Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,241 to 12,260 of 33,308
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
  1. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  2. Print

    Lithgraph of Oranienburg

  3. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  4. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  5. Státní tajemník u říšského protektora v Čechách a na Moravě, Praha

    • State Secretary by the Reichsprotector in Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • Staatssekretӓr beim Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag
    • ÚŘP-ST
    • NAD 1799
    • Národní archiv
    • 1799
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • 23 linear meters, all processed and inventoried and fully accessible.

    The documents in the fonds can be divided into several main thematic groups. There are files related to: 1) the protectoral state administrative, 2) matters of SS and wehrmacht (call-up papers of soldiers), 3) activities of Czechoslovak home and foreign resistance, 4) reports from the investigation of the Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich and worshipping his memory, 5) documents from Reich labor service (Reichsarbeitsdienst, RAD), 6) matters of Protectorate press censorship, 7) personal and family matters of K. H. Frank. There are also Jewish related documents - mostly concerning Aryanizat...

  6. Portfolio

    A portfolio of prints, No. 28932 mówi-- : Oranienburg, by Stefan Horski was published in Poland in 1946. This is probably a copy of that publication.

  7. Portfolio

    Inreodcutory page of text for a portfolio of lithographs created by Stephen Horski, Oranienburg concentration camp, Germany

  8. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  9. Print

    Reproduction of a lithograph of Oranienburg

  10. Policejní ředitelství Praha II

    • Polizeipräsidium Prag II
    • Prague Police Directorate II
    • PŘ II
    • NAD 1420
    • Národní archiv
    • 1420
    • English
    • 1914-1953
    • The fonds consists out of 4809,23 linear meters of processed and accessible documents. 4766,23 linear meters are inventoried and accessible documents. 84,34 linear meters are unprocessed and unaccessible.

    The fonds has informations about police, police authorities, criminal police, street police, passports, arms passports, national security, public safety, national security Corps, National Guard security, national security, police affairs, censorship, confiscation of print, personals, population registers and civil defense

  11. Ambassade d'Allemagne (German Embassy)

    This collection contains files and correspondence of Carltheo Zeitschel, counselor of legation (Legationsrat) at the German Embassy, in charge of Jewish affairs in connection with the Sipo-SD France in Paris. It also contains his correspondence with Theodor Dannecker, head of the Jewish Affairs department within the Sipo-SD in Paris. It also includes verbal notes, certificates, telegrams, circulars, lists, notes prepared for Otto Abetz, extracts from the Journal Officiel de la République française, reports, resumes, brochures, minutes, as well as individual files. Most of the correspondence...

  12. FSJF Post-War Period Collection

    The FSJF Post-War Period Collection is the archival collection of the Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France (Federation of Jewish Societies of France) related to the Post-war period (1944-1994). The collection reflects the large range of activities promoted by the organization in the social, cultural and political sphere. Topics include the commitment to the memory of the Holocaust, the renewal of Jewish life and culture in France, the legal aid to survivors, the social assistance to the poor, the promotion of Yiddish language, as well as the support to the State of Israel. The collectio...

  13. Eichmann Trial Collection

    The Eichmann Trial Collection is a wide-range collection of documents dating from 1937 to 1962, related to the Adolf Eichmann’s trial held in Jerusalem between April and December 1961. The collection mainly consists of the documentary basis presented by the Israeli Police for the prosecution case against the Nazi SS chief, one of the major organizers of the “Final Solution”. Records include hundreds of letters, telegrams, reports and decrees produced by the Third Reich’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) on the subject of the “Final Solution” plan (1937-1944). Postwar-period documentation co...

  14. Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection is a wide-range collection of documents related to the well-known trial against 23 major Nazi war criminals, held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946. Nuremberg documentation includes: the trial’s transcripts, the archival series NG (Nazi Government), NO (Nazi Organization), OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces), NI (Nazi Institutions), RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Head Office), SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service), Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret S...

  15. Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection is a collection of documents related to the 12 U.S. trials against 185 Nazi chiefs held before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) between 1946 and 1949. NMT documentation includes the proceedings (transcripts of depositions, suits and judgments) of the following war criminals’ prosecutions: the Doctors’ Trial, the Milch Trial, the Judges’ Trial, the Pohl Trial, the Flick Trial, the IG Farben Trial, the Hostages Trial, the RuSHA Trial, the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the Krupp Trial, the Ministries’ Trial and the High Command Trial.

  16. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  17. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  18. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  19. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  20. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg