Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 121 to 140 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Romanian
Country: United States
  1. Russian campaign; burning villages

    Russia. Mud. Smolensk. Winter Russia. German soldiers. Fires. Attacks. March 1943. Civilians. Simferopol. Romania 1944. Entertainers. 01:09:36 Seven hanged Jews (two women, five men) wearing yellow stars, near Minsk in November 1941. WS, MS, MC, CUs. With a printed sign: "Diese Juden haben gegen die deutsche Wehrmacht gehetzt!" (see RG-60.1281). Brief views of Roma camp in Tiraspol.

  2. German officer & von Manstein questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    01:14:31 (Munich 339) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 10, 1946. Unidentified German officer is interrogated by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence (latter is not seen). 01:16:13 (Munich 343) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, no date. Former Field Marshal von Manstein is cross-examined by US prosecutor Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor. Von Manstein is specifically questioned about the Einsatzgruppen in his area of operation, he testifies that he was not directly concerned with them and did not know what they were doing.

  3. Verdoner child plays in the yard

    Yoka Verdoner, playing in her yard, alone, then in the company of her mother, another woman, father and grandfather.

  4. Book

    Book banned in the Third Reich.

  5. Prague, 1946

    EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). VS: reconstruction of buildings in Prague. INT: VS: young adults/university age students; a reading room; CU of books on the bookshelves (Polish titles); MS: a group of young men socialize in a dormitory room, pictures of dignitaries and a poster of Prague hang on the walls; CU of a professor's classroom door. Inside the classroom, English lessons in progress, female teacher. VS: CUs of the students in class and at a social gathering.

  6. Aberbach family collection

    The collection consists of papers, documents, identity cards, passports, a photograph and newspapers relating to Adolf and Anna Aberbach's emmigration from Germany aboard the MS St. Louis.

  7. Allied air attacks on Germany; Rhine offensive

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 1: "E.T.O. - Allied Air Attacks on Germany" AVs of bomber planes, bombs dropping, bombs exploding, many scenes shot at night or at dusk. 13 February: RAF Lancasters and German Scarecrow bombs exploding in mid-air. Pathfinder flares and incendiaries mark immediate targets. AAF Flying Fortresses bombing German communication centers and freight yards. Attacks on Dresden; destruction. 22 February: RAF planes over enemy territory, "a typical day of all-out bombing." RAF bombs highways and viaducts, onslaught on German tra...

  8. Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker

    Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker: "Gestorben am/5 Marz 33." Depicts a man lying in bed. Red, white and red ink on paper with adhesive backing.

  9. "The Holocaust Years"

    Consists of one memoir, 20 pages, entitled "The Holocaust Years", written by Morris Gliklich, originally of Nisko, Poland. In the memoir, Mr. Gliklich describes pre-war life in Nisko, the German invasion of Poland, anti-Jewish legislation, and their escape into Russian territory. While in Russian territory, the family was reunited with Mr. Gliklich's father, whom they had believed to have been killed during the German invasion. The family was forced onto a train headed east and arrived in Siberia, where they lived in the areas of Synia and Kirinsk until 1943. The family slowly made their wa...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- May Day celebration; Masaryk

    Universal Newsreel outtakes: May Day celebration in Prague. Czechs honor Masaryk's birthday; Czech troops. 1919, Masaryk pinning medals on French soldiers.

  11. Suwalki street scenes, orphanage, and cemetery

    Lottie Bland at the Suwalki cemetery. Ritual washing house [Taharah] by the entrance of the cemetery, plaque on wall with Biblical verses recited during the ritual washing, the washing table. Locals gather around the Bland family's car. Zlotke poses for the camera with a family member. Scenes on Kasciuszko Street, crowds. Suwalki city hall. A man collecting for the Talmud Torah. Harold pumps water at a well while his father Herman helps him. Two peasant women with a cart. Dr. Erdreich's apothecary store on Kosciuszko Street. Women wash clothes on a canal off of the Czarna Hancza River. Scen...

  12. Irene Parkinson papers

    4 documents, 6 photographs, and one copy print documenting Irene Parkinson's experiences on the ship Exodus.

  13. FDR speaks

    "Roosevelt Reports to the Nation!" Editor's Note: "What the man on the street thinks of Roosevelt's report." FDR at desk speaking. Shots of Americans and US soldiers listening to radio address. "Man on the street" talks: Mrs. Benjamin Levy (housewife); Mrs. Gustav Denreuther (elderly woman); and Douglas Fairbanks, Esq. (speaking after he leaps over rail of ship).

  14. Goebbels speaks at SA funeral

    Goebbels speaks passionately, emotionally, at rainy funeral of two SA men, Hans Eberhard Maikowski and Zavritz, who died 1/30/1933. Great drama and solemnity: "Deutschland free of was a dream, but now it is a reality. Germany is in your hands."

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- England 1939: posters with Hitler & Goebbels "wanted for murder"

    Blackout preparations in London: men paint white stripes on trees, lamp posts, and curbs. People at a gas mask depot in Lambeth. A newly married couple exits a church. The bride, groom, and bridesmaids all carry gas masks. A sign on the side of a building informs the public that gas masks are the property of the government and must be properly cared for. A young boy sitting on a curb opens a box containing a gas mask and puts it on. Men pile sandbags around a fire alarm box. "Wanted!" posters featuring photos of Hitler and Goebbels. Men paint car bumpers white for driving in a blackout. San...

  16. Polish villagers relocating, receiving new clothing, relaxing

    Poles on country road, moving with carts/horses. CUs, women eating soup. Map. Tent city. Well-made civilian clothing and shoes distributed to peasants. Performance, dancers. Group walking, smiling. Waterfall, families at rest, relaxing, knitting by lakeside. Church service outdoors. Polish soldier speaking to family. Waving goodbye. 01:16:08 Children eating at long tables, at school outdoors, working in fields. Female and male officers marching.

  17. Rose and Ben Gross collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, photographs and identification cards for Rose and Ben Gross who survived the Holocaust in Europe, met in Reichenbach and married.

  18. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; various scenes of the Nuremberg Trial

    16:00:40 (Munich 263) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 27, 1946. Different shots of Capt. Raphael Schumacher questioning former Lt. Heinz Tomhardt. MS, visiting newspaper men seated in courtroom. 16:04:41 (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. (silent) LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. CU, assistant British prosecutor at table. CU, an American prosecutor at table. MS, Gen. Telford Taylor. MS, Sir Maxwell-Fyfe speaking to colleague. MS, showing part of the interpreters' bench. Pan to prisoners' dock. Two defense lawyers conversing during reces...

  19. German educational film: instructional film on boxing techniques

    This instructional film teaches young men how to box. The film features an adult trainer and several young (adolescent and pre-adolescent) boys practicing boxing techniques. They are in a gym and at times in a boxing ring. Intertitles in Boxen der Jugend 8: Gewhonung an finten Dopplestobe zum kinn und zum korper und umgekehrt. Translation: Practicing the art of the 'fake' or the 'dodge' Doublehook to the chin and the body and reverse hook.