Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 681 to 700 of 33,707
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Latvian
  1. Documentation of the Jewish community in Kolomyja, 1935-1939

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Kolomyja, 1935-1939 Included in the collection: - Information regarding the agricultural school in Slobodka Lesna; - Lists of residents in Kolomyja who paid taxes for 1936-1939; - Information regarding budget projects of the Jewish community in Kolomyja for 1936-1938.

  2. Documentation of the Communist Party committees in the Pinsk region, 1940-1941 and 1950-1959

    Documentation of the Communist Party committees in the Pinsk region, 1940-1941 and 1950-1959 The Collection contains personal file cards of the Communists, including Jews, in the Pinsk region; lists of Communists and candidates; questionnaires filled out by Jewish Communists, 1940; documentation of the NKVD; documentation of the Communist Party committees in the Pinsk region.

  3. Documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kazatin, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kazatin, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Official correspondence between the Gebietskommissariat of Kazatin and factors in the SS, the SD and the Police, regarding the murder of Jews, the confiscation of Jewish property, and Schitomir camp and its regulations; - Order by the SS und Polizeigebietsfuere commander in Kazatin to the commander of the Gendarmerie in Schitomir, regarding the behavior of two SS men toward Jewish inmates in a labor camp and the theft of food by Ukrainians, 01/11/1942; - Orders of the General...

  4. Documentation from the Badisches Finanzministerium (Baden Finance Ministry), regarding Aryanization

    Documentation from the Badisches Finanzministerium (Baden Finance Ministry), regarding Aryanization

  5. Documentation of the Jewish Community in Tartu, 1861 - 1940

  6. Documentation of the Schools Superintendent for the Grodno region, 1929-1939

    Documentation of the Schools Superintendent for the Grodno region, 1929-1939 The Collection includes documentation of the Regional Councils of the Education Ministry in Grodno and Vilna, 1929-1939; documentation of the Superintendent of Jewish schools of the Religious Ministry in Grodno; annual budgets of the elementary schools in the Grodno district, 1939/1940; list of teachers in the Grodno district, 1939; list of retired teachers in the Grodno district, 1935-1939.

  7. Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the Poltava region, dated, 1944-1948

    Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the Poltava region, dated, 1944-1948

  8. Documentation of the Muzey-arkhiv perekhodovoi doby (Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History]) in Kiev, 1942

    Documentation of the Muzey-arkhiv perekhodovoi doby (Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History]) in Kiev, 1942 The Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History] was established under the auspices of the German authorities and was active during April-October 1942 with the aim of presenting the [history of the] transitional period from the Soviet occupation period until the period of Nazi rule; Included in the collection: - Decisions taken by the mayor of Kiev regarding the opening of the museum; - Decision by the Kiev municipality regarding the registration of the books left...

  9. Gemeetearchief Amsterdam (Municipal Archive of Amsterdam) - 88 microfilm reels

    Gemeetearchief Amsterdam (Municipal Archive of Amsterdam) - 88 microfilm reels

  10. P.21 - Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967

    P.21 - Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967 Ilya Ehrenburg was born into a Jewish family in Kiev in 1891. He was exiled to France in 1908 after being arrested for his activities against the Czarist regime. In Paris, he gradually dissociated himself from the Bolsheviks, associating himself with modern artists, publishing his poems and working at translation. After the Socialist revolution in 1917, he returned to his native country. From 1923 Ehrenburg worked as a journalist for the "Izvestia" newspaper. The Soviet authorities u...

  11. Documentation of Olim, the Association of Latvian Jews for the Advancement of Settlement in Palestine

    Documentation of Olim, the Association of Latvian Jews for the Advancement of Settlement in Palestine The Association platform, and protocols of Directorate meetings; lists of members of the Olim Association; survey reports and information regarding news from Eretz Israel; surveys concerning the activities of Zionist organizations in the Europe countries and the United States; information for the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) regarding the condition of the agricultural estates in Latvia, and correspondence with Zionist organizations abroad on organizational and general topics; articles...

  12. Personal files of the Zelikowski family, Jewish refugees from France who arrived in Switzerland, June 1944

    Personal files of the Zelikowski family, Jewish refugees from France who arrived in Switzerland, June 1944

  13. Personal documents of workers at the district office for commerce and food of the Belorussian Railroad Line in Mogilev, 1940-1941

    Personal documents of workers at the district office for commerce and food of the Belorussian Railroad Line in Mogilev, 1940-1941

  14. Documentation from the Finanzamt Witzenhausen

    Documentation from the Finanzamt Witzenhausen

  15. O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period

    O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period In the Collection there is official documentation and personal documentation, as well as newspaper clippings. In the Collection there is also documentation regarding North Africa from Yad Vashem Record Groups O. 9 (France Collection) and M. 42 (Archives in France).

  16. תיעוד מה-Landesarchiv Berlin (חטיבה של Der Generalbauinspekteur fuer die Reichshauptstadt)

    The General Building Inspector for the capital of the Reich Berlin. The authority was created by decree of January 30, 1937 and had the central responsibility for the planned conversion of Berlin to the "imperial capital Germania". It was headed by Albert Speer and was directly subordinate to the chancellor of the Reich Adolf Hitler. Since October 1943, the authority was also charged with the preparation of the rebuilding of destroyed cities.

  17. Documentation of the General Commissioner in Reval [Tallinn], 1941 - 1944

  18. Documentation of the Ukrainian authorities in the Rivne region, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Ukrainian authorities in the Rivne region, 1941-1942 Included in the collection: - Documentation regarding the Radziwillow area, including statistical data regarding the area's residents, names of Jews in the area, and the location of the ghettos in the area, 1941-1942; - Statistical data regarding the population in the villages in the Klevan district; - List of Jewish residents from Tuchin.

  19. Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971

    Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971 Collection of copies of materials from German Courts of Law in the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, regarding verdicts against Nazi war criminals, 1960-1971; Included in the collection: Copies of verdicts of the Schwurgericht bei dem Landgericht (Circuit Court at the District Court) in various cities in Germany, 1960-1971.