Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,861 to 26,867 of 26,867
Language of Description: Czech
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: United States
  1. Friedrich Riebe

    This folder contains the personal papers of Friedrich Riebe, born in 1901, inducted into the SS in September 1944 and became a concentration camp guard in Sachsenhausen in November 1944. According to his records, he was a butcher by trade, who had been working as an auxiliary worker in a chemical factory in May 1944. The documents are interesting for the background of a concentration camp guard. Also of interest is the poor quality of the actual paper by November 1944.

  2. A Statement to the Peace Conference

    Opposes the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Presented to the Paris Peace Conference by a group of Jewish Americans, March 4, 1919. Statement handed to President Wilson on behalf of the signers by Congressman Julius Kahn on March 4, l9l9 for transmission to the Peace Conference in Paris. The statement was prepared by Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz, Mr. Max Senior, and Professor Morris Jastrow.

  3. Jürgen Stroop: Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!

    Relates to the German suppression of the Warsaw uprising and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto.

  4. Tymon Terlecki: Alle Juden raus!

    Relates to the German destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. Translation of article published in Wiadomosci Polskie (London). This article deals with the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto beginning July 17, l942. Both translations bear the stamp of the U.S. Consulate General, Zurich, March 27, l944.

  5. Wolfgang Diewerge: Sachbericht im Mordprozess gegen den Juden David Frankfurter in Chur

    David Frankfurter had shot the Landesgruppenleiter Schweiz der NSDAP Wilhelm Gustloff in Davos in l935. The collection contains a report of the legal proceedings against the accused in a Swiss court by Wolfgang Diewerge as well as a 32 page medical report on the accused by a Swiss psychiatrist.

  6. Lösung der Judenfrage in Galizien

    Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei Reichsfuerhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. SS-und Polizeifuehrer im Distrikt Galizien. Relates to Nazi persecution of Jews in Polish Galicia during World War II. This report by the SS and the Polizeifuehrer Galizien sent to his superior in Cracow on June l0, l943 deals with the registration of Jews, the formation of forced labor camps, resettlement in ghettos, control of the typhus epidemic, etc. The report is extensively illustrated, but because it is in photostat, the photographs are badly reproduced.