Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 67
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Russian
Holding Institution: Державний архів Одеської області
  1. Претура Гросулівського району, с. Гросулове Велико-Михайлівського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Grossulovo District, Village of Grossulovo (Tiraspol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. There are also lists of residents of the Grossulovo district and the village of Liubashevka having occupied the homes of Jews interned in ghettos (f, R-2383, f. R-2387, 1943); etc. The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  2. Претура Любашівського району, с. Любашівка Любашівського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Liubashevka District, Village of Liubashevka (Golta County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these are decrees of the Governorate of Transnistria forbidding Jews to mail packages and letters or use a Romanian-language greeting, and on rights granted to Jewish doctors; orders of the Liubashevka county prefecture barring correspondence and telephone communications between the Jews of Transnistria and Romania ...

  3. Претура Овідіопольського району, м. Овідіополь Овідіопольського р-ну Одеської області

    • .District Pretura of the Ovidiopol' District, Town of Ovidiopol' (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include decrees of the governor of Transnistria on the mandatory work of Jews in Transnistria (1943); resolutions of the governor of Transnistria and...

  4. Претура Піщанського району, с. Піщани

    • District Pretura, Pishchany District, Village of Pishchany
  5. Претура Троїцького району, с. Троїцьке Троїцького р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Troitskoe District, Village of Troitskoe (Anan'ev County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these are documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include copies of the order of the Governorate of Transnistria on the resettlement of Jews in ghettos and conditions for maintaining them there (1942) The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  6. Претура Францфельдського району, с. Францфельд Овідіопольського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Frantsfel’d District, Village of Frantsfel’d (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these is a copy of orders of the migration service and the Governorate Directorate of Labor on procedures for transmitting material aid to Transnistrian Jews from the Central Office of the Jews of Romania (1943). Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include copie...

  7. Претура Цебриківського району, с. Цебрикове Цебріковського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Tsebrikovo District, Village of Tsebrikovo (Tiraspol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include the order (31 December 1942) that all Jews interned in the Vapniarka camp be removed, that able-bodied Jewish workers be assigned amongst sectoral directorates of the Governorate, and that ghettos be set up in the villages of ...

  8. Претура Чорнянського району, с. Чорне Чорнянського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura, Chernaia District, Village of Chernaia (Dubossary County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps.

  9. Префектура Балтського повіту, м. Балта Балтського р-ну Одеської області

    • County Prefecture of the Balta County, City of Balta, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are reports of police praetors and agents on living conditions of Jews in the camps of Balta county (f. R-2358, 1942); etc. A considerable portion of the documents consists of lists of the Jewish population, including of Jewish specialists of Ovidiopol’...

  10. Префектура Березовського повіту, с. Березівка Березовського р-ну Одеської області

    • Berezovka County Prefecture, Village of Berezovka

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these is information of the military praetorate of the village of Myndra (now in Moldova) on rounding up Jews and imprisoning them in camps (1942); military command instructions on using 4,000 Gypsies and Jews in the construction of defense installations (194...

  11. Префектура Овідіопольського повіту губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Овідіополь Овідіопольского р-ну Одеської області, м. Одеса

    • County Prefecture of the Ovidiopol’ County, City of Ovidiopol’, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are: correspondence with the Directorate of Labor and the Governorate gendarmerie on using Jews and POWs at work sites, and on payment for the labor of Jewish doctors and pharmacists (f. R-2357, 1943-44); etc. A considerable portion of the documents con...

  12. Префектура Одеського повіту, м. Одеса

    • Odessa County Prefecture, City of Odessa

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are orders of the prefecture and district preturas of Odessa county expelling Jews to Berezovka and confiscating their valuables (1942-43). A considerable portion of the documents consists of lists of the Jewish population, including of Jewish specialis...


    Директивные указания Совета Народных Комисаров УССР и отдела по делам репатриации (1945 г.). Извлечения и выписки из постановлений и решений облисполкома и обкома КП(б)В, материалы, сведения и переписка с Советом Народных Комисаров УССР, отделом репатриации при СНК УССР, райисполкомами Одесской области и др. учреждениями по вопросам приема трудового и бытового устройства репатриированных советских граждан и предоставления им помощи (1945-1953 гг.). Планы работы, отчеты о работе отдела. Записки по реабилитационным делам (1945-1952 гг.). Докладные записки инспекторов отдела репатриации о резу...

  14. Примарія с. Топали, с. Топали Чорнянського району Одеської області.

    • Village Primaria, Village of Topaly (Chernaia District, Dubossary County)

    The fond includes two inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include (op. 1) a report of the primaria of Topaly (Chernaia district) of 8 December 1941 addressed to the Chernaia pretura on the establishment in the territory of the village of Topaly of a Jewish ghetto numbering ninety-one persons and on the selection of its leaders; and lists of Jewish families residing in Topaly, and of Jewish specialists in the Topaly ghetto (1941). The documents are in Romanian and Russian.


    Биографические документы С. Н. Рузанкина – личные документы, материалы о трудовой деятельности, награждении и др. (1938-1992 гг.), Рукописи статей о пребывании в фашистском плену: „У каждого своя биография (записки кацетника)”, „Люди, прошедшие ад”, „В плену у желтого дьявола”. Записная книжка с заметками о пребывании в плену с адресами других советских военнопленных – узников концлагерей. Переписка с бывшими узниками концлагерей и остарбайтерами. Фотографии Рузанкина С.Н.


    Румынская православная миссия была религиозным представительством королевской Румынии на оккупационной территории Транснистрии. Контролировала деятельность религиозных сект, проводила профессиональную подготовку служащих религиозных культов, а также Одесской духовной семинарии. Докладные записки, отчеты служителей церкви, переписка с административными учреждениями, в том числе с жандармерией. Ведомости о личном составе служителей миссии, Одесской духовной семинарии, списки религиозных сект.


    Приказы и распоряжения Губернаторства Транснистрии. Приказы по институту об увольнении и приеме на работу. Протоколы заседаний дирекции института, собраний филиалов института. Циркуляры об организации филиала. Постановление о переселении румын. Устав института и схема. Списки: румын и молдаван, просивших материальной помощи; молдаван, находящихся в лагере; сотрудников института - молдаван; служащих, сотрудников института; учащихся; лиц, приглашенных на работу в редакцию журнала «Транснистрия»; сотрудников-молдаван, проживавших на квартирах и в общежитиях; лиц, освобожденных на 7 июля 1943 г...