Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 335
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
Holding Institution: Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Onderzoekscentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Recherche sur la Shoah et les Droits Humains
  1. Isbert Adam and Martin Bendheim. Collection

    This collection contains a notarial deed from Danzig, regarding a power of attorney attributed to the Aronsohn and Barnass families ; financial deeds regarding shipping company "Havana importer S.A." and the debt suffered by associate Martin Bendheim ; a list summing up the content of a business or a house, probably the abolished office of "Havana Importer S.A." branch led by Martin Bendheim ; a Dutch death certificate of Martha Sara Barschall, mother of Isbert Adam ; correspondence and forms regarding the shipping of several valuable paintings among which a canvas by Pieter-Paul Rubens ; t...

  2. Items of the Belgian police force. Collection

    This collection consists of: the uniform (trousers, belt, jacket and cap) worn by the Mechelen police corps in 1931-1951 (probably the Interbellum); a war-time white helmet worn by the Antwerp police corps; a black helmet worn by the Antwerp police corps from the First World War until 1942; a white helmet worn by the Deurne police corps from 1942 until the 1960s; a cap introduced by the German occupying authorities and worn by the Antwerp police corps in 1940-1944; a file with documents on the Mobile Police Brigade in Mechelen, 1943-1944.

  3. Itzkowic-Goldberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war photo of Salomon Itzkowic posing with friends in a car ; one postcard and four letters sent by Esther Goldberg and her children Achim Itzkowic, Berthold Siegmund Itzkowic and Arthur Itzkowic in Antwerp to their husband and father Salomon Itzkowic in the Saint-Cyprien and Argelès-sur-Mer internment camps in France (August to December 1940) ; Salomon Itzkowic's certificate of registration in the United Kingdom, 1946 ; a post-war statement by Salomon Itzkowic on his family history.

  4. Izaak Schachter. Collection

    This collection contains : two photos of Izaak Schachter ; a photo of his non-Jewish wife Annie Deneu ; a photo of his non-Jewish stepdaughter Jeanne Somers with her children Raymond and Lucienne Naudt ; a postcard sent by Izaak Schachter to his wife Annie Deneu in Amsterdam, while internet at the Dossin barracks in 1943.

  5. Jablonowicz-Herszaft family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos of Frieda Herszaft, including one on which she poses with her twin sons Robert and Salomon Jablonowicz.

  6. Jacky Barkan. Collection

    This collection contains six articles from Belgian newspapers Het Volk, Het Nieuwsblad and De Gentenaar, covering the story of Jacky Barkan, a hidden child, in search for the De Meulemeester family that hid him in Sint-Kruis-Brugge. During his search, Jacky also discovered that Gabriel and Edouard Zimmerman and Henri Schlamowitsch were hidden by other members of the De Meulemeester family, living in Brussels.

  7. Jacobs-Stad family. Collection

    This collection contains : a photo of several Jacobs family members and family friend Armand Van Praag participating in the bridal party at a wedding ; a photo compilation of the deported Jacobs family members, including Mozes Theeboom, his wife Sara Jacobs and their daughter Keetje Theeboom, Samuel Jacobs, his wife Dora Efira and their son Jacques Jacobs, Joseph Jacobs and Isidore Jacobs.

  8. Jacques Raffeld. Collection

    This collection contains : a label from a can filled with the carrier of the poisonous gas Zyklon-B used in the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers ; a cap which was part of a uniform worn by an unidentified concentration camp inmate ; four objects from Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka, related to the mass murder of Jews and other prisoners at both camps, recuperated by Icek Chil alias Jacques Raffeld during post-war visits to the former camp sites.

  9. Jacques Schop. Collection

    This collection consists of a photo of and an interview with Jacques Schop. In his testimony Jacques talks about his childhood in the ghetto of Krakow, his father's clothing business in the ghetto, his life in hiding with the catholic Polish family outside of Krakow where Jacques stayed for several months, how his ‘rescuers’ tried to get rid of Jacques once the payments seized, Jacques’ reunion with his parents in the Krakow ghetto, their flight to Budapest in Hungary with the help of smugglers, their life in Budapest and Jacques’ post-war life in Israel, Canada and Belgium.

  10. Jeanne Glibert. Collection

    This collection consists of an interview with Jeanne Glibert. In her testimony Jeanne talks about her youth, the beginning of the war as she fled with friends, living under occupation in Antwerp, traitors who snitched on Jews, Jewish youth friends Betti Van Hamberg, Claudine Van Hamberg and Irène Brandes, and about Jewish links after the war.

  11. Jenny Birnbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: a portrait photo of Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; an order from the Kreiskommandantur in Nivelles to misses Lemarchand in Genval to present herself at their office regarding her foster child Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; two drawings created by Jenny Birnbaum in Auschwitz, 1944 ; a letter written by Jenny Birnbaum to her family after her liberation at Kaufering Lager XI, 1945 ; a telegram sent by Jenny Birnbaum to the Lemarchand family in Genval announcing her repatriation, 1945 ; an allied expeditionary force displaced person index card issued to Jenny Birnbaum, 1945 ; a little...

  12. Jenny Gutwirth. Collection

    In this interview Jenny Gutwirth talks about: her family fleeing Italy and surviving the war in Switzerland ; the survival story of her husband Emmanuel Neustetel, including the fate of his father Mojzesz Neustetel as a forced labourer in France, going into hiding in Laeken and Emmanuel’s band with his rescuer Frans Verbiest.

  13. Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school, Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains prewar, wartime and postwar parts of the administrative archive of the Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school in Antwerp. KD_00037_0001 : General documents regarding expenses and teaching staff, letters with blessings by Isaac Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel, and Eliezer Silver, rabbi of Ohio, promotional leaflets, speeches and magazines of the parent association and the pupils. KD_00037_0002 : Attendance lists of the teachers, 1934-1966 KD_00037_0003 : Attendance lists of the pupils, 1941-1983 KD_00037_0004 : Student count based on the municipal register, 1936-1960 KD_0...

  14. Jette (Brussels). Documents regarding the implementation of anti-Jewish measures, selected from the municipal archives. Collection

    KD_00031_0001: Folder "Instructions pour Israelites", containing copies of several Verordnungsblatter, circular letters issued by the province and notes regarding the implementation of the anti-Jewish measures in Jette (Brussels). KD_00031_0002: Folder "Documents service interne", containing correspondence with federal authorities, circular letters, lists of Jews whom bought the yellow star (star of David), notes on Jewish children whom turned 15 regarding their registration in the municipal Jewish register, letters regarding the nationality of Jewish inhabitants of Jette, documents regardi...

  15. Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas religious marriage records. Collection

    This collection contains: the register of the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas containing the religious marriage certificates drafted between 1 January 1937 and 27 February 1938 ; a second register containing the certificates drawn up between 6 March 1938 and 27 June 1939 ; a third register containing the certificates drawn up between 29 June 1939 and 14 June 1942 ; a folder containing unbound religious marriage certificates drawn up by the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas between 5 November 1944 and 14 October 1947. Each certificate contains the following information: the d...

  16. Jochem-Ebeler family. Collection

    This photo shows the Jochem-Ebeler family, including father Jacob Jochem, mother Gertrude Ebeler and their sons Emile and Jozef Jochem

  17. Jodenregister van Antwerpen. Collection

    The German decree of 28 October 1940 made it compulsory for all Jews from the age of 15 to register in the Jewish register of the municipality where they officially lived. The names of younger children were added to the forms of the parents (in most cases the copy of the father). Each form has room for the following information : surname, first names, date and place of birth, profession, nationality, religion, date of arrival in Belgium, the country of migration, successive addresses, date and place of registration, and the person’s signature, but also name, date and place of birth and reli...

  18. Johannes Brans and Bertha Mertens. Collection.

    This collection contains a copy of the speeches regarding the rescue activities of Johannes Brans and Bertha Mertens (and of the following Belgian rescuers who were honored on the same day : Charles and Alida Pontus, Marie Suymens, Anne-Marie Suymens, Jean-François and Florentine Suymens, Philippe and Marie-Thérèse Culot); copies of five certificates signed by the Belgian state regarding the resistance activities of Johannes Brans and his wife Bertha Mertens; proclamation of recognition by the embassy of Israel and Yad Vashem.

  19. Johannes Frank. Collection

    The collection contains pages from the Frank family photo album ; pictures of the Frank family showing family life before, during and after the war ; pictures of Johannes Frank, Dossin barracks camp commander, in SS uniform, in Belgium and France ; pictures of Johannes Frank as a policeman ; newspaper articles regarding the Holocaust commemoration work done by Achim Frank.

  20. Josef Blitz. Collection

    This collection contains digitised copies of birth certificates, xerox of documents provided by the Auschwitz State Museum concerning Josef Blitz, certificates of repatriation (with pictures of Josef Blitz) and class pictures taken at Jesode Hatorah in Antwerp.