Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 336
Language of Description: Czech
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Holding Institution: Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Onderzoekscentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Recherche sur la Shoah et les Droits Humains
  1. Benedikt Felsen and Regina Degen. Collection

    This collection contains seven photos : one photo of Louis Paulissen and his father Jozef Paulissen in the courtyard of their farm in As, the province of Limburg ; six photos of Benedikt Felsen and Regina Degen posing with members of the Paulissen family while staying at their farm in 1941.

  2. Benjamin Segoura. Collection

    This collection contains a digital copy of: the marriage booklet of Benjamin Segoura and Djoya Benaderek, Benjamin Segoura's 1939 social insurance card, a letter sent by Benjamin Segoura to his wife and children while detained at the Drancy transit camp in 1943, the post-war political prisoner certificate for Benjamin Segoura awarded to his widow Djoya Benaderek and a post-war letter from the French Ministry for former resistance fighters and war victims to Djoya Benaderek regarding the correction of Benjamin Segoura's place of death on his death certificate.

  3. Berneman-Flam family. Collection

    This collection contains pre-war photos of the inhabitants of the town Kozienice, Poland ; post-war photos depicting Pinie Berneman's stay in a Suisse sanatorium in 1946 ; a book on the history of the Jewish community of Kozienice published in 1969 ; additions to the book by Pinie Berneman ; post-war newspaper clippings regarding the war in Poland ; audio-visual testimonies of Pinie Berneman and Chana Flam by the Steven Spielberg Foundation ; audio-visual testimony of Rosie Berneman by Kazerne Dossin.

  4. Betti Blaugrund. Collection

    This collection contains : a children's desk and chair used by Aline and Jacques Klajn before their deportation in October 1942 ; clogs carved for Betti Blaugrund by Louis Ceulemans while she was in hiding at the Ceulemans-Gryson farm in Aarschot ; a pre-war suitcase used by Betti Blaugrund’s family to store photos ; photos of the extended Blaugrund-Berlinski family, including photos of the Klajn-Berlinski family, the Berlinski-Frenkiel family and the Guzy-Berlinski family ; pre-war photos of family vacations at the Belgian coast ; wartime photos of Betti Blaugrund with Louis and Odile Ceul...

  5. Birenbaum-Flescher family. Collection

    This collection consists of a studio portrait of Salka Flescher and a casual portrait of siblings Jenny alias Schenja, Esther alias Erna and Joseph Birenbaum

  6. Birencwaig-Cyngler family. Collection

    This collection contains nine pre-war photos of the Birencwaig-Cyngler family : group photos of Abe Birencwaig and Zysla Cyngler with their children, a photo of oldest daughter Esther Birencwaig with fiancee Jean Cyngler and a photo of Abe Birencwaig and his parents.

  7. Boekman-Van der Horst family. Collection

    This collection contains : two forged IDs of Berthe (Elisabeth) Van der Horst, issued under her fake name Berthe Humbert ; three statements signed by fellow resistance fighters regarding the activities of Emmanuel Boekman as a forger and a member of the civil resistance ; the official deed recognizing Emmanuel Boekman as a civil resistance fighter in 1951 ; a statement by the municipality of Nijlen, confirming that Henri Alexander Boekman did wear the yellow star.

  8. Borisewitz family. Collection

    This collection consists of the following files: KD_00577_0001 : Belgian passport used by Robert Borisewitz for fleeing to Brazil in 1940 KD_00577_0002: documents regarding the military career of pilot Oscar Borisewitz ; correspondence between brothers Oscar and Robert Borisewitz ; documents regarding the death of Oscar Borisewitz in Rabat, Morocco, in July 1942 ; photos of the headstone and aviator monument with Oscar Borisewitz’s name ; documents regarding the repatriation of Oscar’s body to Belgium after the war KD_00577_0003: the charter granting pilot Oscar Borisewitz the title of chev...

  9. Bornstein family. Collection

    This collection contains six photographs, showing members of the Bornstein family: Franciska Bornstein, Abraham Kampf, Albert (Avraham) Gunzburg, Arthur (Aaron) Kampf, Lora / Sara Bornstein, Rezi Bornstein, Herman Bornstein, Samu Weinstein, Betty / Basha Schachner, Samuel Bornstein, Eta Kampf-Stieglitz, Harry Stieglitz and Avraham Stieglitz.

  10. Borowski-Wajuryk family. Collection

    This collection contains eight photos including a pre-war photo of Zima Herman Borowski with friends Eva Kupferstein and Malvine Reisenfeld, a pre-war photo of Nathalie Borowski's friend Pinkus (Paul) Fremder, a war-time photo of Zima Herman Borowski wearing the yellow Star of David, a photo from Nathalie Borowski's cheder (Hebrew and religious school) in Seraing when celebrating Hanukah in 1941, a wartime photo of Zima Herman Borowski wearing a priest's clothes while in hiding at a Jesuit monastery, and three post-war photos of the leftist Zionist youth movement Dror in Seraing and Liège.

  11. Breda family

    This collection contains: a postcard sent by Fanni Breda (sometimes Brada), held at the Theresienstadt ghetto, to her children, via Adele Truhlar, living in Brno, Czechoslovakia, in which Fanni mentions her stay in the hospital and the receipt of a parcel, 1944 ; a letter (author unknown) written in the Theresienstadt ghetto on the back of an Empfangsbestätigung [acknowledgement of receipt], 1945 ; certificate signed by the "Gendarme Sonderabteilung - Theresienstadt" confirming that Ada [Adele] Truhlar had sufficient means to travel and was thus allowed to leave Terezin, 1945 ; three Einlie...

  12. Brigitte Jacobsberg. Collection

    This collection consists of: Brigitte Jacobsberg's ID used during the Kindertransport from Germany to Belgium in 1938, her false and her real Belgian ID, a public transport ID under her false name Brigitte Leclerq, certificates regarding Brigitte's employment at the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home under supervision of the Association of Jews in Belgium in 1942-1944, post-war certificates regarding Brigitte's conduct during the war, and a biography.

  13. Brunner-Hollander family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner, his wife Esther Hollander, their children Dora and Henri Brunner, and the extended Brunner family ; wartime photos of the Brunner family while in hiding at Genval with the Balzat family ; a photo of Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner being reunited with his wife Esther Hollander and their son Henri at the Royal Circus in Brussels in 1945 ; war-time Red Cross membership card and ID card of Rosa Brunner ; advertisement stamp of Pension Brunner located in Heide ; Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner's Hungarian military...

  14. Calixte Vandevelde. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Calixte Vandevelde ; a number of items recuperated from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) in the weeks following Liberation in September 1944, including two dice, a purse belonging to Jewish secretary Benita Hirschfeld, an empty parcel box imprinted “Brunita margarine”, a children’s book entitled “De speeldoos van Langelot”, a shoe with wooden sole and 37 tin buttons fabricated in the camp workshops, the pocket watch of the deported Leon Brener with a piece of cloth with a handwritten text in Yiddish tucked inside, the necklace with pendant...

  15. Celnik-Miliband family. Collection

    This collection contains six photos of Celnik-Miliband family members, including portraits of Jacques Celnik, his wife Frania Miliband and a group photo of the couple with relatives.

  16. Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. Collection

    This collection contains a card to Tony Samuel's great uncle, Harry Karet (1906-1999), sent by Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. The card conveys Jewish New Year's greetings. "I am blessing you and your family with G'mar Chatimah Tovah (literal translation: 'a good final sealing') - said at Yom Kippur, referring to the Book of Life) May God give you a year of life, blessing and success, wealth and honor," the message (in Hebrew) says. In 1938, 14 September marked the Jewish New Year. However, Yom Kippur occurred on 5 October. This card's message may be a little late in some ways, but there may be good...

  17. Charles Benedictus. Collection

    This collection contains: the birth certificate of Esther Benedictus (paternal grandmother of Charles Benedictus), 1840 ; a municipal certificate issued to Samson and Esther Benedictus (paternal grandparents of Charles Benedictus), 1868 ; the wedding booklet of Samson and Esther Benedictus, 1868 ; a Dutch passport issued to Esther Benedictus, 1918 ; pre-war promotional material for cigar factory Primus inter Pares, owned by the Benedictus family, including a deck of cards, a brochure and a catalogue ; a collage of the I. [Isaac] Benedictus - Primus inter Pares brand cigar bands ; a municipa...

  18. Charlotte Leitersdorf. Collection

    This collection consists of a painting created before the war by Charlotte Leitersdorf, showing a vase with a bouquet of flowers. Charlotte's initials are visible in the bottom left corner.

  19. Chemd-Baum family. Collection

    This collection contains six photos and two documents of Maurice Baum, of violonist Isaac Salomon Chamd and of the Chemd-Baum family.