Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,061 to 20,080 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. UNRRA aids refugees in Czechoslovakia

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 19, No. 476. Various activities of UNRRA in Czechoslovakia; clothing, food. CU, from above crowd around bus. Some women hang out of bus window, clasping hands with crowd outside. CU, women and men hug, cheek caresses. Women crying in arms of friends/relatives. "USA" on side of train. Railcar filled with bags of grain. Tractor pulls boxes, contents of boxes of medicines being shown to camera. Joyous gathering outside UNRRA storefront. Woman behind counter dispensing food. CU, bags of coffee, food products. MS, INT sewing shop. MS, woman with rack of clothes behind he...

  2. Cut and uncut granite stones from a quarry at the Mauthausen concentration camp

    Granite blocks quarried from the site of Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. In March 1938, Germany annexed Austria in the ‘Anschluss’, and in April established the Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke (GmbH-DESt, German Earth and Stone Works Inc.) to exploit the labor of concentration camp prisoners. In August, a concentration camp was established three miles from the town of Mauthausen, near the Wiener Graben stone quarry. Built by prisoners detailed from Dachau concentration camp in Germany, it originally functioned as a forced-labor camp, and later became a transfer point to subcamps and ...

  3. New Cabinet Meeting in Berlin

    Nighttime march of SS, SA, and stormtroopers. Hitler spotlit in upper window of Reichstag. Soft, murky tracking shots of crowd, torches, flags. A little hard to see, but creates an interesting atmosphere with the sounds and the swarming spotlight. Inside the Hotel Kaiserhof, before the Cabinet meeting begins. Everyone in suits, gathered around, mingling, a bit disorganized. Posing for their first official photograph. Cabinet members include (according to BA documentation): Hitler, Goering, von Papen, Seldte, Gerecke, von Schwerin Krosigk, Frick, von Blomberg, and Hugenberg. More shots of cr...

  4. German Army advances

    Trucks cross "bridge" over mud. Army struggles to move through muddy street. Clear, close-up shot of dead German soldier.

  5. Buna rubber tire-making plant

    Buna rubber plant. Men and women working with equipment, making tires. Big machinery. MLS pan of factory. Big machinery. Mud-like clumps (of rubber?) pulled along conveyor belt. Worker pulls a wide sheet of rubber from a hot metal roller. Women operating machinery.

  6. Medieval town; peasants working

    Establishing shot, LS of two footbridges across a canal, figures visible on bridge in BG, narrow street alongside canal, screen left in a medieval town (possibly Nuremberg); stone buildings with thatched roofs. [There is a brief scene of the Kindergarten children from Story 513, this is a miscut.] More scenes of the town and countryside. VS, MS, peasants in fields, picnicing and working, baling hay onto ox-drawn haywagon in Wetzler. LS, return to town street scene, narrow, winding street, bicycles, pushcarts and cars move through shot.

  7. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  8. Oral history interview with Levi Argov

  9. Loading coal onto barges, Rhine River

    EXT, various MSs, crane and containers full of coal. Men, some shirtless, shoveling coal from railcars and loading it into containers, lifted by crane and put onto barges along Rhine River at Cologne. Industrial smokestacks seen in distant BG on other side of the Rhine. Sign partially visible on girder near railcars and crane includes "...werk Nieder...." Some shots are MCUs.

  10. Ice skating in Berlin

    MLS & LS of people ice skating in Friedrichsheim Park, Berlin.

  11. Torah fragment found in the ruins of a desecrated synagogue

    Torah fragment found in the ruins of a desecrated synagogue by Charles Braun, circa 1945, in Jaszbereny, Hungary. On March 19, 1944, Germany invaded Hungary and began to deport all Jews to concentration camps. Charles' wife was deported and he was sent to a labor camp. After the war ended in May 1945, Charles returned to Jaszbereny. His wife had been killed in the the gas chambers.

  12. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 638) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Judge Michael A. Musmanno explains that defendants Otto Rasch and Eduard Strauch were arraigned separately due to illness that prevented them from being in court on September 15. Benjamin Ferencz, the Chief Prosecutor for the US, reads to the court the crimes for which the defendants are charged. HAS of defendants. Ferencz: "Genocide - the extermination of whole categories of human beings - was the foremost instrument of the Nazi doctrine." 01:03:33 Chief Prosecutor Benjamin Fere...

  13. Oranienburg Camp

    Scenes of concentration camp in its early days. Group shot of inmates, who wear civilian clothes. Hilfspolizei with armband guards them. Inmates work at outdoor tables, scrubbing clothing. They participate in forced exercise. Eat meals, etc.

  14. Burning farm

    German tanks and troops cross field towards burning farms. VAR MS, MLS of barns and houses blazing, billowing smoke, horse in silhouette, then line of soldiers in silhouette in FG.

  15. Postwar Europe: destruction; burial; Berchtesgaden

    Home movies filmed during the liberation of Germany. Chicken in grass. Milt Ramoy talking, with Earl Soltan, a German woman, and other soldiers. Milt with a typewriter. 03:59:24 Bombed rubble of German village, remains of buildings. LS, field, convoy of military vehicles. Tank traps built by the Germans line the fields to prevent US tanks from crossing, CUs, called "Dragon's Teeth." 04:00:15 Devastated, bombed German town, gray ashen buildings. Milt poses in front of buildings, moving through town. LS, field of mines. Military convoy/jeeps, yellow sign for Ohrdruf, ruins of town, dead horse...

  16. Opening of Reichstag, 1933

    Church bells pealing; VLS tilt up and down from Garrisonkirche to crowd. Wearing formal dress, Hindenburg, Blomberg, Himmler et al. leave the church, accompanied by clerics, and get into a car. Very crowded scene of soldiers and citizens, including brief shot of men standing on base of large statue to be above the crowd and have a better view. Brownshirts struggling, arms linked, to keep crowd under control. Hitler and others walk down crowded, soldier-lined road in morning coats. LS from above of general scene; enthusiastic crowd. INT shot, Hindenburg speaks. Elaborate baroque INT of Reich...

  17. Belsen: German camp personnel identify themselves; British officers describe conditions; Hadassah Rosensaft speaks

    Testimony about camp given by former inmates, SS men and women, in German, Polish, and English. MCU, Dr. Fritz Klein speaks in German about his experience in Bergen Belsen. In BG, SS continue to bury corpses in pit. Same introduction in CU. MCU, Hela Goldstein speaks in German. Commanding Officer speaks in English, stands in front of chalkboard graph, "Most unpleasant task has been making SS, of which there are about 50, bury the dead...buried about 17,000...expect to bury about half as much again. When we came here, the conditions were indescribable. The people had had no food for six days...

  18. Industrial scene: cranes and chimneys

    Industrial scene at gas plant near Berlin. WS with cranes moving and smokestacks in BG.