Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 122
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Holding Institution: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
  1. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  2. Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (Vilnius)

    This fonds contains official orders, decrees, proclamations, and announcements from the occupying authorities. Proclamation by the Liberation propaganda headquarters in Lithuania: proclamation urging people to fight the "Jewish constitution" and demeaning Jews. Appeal to fight Soviet rule; appeal to fight the Jews. The Jews accused of deporting Lithuanians. Proclamation of the information bureau of Lithuania in Berlin (part 4 is addressed to Jews: they are advised to "get out of Lithuania to avoid becoming unnecessary victims"). Call to expropriate Jews' property.

  3. Trakų apskrities viršininko fondas

    • Chief of Trakai County

    The collection of the chief of Trakai (Troki) county contains important documents concerning activities of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations before the Second World War. There are also documents about establishing ghettos in the district, confiscation of Jewish private property, and annihilation of Jews in the province of Lithuania.

  4. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Many files of people who were arrested and interrogated at the prison; files of political and criminal prisoners and POW's; personal files of Jews who were imprisoned there from the end of June 1941 until September 1941, as well as documents about prison activities.

  5. Ukmergės apylinkės teismas

    • The Court of the Rural District of Ukmergė

    The fonds contains civil and criminal files, protocols of the interrogations of eyewitnesses with testimonies about events in the town during the Second World War.

  6. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR darbo liaudies komisariatas

    • Labour People Commissariat in Lithuania and Byelorussia Soviet Socialist Republics

    Lists of local residents (Jewish names included); lists of interprises, shops, companies; documentation concerning working and searching for job.

  7. Švenčionių apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Švenčionys District

    The files concern anti-semitic posters from April 1942 ("Jews are your deadly enemy"); confiscation of Jewish property and adaptation for such property for public use (for example: the synagogue was adapted for police purposes); the report of the chief of the county concerning registration by doctors Aryan origins all cases of deaths of Jews in August 1942; the main instructions for how settlements in the county were to deal with Jews, how they were to forced Jews to work, how they were to confiscate and register private property of Jews from September 1941.

  8. Lietuvos TSR vietinės pramonės ministerija

    • Ministry of Industry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Documents about nationalized Jewish property throughout all of Lithuania starting from August 1940.

  9. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR teisingumo liaudies komisariato Švenčionių apskrities revoliucinio liaudies teismo Tardymo komisija

    • The Commission of Inquiry of the Revolutionary People's Court of the Švenčionys District People's Commissariat of Justice of the Lithuanian and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republics
    • Следственная комиссия Революционного народного суда Свентянского уезда Народного комиссариата юстиции Литовской и Белорусской ССР

    Files according countr-revolutionary activities and various kinds of crimes in the district; names of the local residents (including Jews).

  10. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania of the Panevėžys Branch of Lithuanian General Region

    The fonds contains reports of Police precints chiefs of the districts to Police chief of the Panevėžys district concerning exile of local residents to Siberia on June 1941; reports about the first days of the Nazi occupation in the district; reports from the Security police about arrested Jews, communists and ect.

  11. Ostlando filmų įmonės Lietuvos skyrius Vilniuje ir Ostlando filmų bendrovės Kauno skyrius

    • Filmbetriebe Ostland Zweigstelle Litauen, Wilna; Ostland-Film-Gesellschaft m. b. H. Zweigstelle Kauen)
    • Vilnius and Kaunas Departments of the Ostland Films Company in Lithuania

    Documents related to Nazi propaganda films; list of movie theatres in Lithuania; list of the theatres’ staff members, list of Jewish staff members.

  12. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Marijampolės skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung Mariampol des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania, Marijampolė Section

    There are documents and correspondence concerning arrests of local residents, among whom were Jews, Soviet activists, and communists.

  13. Vilniaus 190-oji kariuomenės apgyvendinimo valdyba

    • Heeresunterkunftsverwaltung 190 Wilna
    • German Army Housing Administration 190, Vilnius

    There are documents (correspondence, reports, circulars) concerning forced labour of Jews in labour camps in Vilnius (Wilna) and Kaunas (Kovno).

  14. Vilniaus miesto vykdomojo komiteto Sveikatos apsaugos skyrius

    • Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city

    Documents about activities of the medical institutions in Vilnius; lists of physicians and medical staff (Jewish names included).

  15. 1940 -1941 m. rinkimų dokumentų kolekcija

    • The Collection of the Election Documents (1940-1941)

    Lists of the electors (with many Jewish names) from many districts of Lithuania on December 1940-January 1941; statistics on the electors by nationality.

  16. Religijų reikalų taryba prie Lietuvos TSR Ministrų Tarybos

    • The Board of Religious Affairs Under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Register of communities; surveillance files of Jewish religious communitie; correspondence concerning activities against members of the Jewish religious communities during the period of Soviet occupation.

  17. Ukmergės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Ukmergė County

    The fonds consists of information about refugees in 1940, correspondence and statistics about refugees in the district (there are many Jewish names), applications of the residents (many Jewish names) to obtain passports in 1940, information about Jewish organizations from 1922 to 1940, the lists of residents who were punished for administrative offenses (many Jewish names). *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information about the people in question before the Holocaust. *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information a...

  18. Vilniaus apygardos teismo prokuroras

    • Staatsanwalt beim Bezirksgericht Wilna
    • Prosecutor of Vilnius District Court

    Personal files (Jewish names included) of citizens who have committed crimes or have been suspected in committment of crime (photo of arrested person is included). The files consist of personal information as well as information of the members of the family.

  19. Lietuvos TSR komunalinio ūkio ministerija

    • Ministry of Municipal Economy of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Subfonds No. 1 to No. 3 consist of files concerning nationalisation of private property; correspondence about staff salaries, functions and activities of the staff, as well as a list of the staff (includes many Jewish names). There is information concerning the Great Synagogue in Vilnius in the period of the first Soviet period.

  20. Marijampolės apskrities ir valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of Marijampolė County

    Files from the municipalities of 22 small rural districts of Marijampolė County. Lists of the residents (includes many Jewish names) of the district, lists of nationalized Jewish property, correspondence concerning the labour of war prisoners, list of the Marijampolė Judenrat, correspondence concerning food supply and Jewish property, lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jewish property and lists of local residents who have bought Jewish belongings and property (October 1941).