Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,461 to 4,480 of 4,487
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Latvian
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Videli Sme Holokaust

  2. Samuel Bak: The Art of Speaking

  3. Dialogue with Laurel Vlock

  4. Concert for Life

  5. CNN Story

  6. Interpreting survivor Testimony

  7. Channel 30, 90 Second Spot

  8. Conference 1985

  9. Founders edit for Website

  10. Dorothy B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dorothy B., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1931. She recounts the history of her mother's and father's families; her father's modern orthodoxy; their affluent lifestyle; visiting her maternal relatives in Prague and a small Czech town; contrasting her formal German relatives with her casual Czech relatives; her family insulating her from antisemitism; a Nazi edict resulting in termination of employment of their non-Jewish maid; her father concealing his Jewish identity in public to avoid antisemitic violence; her mother's insistence that they leave Germany; liqui...

  11. Aaron S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron S., who was born in De?blin, Poland in 1921. He recalls his family's relative affluence; attending public school and cheder; pervasive antisemitism; German invasion; fleeing with his family to Ryki, then a village; returning to De?blin; ghettoization; forced labor at the airport; moving into the adjacent work camp with his brother; deportation of two uncles and an aunt (he never saw them again); the arrival of Slovak Jews; arranging for his parents and sister to join him; his father's death from a beating in November 1942; the role of prisoners in running the ca...