flags on buildings; VAR Nazi banners and flags hanging on buildings, portraits of Hitler. Brief cuts of rallies and Goebbels, Hess, Goering, speaking. Sequence of trains and planes with banners: "Ein Volk, ein Führer, ein Wille"; "Treue dem Führer." Swastikas strung overhead on street. Optical effects throughout. NOTE: This is propaganda about propaganda.

  7. Hitler meets with Petain, Laval, Franco

    MCU Petain gets out of car and shakes hands with von Ribbentrop. Petain crosses train tracks and shakes Hitler's hand. They are photographed. Hitler on train with Goering and military officers; Hitler laughing and in good spirits. Train passes saluting officers in Hendaye station, close to French/Spanish border. CU of town signs. Hitler and officers on train platform await arrival of Franco. Spanish train pulls in, Franco climbs out and he and Hitler warmly shake hands. Hitler salutes down line of Spanish officers and Franco salutes German honor guard. Hitler and Franco board train. [music ...

  8. Destruction in USSR

    LS burning building. Horses graze; cart, tree, etc. Sad couple looks on; woman is keening. Wrecked train containing supplies perhaps bags of food? Brief shot of Germans removing bags.

  9. Auschwitz liberated

    "Filmdokumente" on the German concentration camps, made under Soviet auspices with narration in English. This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. eople in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn face...

  10. Jewish Refugees in Shanghai

    Ship pulled in at port, people aboard wave. MS woman and baby are processed at desk. People filing off ship, boarding trucks, in bread line, eating outdoors, in English class, at leisure "playing" outside.

  11. Airship; Goldschmidt School, Berlin; Jewish students

    Airship under construction; hangar interior. Men in white coats examine machinery, hardware. Berlin: Goldschmidt Jewish Private School: Girl writes in Hebrew at blackboard, rear profile view (The girl's current name is Margot Segall). Male teacher in suit helping her at blackboard. Young girls at desks, take satchels and go, laughing. Unrelated Zeppelin footage, airship hangar. Goldschmidt School: Mixed class of adolescents at desks (including Stella Goldschlag, who passed as Aryan during the war and reportedly betrayed Jews in hiding), writing. Female teacher at front of class. Scenes outd...

  12. Ruhr regiment; "Deutschland ueber Alles"

    Ruhr regiment at attention plays "Deutschland Ueber Alles".

  13. Walking stick from Baranowitschi concentration camp

    Walking stick from Baranowitschi concentration camp. The walking stick is believed to have been carved by an inmate of a concentration camp. The inmate allegedly used a sharpened spoon to carve the decorations. Created by unknown inmate, January 1944, Baranowitschi concentration camp. Supposedly used during war by guard named Roberta, Buchenwald concentration camp. Given to Annette Rice by family friend.

  14. Hitler conducts election tour

    Title: "Hitler Conducting a Rapid Election Tour - Nazi Leader Holds Review of Uniformed Followers at Waldenburg and Fires Audience of 35,000." Low aerial shot of huge crowds, a group of SA marches in formation, bearing German flags. Martial music plays. Closer shots of crowds; SA in front, civilians behind, give Nazi salute and sing the Horst Wessel song. Camera pans left to right as crowd sings (in sync) "Die Fahne hoch." 02:26:14 A segment of Hitler's speech: "Vierzehn Jahre lang..." [For 14 years...] Wild applause of the crowd. Intertitles in English, original sound in German.

  15. Harvest Festival on Bückeberg Mountain

    Hitler attends harvest festival at Bückeberg, with thousands of people dressed in elaborate traditional folk costumes and headdresses; VAR CU. LS Hitler and other officials enter decorated town square; Hitler reviews and salutes troops. In large parade ground, SA march carrying many flags and standards (sound band, cheers). More shots of people wearing various traditional costumes, VO identifies them, band plays. Interesting shot of SS among festival attendees holding a "Blut und Boden" standard. Soldier blows bugle. Shots of Hitler in reviewing stand. Hitler with Goebbels and other officia...

  16. Nazis enter Gdynia

    Nazis enter Poland. POV front of truck into barricaded street in city of Gdynia, side view. Men (holding hands up in surrender) are searched and ID-checked by German soldiers. View of sandbagged building guarded by German soldiers. Poster reads: "Do Braci Polakow...Twierdza musi nam byc kazdy prog." Former state president speaks with and surrenders to commander of German troops. Men in civilian dress, some wearing white armbands, leave sandbagged building and march past camera (VO indicates they are Polish troops who had taken off their uniforms). VAR shots: masses of German troops in the s...

  17. Holiday celebration; street scenes; shops

    Reel 3. Intertitle: "Holiday Celebration". Street scene with townspeople in costume to celebrate the Easter holiday. People walk towards camera in street, dressed nicely. Women with packages pass by. Shops in BG. Men and women in fancy clothing. Umbrellas. LV, men and women walking. Religious procession past shops on square, man in front holds metal post. People walking towards camera. LV, cows, people roaming in streets, children playing. Man leads herd of cows. City streets, square. Family shops/businesses. Pan, signs of shops seen. Huts/houses. People walking/milling about.

  18. German Army advances

    Building on fire. Long line of soldiers and horses marching. Smoke-filled sky.

  19. Nazis enter Krakow

    Slow pan of rooftops of Krakow. In regiments, German soldiers march into Krakow, passing a group of citizens who watch silently. VAR shots: stone dome, vertical pan of ivy-covered building, CU soldier, officers walking up steps to enter building; ornamental cast iron gates open to display of crossed gun and sword emblem (in a vault-like setting).

  20. KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps. Pictorial report of concentration camps

    A copy of the “KZ: Bildbericht aus fünf Konzentrationslagern” [KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps] pamphlet published in Germany in 1945. It was published quickly by the American War Information Office to increase awareness of the atrocities that had occurred. It contains post-liberation photographs at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen, and Ohrdruf concentration camps and the site of the Gardelagen massacre.