Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,241 to 20,260 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. US Army on Patrol

    Patrols of the 83rd Division, Houstenbeck to Bad Lippsringe, Germany, April 6-7, 1945. US Army soldiers/tanks at rest in a village. Rainy. MSs tanks loaded with soldiers moving through town; soldiers waving. Soldiers examine burning enemy plane in a field (plane shot down). MSs and CUs faces of troops of the 331st Regiment, 83rd Division, atop M-24s and M-18s. Tanks move out. MSs soldiers on foot in town; marching toward tanks; mounting tanks.

  2. Damaged Torah scroll from a synagogue in Marburg desecrated during Kristallnacht

    Desecrated Torah scroll from a synagogue in Marburg, Germany, that was vandalized during Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938. The scroll was given to Joseph Tauber in the late 1960s for safekeeping by an unnamed German woman who told him that the scroll was desecrated during the Night of Broken Glass or Kristallnacht. It had been given to her to preserve by the person who took it from the synagogue in order to protect it.

  3. Luftwaffe takes oath of allegiance to Hitler

    Luftwaffe/stormtroopers and other military recruits swear allegience to Hitler at various garrisons in Germany, and at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. Soldiers on open field reviewed. Officer leads oath, CA to MS of soldiers with hands raised repeating oath, shot of similar scenes in other locations, shots of soldiers holding standard while swearing, artillery visible at times.

  4. Anti-Nazi parade in New York City

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 757, Part 2C. Release date, 03/25/1939. 20,000 in "Stop Hitler" parade in New York City. Girls in Dutch-like costumes, banners, ticker tape. Band playing. Parade with lots of little girls in Dutch-like outfits; American flag and Czech flag. MS big banner "Jesus not Hitler"; "Keep America open for Refugees"; "Embargo all Nazi Trade." Women with ribbon across chests; lots of little flags. LS street and building. Ticker tape. LS high above big crowd. Costumed women. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 02:29:11 "Lady Luck Smiles on Big Winners in...

  5. Strikes and demonstrations in Berlin

    04:07:24 Title, "Generalstreik. Bürgerkrieg." [General strike. Civil War.] Children of all ages and a few adults march down a crowded street. They wave flags as other civilians and police men stand watching from the sidelines. 04:08:26 Title, "1920. Innere Kämpfe." [Internal Struggles.] A massive crowd is gathered for a strike/demonstration in Berlin (possibly March 13, 1920). Several people carry banners and red flags. Panning shot of a factory as seen from a rooftop. Trucks carry groups of people and bicyclists ride alongside factory tracks. 04:08:48 Title, "Kapp-Putsch." Men and a few wo...

  6. Illegal ship

    Injured man helped by two Brits from ship, "The Four Freedoms." Pan of refugees on ship. Sick and tired refugees drooped on benches, holding their heads. Masses of people packed body to body, lying down on their decks. Injured person on litter being lifted from ship by crane. Chaos, disorder, everyone in close quarters.

  7. Hitler Youth Rally

    Hitler enters Olympic Stadium (music and cheers), climbs steps to podium, shaking hands, receiving flowers, salutes officials on platform, intercut with shots of masses of children in HJ and BDM uniforms; cheering and saluting. Hitler salutes children, von Shirach greets Hitler, who goes to microphone briefly. Extraordinary LS pan of stadium, with audience spelling out in stands "Wir Gehoeren Dir" [We belong to you], lines of children in different uniforms on stadium ground.

  8. US military; displaced Germans; liberation of camp

    A caravan of United States Army tanks, trucks, and Red Cross vehicles move along a dusty road. Smoking rubble and desolate buildings line the road and landscape. Four German prisoners walk towards camera, followed by a group of liberated French prisoners cheering tankers and walking along the road, opposite direction as the US vehicles, one with a spearhead. Dark shots of prisoner group walking. 01:06:17 Two Americans attend to a wounded German soldier laying near the road. German troops march in surrender on sidewalk, with hands over their heads. White flags hang from civilians’ windows. A...

  9. Destruction; Germans advance

    Destruction along a country road: dead horses, abandoned wagons, corpses, etc. Germans gathered on side of road. Tanks in town. Germans near a fountain in town. A German stands with a black man -- French Colonial? -- Two Germans drive by in a car and sneer at the man.

  10. Belsen Concentration Camp: Red Cross and burials

    CU, crowd of women, ex-prisoners, waving and gesturing to lorry carrying SS. VCU sign on roadside, "Danger Typhus." CUs of similar Military Police Sign on a post in field, different shots testing focus. Frontal MCU of Schwimmwagen of 11 Light Field Ambulance parked inside women's compound, bearing Red Cross flag. Two British soldiers talk to pretty inmate by jeep, tents in BG. CU, of British soldiers in jeep, one smiling and smoking a cigarette. Martin Wilson talking with female prisoner, joined by two male inmates. In background are British Army tents with French flag flying over. Frenchma...

  11. German-Jewish emigres arrive in Shanghai by boat

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 754, Part 2. Release date, 02/23/1939. 841 Jews arrive in Shanghai on the SS Conte Biancomano. View from dock as passengers wave from rail of boat (mostly men). CU women and men waving. MLS women and men walking down stairs, departing boat (nicely dressed). Refugees at desk, exchanging papers. 02:13:10 Hedrig Callman with her grandson Rolf Eis. Man in "window" dropping bread into a woman's bag. At rough table; men eating soup in CU, then MS. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 02:11:01 Port Washington, NY "Yankee Clipper in Test Flight for Oc...

  12. Goering interacts with Germans

    Goering and others walk through Essen airfield where they've just landed. Amid crowd, Goering smiles, plays to young child, Goering and Hitler walk past military crowd. Close up of women adoringly raising hands in salute, mouthing "Heil Hitler."

  13. Goebbels and "Der Angriff"

    Printing press of "Der Angriff." Goebbels speaks (silent) with flag and SA in trucks through streets with election posters.

  14. Socialist Youth parade

    Informal shots of Socialist youth parade along cobbled city street; carrying signs: "Heutigen Tag zur wahl zu gehen" ["Go to the polls today."] Parade is mostly children, with some bicyclists alongside the marchers, and at the very end there are a man and a dog. Nice street scene. View down cobblestone street.

  15. Goering/SA in Nuremberg

    Title: "Despite long night journey, no weariness." An SA parade (with banners and flags) marches toward the camera and turns around a corner. Streetcars pass the parade. Scene switches to a building bearing a banner that reads in part: "Reich Party Day". Goering exits the building and gets into a car with some other men and drives off.

  16. Hitler and Hindenburg reviewing troops

    Title: "Hindenburg-Hitler coalition grips all Germany - Leaders honor war dead on the eve of creation of Nazi dictatorship." Hitler, von Hindenburg, and von Papen are shown standing in a balcony of the Berlin opera house, on the annual occasion honoring German war dead. The narrator notes that Hindenburg has thrown his full support behind Hitler. A frail looking Hindenburg leaves the opera house and reviews troops as the narrator notes that Hitler has just asked the Reichstag for full dictatorial powers. The narrator states that Hindenburg is now 85 years old and wonders, "When his time com...

  17. Freikorps in Munich

    Freikorps through street and aboard train. WS, Burgermeister.

  18. French refugees; German convoy

    Refugees leaving town using various modes of transporation. Couples walking, women pushing prams, one pram has a rabbit in a cage atop. Horse-drawn carts with people and possessions in the back. One of the carts has a flat tire but continues anyway. A couple of cars, one with bicycles atop, stuffed so full of belongings that the passengers ride, stanidng, on the side bumpers. More shots of refugees moving slowyly down a road. Empty, destroyed town, dead horses in the street. Refugees on side of road, German Army trucks on the other. (Good sense of dislocation and movement.)