Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 121 to 140 of 335
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Romanian
Holding Institution: Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Onderzoekscentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Recherche sur la Shoah et les Droits Humains
  1. Hans Lichtmehs. Collection

    Digitised copy of a postcard describing the worries of dr. Hans Lichtmehs, detained at the Saint-Cyprien camp in France, to his uncle Richard Wolf living in New York, USA.

  2. Hans Rosenblatt. Collection

    This collection contains: a digital copy of the Rosenblatt-Ginsberg family photo album, including photos of Hans Rosenblatt, his parents Adolf Rosenblatt and Lea Ginsberg, his uncle Samuel Rosenblatt and his adoptive parents David Dorn and Hanna alias Fanny Dorn taken before, during and after the war ; Samuel Rosenblatt’s American immigrant identification card from 1939 ; an album with handwritten messages of friends of Lea Ginsberg which she took with her when she migrated from Poland to Vienna to marry Adolf Rosenblatt ; postcards received by Lea Ginsberg in France in 1941 from her family...

  3. Hauser-Ingber family. Collection

    This collection contains eleven photos of members of the Hauser and Ingber families. A first photo shows Melanie Ingber in 1920, who married Pinkus (Paul) Barber. A next one shows Rene Reinhold in 1936, son of Charlotte Ingber and Salomon Reinhold. Charlotte Ingber with son Sylvain Reinhold is visible in the third photo from 1938. On the fourth photo from 1944 Salomon Reinhold, husband of Charlotte Ingber, can be seen. The fifth photo portrays Charlotte Ingber herself in 1926. Jacob/Jukiel Ingber and Regina Neubauer, parents of Charlotte and Melanie, can be seen on the next one from 1909. T...

  4. Henoch Kujawski. Collection

    This item is a work permit signed by Charles Cymring, principal of the Ecole moyenne juive de Bruxelles (Jewish Middle School of Brussels) in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels, certifying that Henoch Kujawski worked at the school as a member of the administrative committee.

  5. Henri Dewindt. Collection

    This collection consists of: a post-war photo of resistance fighter and political prisoner Henri Dewindt, 15 medals received by Henri Dewindt post-war, three political prisoner bracelets worn by Henri Dewindt during post-war manifestations, a gold pin created by Dominique Labordery for the association of former political prisoners in Mechelen, a photo of the combined pins, and a newspaper clipping from Het Laatste Nieuws regarding a New Year’s reception for former political prisoners in 1987.

  6. Henri Oerlemans. Collection

    This collection contains ten paint containers, a paint brush, a book on world history and a sticker book which belonged to Sylvain Honigwachs, a chess board and chess pieces which belonged to Mala (Malka) Zimetbaum and two statues (named Sylvain and Myriam) created by Henri Oerlemans. After winning a number of prizes and exhibiting his art work in several different places, Henri decided to stay a free artist. Thus inspired by his heart and his emotions, sculptures such as Myriam and Sylvain were born, both Jewish friends of his. She was a skinny, fragile, sweet girl. Henri pictured her as h...

  7. Henrotte-Balay family. Collection

    This collection contains : a declaration signed by Emile Dernivoy regarding the resistance activities of Hubert Henrotte and Emma Balay ; certificates of civil resistance awarded to Hubert Henrotte and Emma Balay by the Kingdom of Belgium ; a class picture of the fourth grade at the Bressoux communal school in 1936-1937, with among the pupils Louise Henrotte and five identified Jewish girls, including Estera Chana (Anna) Szlamowicz.

  8. Herta Frucht. Collection

    This collection contains two group photos of girls spending their summer at the Diesterweg children’s colony in Heide-Kalmthout in 1939. Among those depicted are Herta Frucht and her friend Maria De Roy.

  9. Hollander-Götz family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos : portrait of Vigdor Getsel (Victor) Hollander and a pre-war photo of Esther Pschetizki with her sons Abraham, Isaak, Eliezer and Israel Helfgott.

  10. Illustrated report of memories of the deported men and boys of Diepenbeekstraat by the occupying forces in Antwerp. Collection

    The collection features an illustrated report titled "Geïllustreerde reportage: Herinneringen aan onze Weggevoerden der Van Diepenbeekstraat te Antwerpen" ("Illustrated Report: Memories of Our Deported from Van Diepenbeekstraat in Antwerp"). This report sheds light on a significant historical event during the Nazi occupation, wherein work refusers were gathered in the Van Diepenbeekstraat and subsequently deported to Germany. The seven-page report includes four compelling photographs depicting the building used by the Germans for this purpose. Accompanying the visuals is a detailed narrativ...

  11. Ilzycer-Dembrowska family. Collection

    This collection consists of one postcard sent by Icchok Ilzycer, during his internment at the Dossin barracks in April 1943, to the catholic priest Roger Dereymaeker. The text contains an encoded reference to Icchok Ilzycer youngest daughter Jenny, whom was in hiding.

  12. Immigration files of Jews, Roma and Sinti, compiled by the Belgian Public Safety Office and its successor, the Belgian Aliens Police (Vreemdelingenpolitie - Police des Étrangers). Collection

    This collection contains a selection of files compiled by the Belgian Aliens Police (Vreemdelingenpolitie - Police des Étrangers), relevant for research on the Holocaust in Belgium : the files of Jews, Roma and Sinti deported from the Dossin barracks, the files of Jews living in Belgium and deported from France, the files of Jewish armed resistance fighters, the files of Jewish members of hiding networks, the files of Jews detained at the Breendonk camp for political prisoners, and the files of Jews liberated at or released from the Dossin barracks. The information on the cover of each file...

  13. In memoriam - Kurt Lowenstein. Collection

    The item in this collection is an In Memoriam dedicated to the memory of dr. Kurt Lowenstein (1885-1939), a German socialist politician and a founder of the Socialist Youth of Germany - Red Falcons (Rote Falke).

  14. Index cards of the Möbelaktion (Räumung) in Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains 2,913 index cards which refer to the Möbelaktion (Räumung), the spoliation of Jewish homes, in Antwerp. Each index card contains the address of a plundered home, the name of the Jewish resident, the date of the clearance and a file number referring to a more comprehensive file, which no longer exists today.

  15. Index cards on Jews from Belgium interned in or deported from France. Collection

    This collection consists of index cards containing information on 9,765 Jewish men, women and children who in general lived in Belgium before the Second World War and who were interned in or deported from French internment camps during the war. The group of index cards for a specific person can contain a file card drafted by the Sicherheitspolizei-Sicherheitsdienst in 1941-1944 in case of a person who fled Belgium in or after 1941 and a research request filed by a relative. Every group of index cards for a specific person contains handwritten file cards with information gathered post-war by...

  16. Ines Jacobsohn. Collection

    This collection consists of: one photo of Ines Jacobsohn, deported from Drancy to Auschwitz-Birkenau via Transport 31 on 11 September 1942 ; letters and postcards written by Ines Jacobsohn during her internment at Rivesaltes to her mother and siblings in France and Switzerland ; postcard thrown out of the deportation train by Ines Jacobsohn ; a letter from the Aude prefecture confirming the deportation of Ines Jacobsohn.

  17. Information bulletin regarding non-Belgian residents of the Zonhoven municipality. Collection

    12 information bulletins on 18 Jews and 1 French national, expelled from Antwerp to the Zonhoven municipality in the Limburg province in January-February 1941 ; one postwar letter addressed by Isaac Hausner to the Zonhoven municipality, requesting a copy of his information bulletin. Each form contains : surname, first names, date and place of birth, nationality, profession, date and location of marriage, names of the parents, legal address abroad, date of arrival in Belgium, subsequent addresses in Belgium, legal documents and financial situation.

  18. Ingrid De Varez. Collection

    This collection contains two letters, two resistance cards and two photos. First is a witness statement signed by members of two families who were hidden by Mr. Van Immerseel: Nathan Sommer recte Binik, Cynria Friedlander recto Dijm, Elias (Echaz) Chaim Lipszyc, Dora Dirdak, Jules Lipszyc and Toby Lipszyc. Second is a letter notifying Maria Van Der Meeren that her court order against Ms. Goffa, wife of VNV-member Armand Leclercq, has been reversed to protect the VNV and not disadvantage any family members of its members. The two present resistance cards belonged to Mr. Van Immerseel and to ...

  19. Isbert Adam and Martin Bendheim. Collection

    This collection contains a notarial deed from Danzig, regarding a power of attorney attributed to the Aronsohn and Barnass families ; financial deeds regarding shipping company "Havana importer S.A." and the debt suffered by associate Martin Bendheim ; a list summing up the content of a business or a house, probably the abolished office of "Havana Importer S.A." branch led by Martin Bendheim ; a Dutch death certificate of Martha Sara Barschall, mother of Isbert Adam ; correspondence and forms regarding the shipping of several valuable paintings among which a canvas by Pieter-Paul Rubens ; t...

  20. Items of the Belgian police force. Collection

    This collection consists of: the uniform (trousers, belt, jacket and cap) worn by the Mechelen police corps in 1931-1951 (probably the Interbellum); a war-time white helmet worn by the Antwerp police corps; a black helmet worn by the Antwerp police corps from the First World War until 1942; a white helmet worn by the Deurne police corps from 1942 until the 1960s; a cap introduced by the German occupying authorities and worn by the Antwerp police corps in 1940-1944; a file with documents on the Mobile Police Brigade in Mechelen, 1943-1944.