Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,421 to 12,440 of 33,831
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Russian
  1. Wachttruppen (guard troops) take oath

    Guard regiment troops swear allegiance to Hitler at the Tannenberg Memorial in Berlin. Groups of soldiers line the courtyard of Kaserne, hands held up in "Sieg Heil" salute. Single voice leads oath, troops repeat. VAR LS pans of scene; sound is clear.

  2. Hitler speech

    Hitler speaks, good CUs. Speech: "It is not the economists, or professors or artists...that have raised the German people, but the political soldiers of the NSDAP... (cheers) ...The citizens who say yes to the Fuehrer, but say the Party is something else, know the Fuehrer is the Party and the Party is the Fuehrer... (cheers) ...I believe and I know that the Party will lead Germany to a bright future..." Very good quotes, gestures, and expressions.

  3. Hitler's 50th birthday

    People put out flags, garlands, pictures of Hitler, etc. decorating city for celebration of Hitler's 50th birthday. Presents brought to the Chancellery. Flags. Diplomats of various countries arrive, plane, car. Tracking shots of various Nazi decorations around city. Night shots: lit monuments, columns, flags, flames at Adolf Hitler Platz, Hitler in car through streets, crowds cheer. Music Corps play for Hitler (with Himmler) in Chancellery garden, people in traditional clothes with flowers, crowds watch, costumed children meet Hitler. VAR European leaders meet Hitler. Choir sings for Hitler...

  4. 6th Anniversary of Power; Nighttime Rally

    Celebration on 6th anniversary of the NSDAP coming to power [Machtergreifung]. Nighttime torch rally in Wilhelmstrasse. CU of banners. SA and SS. LS Hitler and Goering on balcony. Torch parade goes underneath balcony, more torches. From rooftop looking down onto balcony and street (unusual angle). Quick CU of Goering and Hitler. Sync sound of marching band, crowds. Good sound of drums and bugles/horns. Band plays. More torches. VLS includes Reichstag building in background. Torches seen from inside and through a window. Three stormtroopers march together, leading a division. Goering. Everyo...

  5. Banners

    Archway with garlands woven into the frame to say "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." Signs and banners saying "10 April: Ja" (ratification of Anschluss). Panning shots around city. Trolley cars, buses, cyclists. LS pan up street. Churches visible. Berliner Rathaus, Unter den Linden, Denkmal Humboldt statue, Friedrich des Grossen [Frederick the Great], Janowitz bridge, Teltow Kanal, Hallesches Tor, Pergamonmuseum, Hausvaerland, Messegelande, Pferderennen, Leipzigerstrasse. Train station. Olympic stadium. Marketplace.

  6. Hitler at Autobahn ceremony; Goebbels speaks

    Brief: MS of Hitler (upbeat) waving to passing motorcade during celebration of completion of another section of the Autobahn (Muenchen to Kirchhaven). 04:30:26 Goebbels speaks at Gauparteitag [Regional Party Day]. At outdoor rally, Goebbels on platform speaks re: the Party is the pillar of the German State. Intercut with various good shots of SA, NSDAP party members, army, SS, and other contingents with flags and crowds listening. Huge banner with eagle/swastika on scaffolding. Shots of contingents marching. Sound: "Horst Wessel Lied" (the SA anthem).

  7. Torchlight parade; SS take oath

    At night, SS swear allegience to Hitler at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich, Germany. Various shots of the building with torchlights, leader of oath on steps with Hitler and other officials, CUs of SS soldiers swearing, lines of SS with torches and standards.

  8. Luftwaffe takes oath of allegiance to Hitler

    Luftwaffe/stormtroopers and other military recruits swear allegience to Hitler at various garrisons in Germany, and at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. Soldiers on open field reviewed. Officer leads oath, CA to MS of soldiers with hands raised repeating oath, shot of similar scenes in other locations, shots of soldiers holding standard while swearing, artillery visible at times.

  9. Luftwaffe Honor Day

    Goering reviews Luftwaffe troops, watches a parade of Luftwaffe. Several good shots of Goering in full regalia, good shots of goosestepping, CUs of soldiers (many shots familiar).

  10. Hitler Youth Rally

    Hitler enters Olympic Stadium (music and cheers), climbs steps to podium, shaking hands, receiving flowers, salutes officials on platform, intercut with shots of masses of children in HJ and BDM uniforms; cheering and saluting. Hitler salutes children, von Shirach greets Hitler, who goes to microphone briefly. Extraordinary LS pan of stadium, with audience spelling out in stands "Wir Gehoeren Dir" [We belong to you], lines of children in different uniforms on stadium ground.

  11. Reconstruction after WWI

    A documentary motion picture about Poland and its post WWI reconstruction. Shows war-ravaged country, caused by Russian-German conflict, to which Polish refugees return and try to make dugouts livable until they can rebuild homes. Friends Relief Mission provides harnesses and horses to haul wood for reconstruction, amd health care. Mission distributes Christmas gifts provided by Junior American Red Cross, and employs refugees thereby providing self-help.

  12. Truman with Chaim Weizmann

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 21, No. 147, Part 2A. Release date, 05/27/1948. President Truman greets Chaim Weizmann, leader of the new Jewish state in Palestine, and receives from him a Torah. The Israel President, hoping for lifting of arms embargo, later sails from New York on first leg of journey to the Holy Land. Unrelated newsreel footage follows this clip at: 01:53:51 "Sporting Highlights: Solons in Baseball Slugfest; British Soccer Champs Win"

  13. Scheldt Islands; Eisenhower; liberation of Bucharest; Yugoslavia and Tito

    02:01:43 "Allies Clear Scheldt Islands" Allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. 02:03:22 "Eisenhower honors Allied Air Chiefs"General Eisenhower honors General Spaatz and British Generals Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. 02:04:05 "Bucharest Liberated" Citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. 02:05:32 "Balkan Patriots Aided by Allies" Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.

  14. Newsreel film recording worldwide war activities

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1: (1941-42) Pearl Harbor is attacked. President Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill inspects damage in London. Shows destruction in Russia and China. Industry is converted to war production. Draftees are inducted and trained. German submarines sink US ships. Wheat, factories, and bridges are destroyed by retreating Russians. Shows Cordell Hull.

  15. Newsreel showing League of Nations, Japanese troops, Anschluss

    Reel 2 shows a League of Nations meeting and, later, Japan's delegates leaving after resigning. Japanese troops enter Shanghai. Shows fighting in China and Japanese air raid. Shows peaceful Japanese scenes and ceremonies at a baseball game. Hirohito reviews troops. Mussolini addresses a throng; Italy invades Ethiopia; Haile Selassi rallies his people. An Italian representative speaks in Japan. Germany marches into Austria (March 1938).

  16. Jews at UNRRA camp in Austria

    Displaced persons, UNRRA. Signs in Hebrew. At right, sign reading "UNRRA DP camp Admont." Several scenes of Jews marching with picks and shovels. LS, camp, tending crops, hoeing, women washing (various shots). MCU, four men walking on dirt road, UNRRA official? UNRRA officers caring for children. School children, teenagers sitting at desks outside, teacher writes on blackboard: "We hope to go to Palestine" in English and Hebrew. Couple looking at announcement board. CU, man sitting on steps.

  17. Supplies produced and shipped to US troops during WWII

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 3: (1942) US material of war is made and stored. Shows many ship launchings. Troops arrive in England and New Caledonia. Planes and ships deliver supplies in various sectors. Marines land on Guadalcanal.

  18. Allied troops in Pacific; German generals in Africa; German surrender to Russia

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 4: (1942-43) Allied troops fight in New Guinea jungles. British armor routs the enemy in Egypt, capturing many Italians. US and British troops land in French North Africa. Shows the scuttled French fleet. A Russian pincer entraps Germans; Romanians and Germans (including 24 generals) surrender. Shows Generals MacArthur, Alexander, and Montgomery.

  19. Victory at Stalingrad; Casablanca conference; invasion of Italy; US troops attack by air

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 5: (1943) The victory at Stalingrad is celebrated. FDR, Churchill, and de Gaulle confer at Casablanca. US and British troops meet in Tunisia; Gen. Eisenhower greets Gen. Montgomery. Bizerte, Tunis, and many German prisoners are captured. Sicily and Italy are invaded. Mussolini is ousted. The Italian fleet surrenders to Gen. Eisenhower. Naples greets US troops. Allied planes bomb and strafe enemy targets and down German fighters over Europe.

  20. Russian troops celebrate liberation; conferences; invasion of Normandy; Allied troops

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 6: (1943-44) Russian troops, guerrillas, and citizens celebrate their victory. Marines land and fight on Tarawa. FDR and Churchill meet with Chiang Kai-shek at Cairo and with Stalin at Teheran. Shows Tito and Yugoslav guerrillas. Normandy is invaded; Allied troops and French guerrillas battle Germans.