Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 801 to 820 of 33,867
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Italian
  1. Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12788573
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Article(s), list(s), text(s) Instruction List of collaborators List of residents Official documentation הודעה רשימות פושעים נאצים

    Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944 In the collection there is a savings bank pass book belonging to the Jewess Zuskovich; documentation of the District Administration in Krupki regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, 1941-1942; directives from the commander of the Borisov area on matters pertaining to Jews; announcement regarding the murder of the wife of a Jew in Smolevichi; an antisemitic propaganda article; directives issued by the Generalkommissar of Belorussia regarding the employment of Jews; documentatio...

  2. Collection of the Amersfoort transit camp in the Netherlands, dated, 1942-1964

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 6094601
    • English, Hebrew
    • Announcement Certification Diary Document Legal documentation Letter List of camp inmates List of murdered persons Official documentation Questionnaire Reports Testimony

    Collection of the Amersfoort transit camp in the Netherlands, dated, 1942-1964 Amersfoort camp was built by the Dutch Army in 1939; following the German occupation in 1940, the Germans started to use the camp as a rest place for the German soldiers; the German authorities decided to expand the camp in 1941 and to turn it into a transit camp, called Polizeiliches Durchgangslager Amersfoort; approximately 35,000 inmates passed through Amersfoort camp during the war, most of them political prisoners, but also Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, marginal people, people who refused to do labor, hostages,...

  3. Documentation of the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police) in Shitomir, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police) in Shitomir, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions and regulations regarding the political education of the policemen; - List of policemen.

  4. Documentation of the Greek-Orthodox Metropolite Consistory in Lwow, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Greek-Orthodox Metropolite Consistory in Lwow, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Correspondence regarding the burial of a Jewish woman who converted to Christianity; - Letter sent by Metropolite Andrzej Szeptycki to Papal Legate Peter Vergun in Berlin in December 1942; - Correspondence by the Priest Laba Vasil, the representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the SS-Galizien Division, with the office of Metropolite Andrzej Szeptycki; - Letter sent by Andrey Melnik, the head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), to the Metropolite of the Ukrain...

  5. Collection of the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung (Office for the Deportation of Jews), the Höhere SS und Polizeiführer - HSSPF department, Amsterdam, 1942-1944

    Collection of the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung (Office for the Deportation of Jews), the Höhere SS und Polizeiführer - HSSPF department, Amsterdam, 1942-1944 The Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, Office for the Deportation/ Emigration of Jews, was a Nazi organization that was active at the start in Vienna and later on also in Amsterdam; the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung had close ties with the German security forces, the Höhere SS und Polizeiführer Nord-West, and had a legitimate image of encouragement of emigration; at the head of the HSSPF stood Generalkommissa...

  6. Card file of inmates registered in the prison in Slutsk during 1941-1943

    Card file of inmates registered in the prison in Slutsk during 1941-1943 Registered in the card file are names of inmates (most of them, Jews) in the prison in Slutsk; the names are arranged alphabetically according to the Belarusian alphabet.

  7. Documentation from the Amt Illingen (Regional Authority of Illingen)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11638021
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1806-1972
    • Charter Financial accounts List of deportees List of Jewish community council members List of Jewish community members List of Jewish residents List of party members Newspaper clippings Official documentation Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Survey report

    Documentation from the Amt Illingen (Regional Authority of Illingen)

  8. Documentation of the administration of the Tomashpol district, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the administration of the Tomashpol district, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are: regulations and instructions of the governor of Transnistria and other factors in the Romanian government, regarding the establishment of a camp for objectors to the Romanian rule; attitude of the local population toward the Romanian authorities; organization of work in hospitals in Transnistria; punishment of people giving help to Soviet POWs, by shooting; regulations regarding entry and exit from Transnistria; organization and work of the prisons, and the imprisonment of the Jews in co...

  9. Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews, from Estates in the State Archive in Muenster

    Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews, from Estates in the State Archive in Muenster In the Collection are two files from Estates (see the list of files in the "Multimedia" page, regarding the content): - Adolf ten Hompel (1874-1943) Dr. jur., Rechtsanwalt und völkischer Schriftsteller.

  10. Documentation from the Berlin Police Headquarters (Polizeipraesidium Berlin)

    Documentation from the Berlin Police Headquarters (Polizeipraesidium Berlin) The Prussian city ordinance (Städteordnung) of 19 November 1808 provided for the establishment of a state police administration in the larger cities. Accordingly, a Royal Police headquarters (Königliches Polizeipräsidium) was built in Berlin on 25 March 1809, to which the existing state police department was linked. At the time the greater Berlin area included several independent townships. Berlin was not one large city and the police forces were divided. A law implemented on 13 June 1900 created the Provincial Pol...

  11. Documentation from the Croatian State Archives: Branch Office of the Ustasha Intelligence Service in Zagreb - Jewish Section, 1941-1942

    Documentation from the Croatian State Archives: Branch Office of the Ustasha Intelligence Service in Zagreb - Jewish Section, 1941-1942 This collection includes approximately 3,000 pages of questionnaires completed by Jews from Zagreb, which were submitted to the Ustasha police in Zagreb. The questionnaires are organized in alphabetical order, in three sections; A-H, H-R and S-Z, and include the following information: first name, last name, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, profession, marital status, the names of children under the age of 21, and information regarding property. T...

  12. Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945

    Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945 The Gewerbliche Wirtschaft - GeWi department, under the administration of Schmidt, was subordinate on one hand to the Rüstungsinspektion, the military body responsible for the handling of matters of industry in the Netherlands, and subordinate to the Generalkommissar für Finanz und Wirtschaft (German Ministry of Finance and Industry) on the other hand; GeWi was divided to various groups (Gruppe), which dealt with various fields, includ...

  13. O.1 - Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960

    O.1 - Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960 Dr. Kurt Ball-Kaduri was born in Berlin in 1891. A lawyer and legal adviser to the Prussian government, he was also active in Jewish affairs. He made aliya to Eretz Israel in December 1938. Dr. Ball-Kaduri, who was active in collecting material and writing about German Jewry, became aware that much material that reached the archives regarding Jewish life in Germany from 1933 to 1945 was incomplete, and that there were large information gaps. From hi...

  14. M.52.DAMO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region

    M.52.DAMO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region History of the Archives: An authority was established in 1921 for the research of the history of the Communist Party (Istpart) in the Mykolaiv sub-section. In September 1925 the Executive Committee of the Mykolaiv area ordered the establishment of an archival authority for the area that would be subordinate to it. Collections from local Soviet institutions and private individuals were transferred to it. During 1925-1931 the archival authority of the area assembled collections from government authorities that existed be...

  15. Documentation of the Estonian Jewish Cultural Council Board of Trustees in Pärnu, 1926 - 1934

  16. Documentation of the municipal committee for planning and construction in Riga, 1887-1944

    Documentation of the municipal committee for planning and construction in Riga, 1887-1944 Planning and construction documents, and materials regarding the management of buildings belonging to the area of the Riga Ghetto (the data is taken from the official list of real estate properties in Riga for the year of 1939).

  17. M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus)

    M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus) History of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia The Central Archive for the October Revolution of the Belorussian Soviet Republic was established in the city of Minsk on 28 May 1927. The Archive moved to the city of Mogilev in 1930. The Archive underwent reorganization in 1938, and became the State Archive of the October Revolution and the Socialistic Construction. Following the outbreak of the war in 1941, the Archive's activities stopped. The Archive renewe...

  18. Collection of H. G. Adler, 1937-1959

    Collection of H. G. Adler, 1937-1959 H. G. Adler was born in Prague in 1910; he was a poet, historian, sociologist and multidisciplinary researcher; he was an inmate in Niederorschel, Langenstein-Zwieberge, Theresienstadt and Auschwitz camps; after the war he wrote important books regarding Theresienstadt and regarding totalitarian regimes; he died in London in 1988; Included in the collection: List of senior officials who served in Nazi organizations and institutions; Subjects related to the handling of the "Jewish Problem" that were discussed by Nazi organizations, including among others ...

  19. תיעוד על יהודים ועסקים יהודיים מבית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Bochum-Langendreer (ווסטפליה)

    Repertory Amtsgericht (district court) Bochum-Langendreer Sifted: Nr. 306-797 In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who perished and their deportation; corresponden...

  20. החלטות על הכרה במוות (Todeserklaerungen) של קרבנות יהודיים של בית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Luenen (ווסטפליה)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12424844
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in Courts of Law in Westphalia In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who p...