Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 181 to 200 of 34,759
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Dutch
  1. Gert (Gerhard) Lilienthal. Collection

    KD_00059_0001 : Judaica concerning Jewish emancipation and the German liberal revolution of 1848 ; remains of the looted collection of Berlin banker dr. Heinz Lilienthal, father of the donor. KD_00059_0002 : Prewar Lilienthal family documents, including vaccination certificates, birth certificates, marriage certificates, documents related to dr. Heinz Lilienthal’s business, a household inventory and household budget. KD_00059_0003 : Wartime Lilienthal family documents, including three letters sent from the Dossin barracks by Hilda Kirschstein and Minni Marie Fabian, mother and maternal gran...

  2. Fanny Biber. Collection

    This collection contains one photograph and three photocopied documents : picture of Fanny Biber and her husband Abraham Max Lipschutz wearing the yellow badge ; a "Schutzbrief" from the Swiss embassy in Berlin certifying Fanny Biber's British nationality ; a displaced person card ; a declaration from the staff at the Vittel camp proving that Fanny Biber received the certificate from the Suisse embassy.

  3. Wouthuijsen-Ricardo family. Collection

    This collection contains two letters and a postcard sent by Willem Wouthuijsen and his wife Ester Ricardo, while detained at the Dossin barracks in August 1942, to their daughter Elisabeth Wouthuijsen and her husband Károly Faragó.

  4. Haber-Margulier family. Collection

    The photos in this collection depict the following : Israel (Isy) Haber's Bar Mitzvah ; the Haber-Margulier family as refugees in Nice, 1942 ; Zallel Haber in his army uniform as a soldier during World War I ; Sender Haber, cousin of Zallel Haber, as a liaison officer during World War I ; pre-war photos of Israel (Isy) and Dora (Dolly) Haber ; Dora (Dolly) Haber as a dancer ; the Haber and Margulier grandparents. The collection also contains two fragile precious prints that were not digitized, but which are accessible at the Kazerne Dossin documentation centre : "Auto-Emanzipation" (preface...

  5. Albert and Robert Gomperts. Collection

    Letter sent by brothers Albert and Robert (Bob) Gompers to their uncle and aunt Jules and Jet Boas in Canada after the brothers had been able to flee from Belgium to Great-Britain during the German invasion. The letter contains information regarding family members left behind in Belgium and the Netherlands during the first weeks of May 1940.

  6. Alexandre Gourary. Collection

    This collection contains three issues of « La Voix Internationale de la Résistance » ; two photos of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen ; seven photos of tombstones of Jewish resistance fighters who were killed in action or executed and were buried at the Tir National (National shooting range) in Brussels ; 74 photos and photonegatives depicting the armed Mouvement national belge (MNB) liberating Antwerp, protecting the harbour and undertaking military exercises ; a Sten machine gun and a hand grenade used by Alexandre Gourary while guarding the port of Antwerp ; a jacket worn by Alexandre Gou...

  7. Files of the Comité Juif d'Epuration. Collection

    Series of files compiled by the Comité Juif d'Epuration (Jewish Purification Committee) in Brussels, while investigating accusations against Jews in Belgium regarding (presumed) collaboration with the Nazis. This collection is only accessible at the Kazerne Dossin documentation centre, upon approval by the head of the research department of a motived request submitted by the researcher.

  8. Deed of sale with stipulation of non-Jewish decent. Collection

    Digitised copy of a notarial deed stipulating the sale of a plot of land to the Jolémont family, including a remark that a possible Jewish descent was verified and dismissed.

  9. Zaffern-Noskowicz family. Collection

    This collection contains six photocopied photos : a wedding photo of Israel Zaffern and Gitla Noskowicz ; a photo of Gitla's sister Hinda Noskowicz ; several war-time and post-war photos of Lisa Zaffern and the Debroek family which hid her at their home in Schaerbeek, Brussels, in 1942-1944.

  10. Jacky Barkan. Collection

    This collection contains six articles from Belgian newspapers Het Volk, Het Nieuwsblad and De Gentenaar, covering the story of Jacky Barkan, a hidden child, in search for the De Meulemeester family that hid him in Sint-Kruis-Brugge. During his search, Jacky also discovered that Gabriel and Edouard Zimmerman and Henri Schlamowitsch were hidden by other members of the De Meulemeester family, living in Brussels.

  11. Swiatlowski-Koronczyk family. Collection

    This collection contains photocopies of : Berek Swiatlowski's Polish military booklet ; Berek Swiatlowski and Pesa Koronczyk's Polish passport ; a postcard thrown from the Transport X by Berek Swiatlowski on 13 September 1942 ; administrative documents of the Swiatlowski-Koronczyk family ; war-time work permits of Abram Swiatlowski ; pre-war photos of Swiatlowski and Koronczyk family members in Poland and in Belgium.

  12. Georgette (José) Hofman. Collection

    This collection contains numerous editions of underground press and post-war press edited by armed partisan groups, trade unions and the Belgian Communist Party, section Mechelen-Willebroek, collected by Georgette José Hofman. Among the compiled titles are : De Strijd, De Vrijheidsklok, De Eendracht, Radio Moskou, De Propagandist, Persdienst, De Boer and De Rode Vaan. The collection also contains several photocopies of post-war documents regarding the resistance activities of Georgette José Hofman and her husband Valentijn Vereecken.

  13. Elisabeth Thalheim. Collection

    This collection contains digitised copies of 7 postcards and a letter sent by Elisabeth Thalheim to her mother Karola Kohn and her daughter Nelly Klein via Elisabeth’s Belgian, non-Jewish friend Lina Govaerts, while interned at the Dossin barracks from February until April 1943 ; a digital copy of an essay in English, written by Elisabeth Thalheim while taking an English course in preparation of her migration to China.

  14. Feldberg-Konig family. Collection

    This collection contains five pre-war and post-war photos of several members of the Feldberg family.

  15. Hollander-Götz family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos : portrait of Vigdor Getsel (Victor) Hollander and a pre-war photo of Esther Pschetizki with her sons Abraham, Isaak, Eliezer and Israel Helfgott.

  16. Ilzycer-Dembrowska family. Collection

    This collection consists of one postcard sent by Icchok Ilzycer, during his internment at the Dossin barracks in April 1943, to the catholic priest Roger Dereymaeker. The text contains an encoded reference to Icchok Ilzycer youngest daughter Jenny, whom was in hiding.

  17. Ferdinand Topper. Collection

    This collection contains : two photos of Ferdinand Topper; Ferdinand Topper's Belgian army ID booklet, two pre-war documents issued by the Belgian army regarding the new address of Ferdinand Topper, Ferdinand Topper's call for civil duty in March 1940 and a post-war declaration of the death of Ferdinand Topper.

  18. Feldinger family. Collection

    This collection contains four photos of deported members of the Feldinger family, including a photo of the marriage of Moses Chaim Katz and Golda Dychtwald in 1936.

  19. Liliane Steinfeld. Collection

    This collection contains : several documents regarding members of the Steinfeld/Stainfeld family during the war, two photos of deported Steinfeld family members, a Gestapo pin and a scrapbook containing a collection of wartime cartoons published in British and American newspapers, gathered by Liliane Steinfeld.

  20. Steinhardt-Safier family. Collection

    The Steinhardt-Safier family collection contains 28 photos showing the prewar Steinhardt and Safier family life : pictures taken on boat rides during vacations, wedding photos taken at a synagogue in Berlin, baby pictures of Harry Henri Steinhardt, family parties and Passover celebrations, and the Safier family at their bakery in Berlin. The collection also contains a post-war letter from the Belgian Ministry of Public Affairs confirming the deportation of the Steinhardt-Safier family and two family trees clarifying the ties between the Steinhardt and Safier families.