Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 821 to 840 of 33,862
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Russian
  1. Documentation from the Niedersaechsische Staatsarchiv Stade

    Documentation from the Niedersaechsische Staatsarchiv Stade Included in the collection among other documents are requests submitted to the regional assistance committee, the Sonderhilfsausschuss fuer den Reb.-Bezirk Stade, by persecuted people, to receive a stipend or assistance.

  2. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Ulm (Municipal Archives)

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Ulm (Municipal Archives)

  3. M.39 - Documentation from the State Archive in the Odessa Region, 1939-1945

    M. 39- Documentation from the State Archive in the Odessa Region, 1939-1945 In the collection there is official documentation from the Romanian regime in Transnistria, including the decision made by Marshal Ion Antonescu regarding Romanian military officials in Transnistria and a list of names of the government officials. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the deportation of Jews to camps in Transnistria, lists of Jews deported to Transnistria and where they were located in 1942, prepared by the Jewish Center, lists of Gypsies deported from Romania to Transnistria, documentation...

  4. Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the collection, among other material, are orders of the German authorities, including orders regarding the evacuation of residents, a call by the head of the Police in Belorussia in the Koidanovo area to members of the partisans detachments to surrender, and procedures regarding the collection of taxes.

  5. Documentation of the Narodnaya Samopomoshch association in Mogilev, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the Narodnaya Samopomoshch association in Mogilev, 1942-1944 Included in the collection: - List of members of the association; - Regulations; - Budget; - List of property; - Instructions.

  6. תיקי בדיקת רכוש (Vermoegenskontrollakten) של Finanzamt Wuerzburg, בואריה

    Finanzamt (tax authority) Wuerzburg: property control files In 1946, the Bavarian State Office for Asset Management and Restitution was set up in Munich. It served for the supervision and execution of the property control ordered by the occupying power, for the administration of the assets confiscated under the law for the liberation from national socialism and militarism or under fiduciary administration and for the accomplishment of the reparations. The office was initially reporting to the prime minister, since 1948 to the Ministry of Finance. Since 1948, an independent State Office for ...

  7. M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary

    M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary In the Record Group there are lists of deportees, lists of Jewish property, official correspondence, trials conducted against war criminals in Peoples' Courts in Budapest and Pécs, including the major trials held immediately after the war, such as the Szalasi Trial. There is also documentation from the [Jewish] communities regarding ghettos, anti-Jewish directives and orders, announcements and receipts issued for payments taken from Jewish funds to cover the expenses of building the ghetto.

  8. Documents of the Reich Committee for the Battle Against Tuberculosis (Reichstuberkuloseausschuss), 1941-1945

    Documents of the Reich Committee for the Battle Against Tuberculosis (Reichstuberkuloseausschuss), 1941-1945 Documents of the Reich Tuberculosis Committee from the war period. Most of the documents relate to activities to eradicate tuberculosis among forced laborers. Some of the documents relate to Jews (orders regarding tuberculosis among Jews, reference to a vaccine against tuberculosis that was developed by a Jewish doctor, and more).

  9. Documentation of the Jugendbehoerde I (Youth Office I) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Jugendbehoerde I (Youth Office I) in Hamburg

  10. Documentation of the local Soviet authorities in the Mogilev region, 1941-1980

    Documentation of the local Soviet authorities in the Mogilev region, 1941-1980 Included in the collection is a list of homeowners in Bobruysk in 1941, a list of Jewish soldiers from Bobruysk who were killed or listed as missing in action during 1939-1944, and documentation regarding the murder of residents of the Osipovichi district during 1941-1944.

  11. Collection of documentation from private sources regarding the Jews of Italy, mainly during the period of World War II

    Collection of documentation from private sources regarding the Jews of Italy, mainly during the period of World War II - Official, personal and family documentation of the Jews in Italy during the Holocaust; - Diaries kept during the Holocaust in Italy; - Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period in Italy; - Documentation regarding stories of rescue of Jews in Italy during the Holocaust; - Documentation regarding Jewish fighters in the resistance and serving in the Italian Army; - Collection containing material from Gianfranco Moscati from Naples.

  12. M.41.GAOOMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region

    M.41.GAOOGO - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region The regional Archive of the Communist Party was established in Mogilev in March 1940. Before its establishment, the responsibility for the conservation of the Communist Party documents was imposed on the History Department starting in 1925, and as of 1927 the responsibility was imposed on the Communist Party Archive of the Mogilev region. During the period of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), the documentati...

  13. Documentation of Soviet local authorities in Estonia, 1940 - 1941

  14. Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region, 1913-1946

    Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region

  15. Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942 - Instructions by the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kostopol; - Statistical data regarding the nationalization of property and the sale of Jewish homes, 19/12/1941-29/09/1942; - Appeals to the Kostopol municipality by two Jews, regarding receiving a food allotment, 04-05/1942; - List of children born in the Kostopol district, 1937-1938; - Instructions by the mayor of Kostopol, regarding the sale of clothing and shoes of Jews that were left in the municipal area, and the sale of clothing and shoes to poor pe...

  16. Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Circular of the Generalgouvernement propaganda department in the Galicia area, regarding statistical data concerning the area's residents; - Correspondence of the Generalgouvernement office, regarding the Jews; - List of Jews from Mosciska who were transferred to a labor camp and received permission to return in exchange for a deposit of money; - Lists of Jews from various places in the Distrikt Galizien; - Documentation of the German Police in the Galicia area, regarding the registra...

  17. Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party in Bialystok, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party in Bialystok, 1940-1941 Included in the collection: - Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party; - Lists of Communists; - Lists of representatives to the elections committee; - Lists of elections committee members; - Lists of engineers and technicians in Bialystok; - Questionnaires of Jewish delegates at the Communist convention in 1940; - Lists of horse owners.

  18. Documentation from the Polizeipraesidien (Police Headquarters) in Bochum and Hamm (Westphalia region)

    Documentation from the Polizeipraesidien (Police Headquarters) in Bochum and Hamm (Westphalia region)

  19. Documentation regarding underground groups and partisans units active in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1945

    Documentation regarding underground groups and partisans units active in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1945 Included in the collection: - Lists of partisans active in the Zhitomir region and in other sections of Ukraine; - Documentation regarding the Soviet POWs underground organization active in Zhitomir Boguniya camp; - Survey reports of the committee for former partisans affiliated with the Ukrainian government, regarding activities of various partisans units.

  20. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Ivye, 1940-1941 and 1945

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Ivye, 1940-1941 and 1945 The Collection includes a report regarding intellectuals and professionals; protocols from District Committee meetings; work plans of the District Committee; reports of the RO NKVD (the District Department of the NKVD) regarding suspects in anti-Soviet activity; reports of the District Committee [that were sent] to the Regional and Central Committee of the Communist Party; appeals of residents to the District Committee; reports of Party members and various organizations regarding preparations for the school ...