Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 33,614
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Croatian
  1. "An Eyewitness to the Holocaust"

    Consists of one DVD containing a short documentary entitled "An Eyewitness to the Holocaust" created by Sean Van Domelen. The documentary, which includes historical imagery and footage, describes the experiences of John Regnier, a member of the 182nd Medical battalion. Using footage from a 2012 interview with Mr. Regnier, the documentary includes his testimony related to the liberation of the Ohrdruf concentration camp.

  2. "An Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times"

    Consists of a CD containing a memoir entitled "An Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times" by Michael Cann, written in Amherst, MA in 2006, as well as a paper copy of the memoir. Mr. Cann describes his family's history in Berlin, his memory of National Socialism in his school, and his family's immigration to the Netherlands in 1937, and his immigration to the United States in March 1939. He also includes information about life in wartime New York and New Jersey and his family's attempts to rescue additional family members from Europe. After the war, Mr. Cann joined the military and participate...

  3. "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942"

    Consists of a copy of "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942" written by Roswell McClelland, a representative of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), in 1942 or 1943. The "Unpublished chapter..." is McClelland's personal account of the round-up of foreign Jews in France during 1942 under the direction of the Germans, including a deportation from the Les Milles camp in August 1942. Included in the piece are descriptions of various French concentration camps, the treatment of Jewish children, the division of age groups for depor...

  4. "Ancestors and Descendants"

    Consists of one CD-ROM containing the text of a book, 1736 pages, entitled "Ancestors and Descendants," by Leopold Hoenig. The book is subtitled "The Descendants of Related Jewish Families from Bassenheim, Burgbrohl, Euskirchen, Flamersheim, Gappenach, Mertloch, Merzbach, Münstermaifeld, Niederzissen, Ochtendung, Pillig, Polch, Schweinheim, Sinzig, Wierschem, and Neighboring Towns in Germany and in Meerssen, the Netherlands." Includes an extensive family tree of the families and a names index.

  5. "And It Was No Lie"

    Testimony. Typescript, 78 pages, titled "And It Was No Lie," by Ruth Weiss, describing her experiences from childhood in a village in Sudetenland, moving to Prague after that area was annexed by Germany, occupation of Czechoslovakia, deportation to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, life in DP camps after war, return to Prague, and the immigration to Israel.

  6. "Andzia"

    Consists of one typed testimony, four pages, entitled "Andzia," written by Hania Stromberg in 2007. In the testimony, Mrs. Stromberg relates the story of Andzia (last name unknown), who was the Roman Catholic nanny for the Rom family, of Warsaw, Poland. By World War II, the children were grown, and all but the youngest, Tadek and Dorota, were safe in the United States. Tadek and his family perished in the Holocaust. Dorota spent much of the war in the Warsaw ghetto and Andzia sneaked food to her, nursed her when she became ill, and ultimately helped her escape the ghetto before it was liqui...

  7. "Angel on my Shoulder"

    Consists of one memoir entitled “Angel on my Shoulder” by Miriam Schlezinger, born in Poruba, but later moved to Poroskov, Slovakia. During the war, Mrs. Schlezinger first lived with a Gentile family in Uzhorod, and then with a family in Nirethose, Hungary, before moving into a ghetto in occupied Poland, which was liquidated in 1944. She and her sisters were deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1944, where her sister Hannah later perished. Miriam and her sister Surah were sent on a death march in January 1945 to Buchenwald and from there, were put on a train to Bergen-Belsen, where they w...

  8. "Arbeitslager marsch"

    Consists of a photograph copy of "Arbeitslager marsch" composed by Heinrich Krol in 1941 while imprisoned at Auschwitz. The piece includes parts for strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments.

  9. "Around the World in Ten Years"

    Consists of a memoir, 68 pages, entitled "Around the World in Ten Years," written by Dr. Frank J. Parnes. Dr. Parnes describes his experiences escaping Vienna and working as a physician in internment camps in Belgium and France. Upon his return to Belgium, he made and sold cigarettes but was arrested and deported to the Malines concentration camp, where he worked as a physician until his liberation in 1944. He emigrated to the United States and lived in New York City until his death in 1996.

  10. "As Children during the Holocaust in France (1940-1944)"

    Memoir, 13 pages, relates the Holocaust experiences of Joseph Sungolowsky, who escaped from Belgium to France with his family after the Nazi invasion in 1940. The son of a rabbi, Joseph and his family went into hiding in Nice, France, with the help of the Œuvre de secours aux enfants (OSE).

  11. "As I Recall"

    Consists of one memoir, approximately 60 pages, entitled "As I Recall," written in 2009 by Albert Erlebacher, originally of Karlsruhe, Germany. In the memoir, he describes his childhood in Germany, deportation in 1940 to Gurs, transfer to Rivesaltes, and being removed from the camps by the OSE. He describes life in the Villa Mariana and Chateau de Chabannes OSE homes, crossing the Swiss border on foot, and his life in Switzerland. Also includes information on his post-war emigration to the United States and later educational, personal, and professional experiences.

  12. "Ash Camp" photograph album

    The Ash Camp photograph album is a leather bound photograph album, black with embossed horses, which includes 326 mounted and labeled photographs. The photograph album's owner is unknown but includes photographs of the Gabe family, the Saul family, the Jake family, and the Elais family. In addition to candid family photographs, there are also photographs of life in Shanghai, the "Ash Camp," likely a camp for Jewish refugees in Shanghai in 1945, and the distribution of food delivered by parachutes by “Yanks.”

  13. "Atlantis" commemorative installation

    Consists of photographs and articles regarding the "Atlantis" exhibition in a former synagogue in Poznań, Poland, and a videocassette of the ceremony dedicating the exhibition on the Polish Day of Judaism in 2004. The installation, designed by Janusz Marciniak, consists of memorial candles floating in the middle of a swimming pool in the shape of a Star of David.

  14. "Aufs Neue Beginnen"

    Testimony, typescript (249 pp.) of Heinz Umrath, titled "Aufs Neue Beginnen," about childhood, wartime years, and emigration from Germany. One section has credit ("typed and produced by") the Archive of Social Democracy at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Bonn, Germany.

  15. "August Cohn--Anti-Fascist: His Life under Nazi Tyranny and American Repression"

    Consists of a CD containing one manuscript, 219 pages, entitled "August Cohn--Anti-Fascist: His Life under Nazi Tyranny and American Repression," by Howard Cohn. In the manuscript, Mr. Cohn describes his the experiences of his father, August Cohn, who born in Fulda, Germany, and arrested as a Communist in April 1933. After being beaten and publicly humiliated in Oberkaufungen, he was tried and imprisoned in the Kassel and Hameln prisons before entering the concentration camp system in 1935, where he was imprisoned both as a Jew and a Communist in the Esterwegen, Sachsenhausen, Dachau, and B...

  16. "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

    Printed report from the B'nai B'rith, Tel Aviv, titled "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

  17. "Autobiographies of Hyman and Molly Lader"

    Consists of one typed manuscript, 65 pages with photographs, entitled "Autobiographies of Hyman and Molly Lader," which was put together by the Laders' children in 2001. The manuscript, based on oral and written testimonies of the Laders, is split into two parts. Hyman Lader (born Chaim Lajdor) describes his childhood and family life in Łódź; the immigration of the rest of his family to the United States; working as a professional musician; his escape to the Soviet Union, where he married; his experiences in the Red Army; and post-war immigration with his family to Israel, Canada, and event...

  18. "Autobiography and Memoirs of Zeida Harry Barr"

    Consists of one memoir, 64 pages, entitled "Autobiography and Memoirs of Zeida Harry Barr," written by Mr. Harry Barr, originally of Maków-Mazowiecki, Poland. Mr. Barr describes his childhood and family in Maków-Mazowiecki, his immigration to Australia in 1939, his wartime and post-war life in Australia, and his work with the Jewish community. Collection includes 3 copies of the memoir.

  19. "Avadim Hayinu"

    Contains a copy of the book "Avadim Hayinu," written in Yiddish, about the happenings in the Auschwitz Death Camp; includes the author's original stencil with handwritten glosses.

  20. "Babi Yar" poem

    Consists of the poem "Babi Yar" written by Elizaveta Volfson in 1988. The poem describes the massacre of approximately 33,000 Soviet Jews at the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev in September 1941.