Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,201 to 20,220 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Anniversary of founding of Hitler Youth

    Baldur von Schirach speaks at ceremony celebrating the anniversary of the founding of Hitler Youth in 1927. "Learn to subordinate your will to the will of the Fuehrer"; "Adolf Hitler will make the working German youth the gateway to the future." Intercut with various shots of HJ and BDM activities, parades, flags, various ages (some work corps?). CU of 5-6 year olds, teenagers, girls and boys. Several shots of Marienburg castle; singing. Schirach: "Adolf Hitler has opened the gate of the future for German youth."

  2. Polish Refugees Leave for Palestine

    350 Polish Refugees Leave Teheran for Palestine, (no date, originally reviewed March 27, 1944) INTs, Teheran railroad station. Polish refugees on platform bustle about as some bid farewell to departing friends. Persian/Arabic inscriptions. Pan, wall of newsstand/booth. Dolly shot, relatives and friends bid one another farewell from train windows; along railcars, more crowded, various men in uniform. Belongings on platform. Men, women, and children mill about, looking anxious and excited, some dressed well, some with hats (mix of Middle Eastern and Baltic looks). CU, native porter salutes in...

  3. Tourist views of Carlsbad, Vienna, and Budapest

    Reel 5. Children dancing in a circle in Humenne (similar to the beginning of RG-60.0833). 00:00:10 "Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia - The Famous Health Resort" Pan of city buildings in Karlovy Vary in Bohemia. Street scenes with pedestrians. More tourist views of the beautiful city. 00:01:09 "Vienna - Parliament Building and the Ring Strasse" Street scenes with shops, traffic, civilians, and major sites. 00:02:18 "Budapest - The Most Beautiful City in the World" Tourist shots of sights in Budapest. Driver stands beside car loaded with suitcases. More sightseeing in the city. CU, men with headphone...

  4. Goebbels at Handel concert

    Goebbels speaks at a commemorative concert for Bach, Handel and Schutz, re: "...Forms change, but the soul remains. The meaning of German [Culture] remains so long as the German people live. To keep their Immortality is the the duty of each generation..." Goebbels also speaks of Gleichschaltung, the spirit of German creativity, and a mix of culture and politics. MS of Goebbels speaking with CUs of audience, performers, theater (stage draped by swastikas). Several views of orchestra and chorus performing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus."

  5. Shnayderman family photograph collection

    The Shnayderman family photograph collection, circa 1930s-1941, consists of photographs of Reveka Shnayderman (Riva, 1922-1941), Sofiya Shnayderman (1924-1941), Dvosya Shnayderman (1929-1941), Dora Shnayderman (1910-1941), and her children Fima (1930-1941) and Gitya (1935-1941) Shnayderman. Also include two photographs that Reveka Shnayderman sent to Dora Shnayderman (1910-1941), while attending school in Kamenetsk Podolsky. All perished in the Holocaust.

  6. Kroll Gardens

    Kroll Gardens in Berlin.

  7. Oral history interview with Florence Post

  8. Oral history interview with Isser Harel

  9. Lvov Pogrom, Jews rounded up, beatings

    Jews are rounded up in Lvov, Poland. Barely-clothed or naked men and women are tortured and pulled along ground. Soldiers. Jews are lined up around building and civilians crowd the streets. The Soviet Union occupied Lvov, Poland in September 1939. Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, occupying Lvov within a week. The Germans claimed that the city's Jewish population had supported the Soviets. Ukrainian mobs went on a rampage against Jews. They stripped and beat Jewish women and men in the streets of Lvov. Ukrainian partisans supported by German authorities killed about 4,000 J...

  10. Lvov/Lemberg massacre; Jews arrested

    Townspeople watch, shocked and tearful, as dead bodies from Lemberg (Lvov) massacre are carried from the prison in which they were killed and laid aside in lines for identification. The retreating Soviets had massacred the mostly Ukrainian nationalist prisoners. The Germans blamed the massacre on the Jews -- "Innocent victims of Bolsheviks," says narrator. Bullet-pocked, smoking buildings, grisly pans of bloody, mangled corpses. Wailing woman, stunned onlookers. Poor quality HA views of man being arrested, trying to kick himself free. CU propagandistic shots of Jewish men who "helped" (narr...

  11. German Army waits; Officers consult maps

    Officers and soldiers sit, stand on lawn, smoke, read, confer with maps.

  12. Hitler speaking in stadium

    Title: "All Germany rises to Hitler's call - 120,000 Westphalians meet in stadium at Dortmund to cheer stirring appeal by the fiery Chancellor." Hitler arrives and gets out of a car. Aerial shots of crowds. The narrator states that a united Germany is Hitler's rallying cry as he tours Germany. Hitler speaks, beginning by saying that those enemies who laughed on the 30th of January are not laughing anymore. He speaks further and ends with crowds saluting.

  13. Jewish children leave Prague

    At Ruzyn airport in Prague, Jewish children preparing to board plane for London on a transport organized by the Barbican Mission to the Jews, a Christian organization that aimed at rescuing and converting these children (upon their parent´s agreement). Boy holds hands of 2 sisters. Small group of children wave to camera. INTs, boy with kerchief and an elderly woman. CUs, children on a bus.Little girl, Hansi Beck, with knitted hat. Children of various ages, including Eva Heller, Holger Heller, Eva Fried, Renate Fried, Gertie Pfeffer, and Hansi Beck, board the plane. Pan of KLM airplane. Pare...

  14. Children

    Very short clip from the film "Helfende Haende" Little kids in courtyard. CU, delightful faces of children, all very serious (2-5 year olds). Shots of family moving into a home. Narration: "Homes of fleeing/escaping [gefluchteter] Poles and wandering Jews become possession of the Germans." Woman sweeps kitchen floor/ breaks off here.

  15. Nazi Party Rally (Nuremberg): Armed Forces Day

    LSs of tanks, artillery, troops with shovels marching in Nuremberg stadium. Closer shots of same. VAR views of lines of troops (some with shirts off) in stadium. Labor corps (RAD) units with shovels march past camera. More tanks. VAR views of huge masses of troops lined up in stadium, march by with flags. Labor Corps units goosestep in review, other RAD units parade shirtless. POV same from stands filled with SS, party officials, at ground level, from over shoulder of BDM and troops on field. Hitler in car, MCU, takes the salute of passing units. Viewing stands in BG. Note: The party rally ...

  16. Nazi propaganda film about Theresienstadt / Terezin

    Excerpt of well-known propaganda film made by the Nazis to show the International Red Cross and others that they were not mistreating Jews in the "ghettos." Documentary footage depicts the life of Jews in the ghetto of Theresienstadt [Terezin] in Czechoslovakia as harmonious and joyful. They wear yellow stars on their civilian clothing but are euphemistically called residents ["Bewohner"] instead of inmates. They look well-dressed and well-fed and keep smiling. No SS guards or other armed Germans are shown. Shots include: men and women work contentedly on farm, in factories, making pottery ...

  17. Burial at Belsen on the 9th day after liberation

    SS men unload bodies from truck onto the shoulders of others who carry them to grave. Civilians and local officials watching. CU, bodies. Camera follows man with extremely emaciated female corpse slung over his shoulders. Dr. Klein picks up decaying body off of truck and expresses disgust. Full truck of corpses, one by one carried to ditch. Cameraman, Sgt. Lewis of the Army Film and Photo section, visible. Exhausted SS men continue carrying bodies one by one to ditch. CUs of emaciated bodies slung over shoulders of SS detail, camera follows men carrying bodies and focuses on various body pa...

  18. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  19. Czechs refugees leave Sudetenland

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 711, Part 2B. Release date, 10/11/1938. Czechs take all goods with them as they flee Sudetenland. Soldiers milling around, a few well-dressed civilians with hats stand. Soldiers check identification papers. Wrecked trucks, soldier points to bullet hole in chassis. MLS, MS truck on street piled high with furniture. CU (quick) woman in car, old man behind her. Seated, LS from above. Crowds, one group marches/walks. Czechs fleeing Sudetenland. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:39:31 Fort Riley, Kan "Cavalry tests its new 'Iron Horses' in demonstration" 01...

  20. Industry shots

    Industry/factory shots. Enormous machinery hangs from track near ceiling of room, slides across clerestory windows on wheels. Enormous furnace spewing sparks. VCU of equipment, workers. LS, spewing sparks, workers in silhouette. Hamburg workers parade through the street. Streamers everywhere. Arrival of Hungarian Prime Minister envoy Paul Teleki and Foreign Minister Stefan Csaky in Rome.