Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,641 to 1,660 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Ritual slaughter in Czechoslovakia: documents

  2. Report on 'Der Stürmer' article re ritual murder - no date

    Report about an article in an issue of Der Stürmer in which an allegation is made of ritual murder in a small village in the Saar c1903.

  3. German Jewish artists: exhibition catalogue

    German Jewish artists: exhibition catalogue 

  4. Wahle family papers

    The collection comprises a significant amount of incoming and copy outgoing correspondence between Karl and Hedwig and various friends, colleagues and relations. 

  5. Rolf Falksohn: Family papers

    This collection contains papers relating to the family of Rolf Falksohn and includes birth marriage and death certificates (1863/1/1-13); war time correspondence from Rolf in London, to his sister, Tutta, in Palestine (digital); pre war correspondence between Rolf's father Albert (1891-1943), Rolf and Tutta (digital); postwar correspondence from Rolf's aunt Trude in Berlin (digital); copy documentation regarding Rolf's uncle and aunt Leo Segall (1886-1943) and Manya Segall nee Falksohn (1892-1943) (1863/1/11); photgraphs (digital and some printouts: 1863/2/1-25)  

  6. Elisabeth Dora Gebhardt: Copy diary extract

    Elisabeth Dora Gebhardt: Copy diary extract 

  7. Alaska Development Corporation Act

  8. Copy documents re 'Schutzjuden', Germany

  9. Czech fascists: various documents

  10. Deutsche Fichte-Bund: papers

    The material consists primarily of correspondence and propaganda pamphlets of the Deutscher Fichte-Bund Items 704/1-4 are Xerox copies. Item 704/8 is an undated copy letter from the Bund zur Pflege personlicher Freundschaften mit Auslandern

  11. Copy letter from Otto Weiss

    Copy letter from Otto Weiss, father of a soldier who was executed for writing to Hitler that he should end the war.

  12. Report on protest meeting against pogroms in Poland, Belgium

    Partial report of a protest meeting against antisemitic pogroms in Poland which took place in Antwerp, 6 May 1936.

  13. German army atrocities: report

  14. Copy Jewish trade register entry, Munich

    Copy extract from a register of Jewish Businesses in Munich, detailing that of Ernst Fulda 

  15. Geoffery Stuart papers

    This collection comprises predominantly the personal papers of Geoffrey Stuart, formerly known as Gerd Stein (1957/3). Also included are papers pertaining to his wife, Gerda Elfrieda Stuart (1957/4), and his parents Georg and Ella Stein (1957/1-2). In addition, the collection contains 3 albums of photographs depicting Geoffrey Stuart's early family and experience in the British army (1957/5).

  16. Jewish School for the Deaf, Berlin

    This collection comprises a copy extract about a Jewish school for the deaf, London, many of whose pupils came from a similar institution in Berlin in the 1930s. The extract includes photographs of former pupils which have been annotated with names.