Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,201 to 1,220 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Peter Gray collection

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  2. Anti-Nazi propaganda in Germany: various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Anti-Nazi propaganda in Germany: various papers 

  3. Dr. Hans Wollenberg: correspondence

    This is a collection of letters received by Dr. Hans Werner Wollenberg from his family, mainly his grandmother in Berlin and his parents in Königsberg, but also brothers and cousins. The volume also includes some letters he wrote to his parents as a student in Munich.The correspondence begins with a few letters congratulating him on his success at school and on passing his final school exam in 1910. The bulk of the letters were written in 1911 when he was studying medicine at Munich. There is quite a lot of correspondence about money and the necessity to be very careful with it. The highlig...

  4. Anna Jacobsen: Copy documents re racial origins

    These 2 copy documents concern a court case at the District Court, Hamburg in 1943, in which the paternity and racial origins of Anna Mathilde Sara Jacobsen are subject to examination. Included are the verdict of the court and the report of Professor Dr. Hans Weinert of the Anthropological Institute of Kiel University. The documents offer some insight into the pseudo-scientific procedures of racial research during the Nazi era.

  5. Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens: regional group meeting invitations

    Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens: regional group meeting invitations 

  6. Nazi war crimes: copy reports and statements

    This collection consists of several copy and translated papers or sets of copy and translated papers which document Nazi war crimes and are apparently unrelated. According to the depositor, the material was donated to him by a former Sergeant of Intelligence (name not supplied). A number of the translated documents bear the name of the translator, a Sergeant in the Field Investigation Section, War Crimes Group, North West Europe. The name of the investigating officer occurs on a number of the witness depositions.

  7. Wolfgang Salinger collection

    This collection contains original correspondence from members and friends of the Salinger family to Wolfgang Salinger who fled Germany for England in 1939; personal papers, such as certificates, postcards and a family tree; and photographs.

  8. Papers re various Jewish organisations

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Original and mimeographed documents relating to Jewish organisations in Germany in the 1930s. The papers consist of a miscellaneous collections relating to the following organisations and individuals: 603/1- correspondence of the lawyer, Willy Katzenstein, of Bielefeld, re the dispute between the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin.; 603/2- papers re Ahlem, Israelitische Gartenbauschule; 603/3- various papers re the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin; 603/4- papers re oth...

  9. German Foreign Office: correspondence re Jews in Slovakia

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilmed collection of correspondence and papers re the fate of Jews in Slovakia mostly dates after the Slovak National Uprising, which took place between August and October 1944, and included a relatively high percentage of Jews. It consists mainly of correspondence between the German Foreign and Security offices in Berlin and representatives of the regime in Pressburg (Bratislava). Included are letters from Obersturmbannführer Eichmann.

  10. Ralf Wachtel collection

    Ralf Wachtel collection 

  11. Auschwitz crematorium floor plan

  12. Löbl family papers

    This collection contains correspondence from the parents of Robert Löbl concerned with his safe custody in the UK. Also contained are photographs of Robert and printouts of Pages of Testimony from Yad Vashem Shoah Victims’ Database. 

  13. Antisemitism in France: various papers

    This collection consists of miscellaneous papers relating to and reporting on antisemitic organisations in France and Belgium. The organisations represented include: Rassemblement Antijuif de France; Union et Sauvegarde Juive; Centre de Documentation et de Propagande

  14. Bern: Copy court papers re libel action brought by Jewish community

    Copy papers re a private action brought by the Schweiz. Israelitischer Gemeindebund and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Bern against the Gauleitung des Bundes Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen, re a case comprising the following charges: contravening the law on trash literature; distributing pamphlets; publishing an article ‘Swiss girls beware of Jews'; and selling the brochure ‘the Zionist Protocols'.53 pages

  15. George Rigal: Reports re persecution of Jews in Russia

    Nothing is known about the circumstances surrounding the creation of these reports of Jewish persecution in the Soviet Union.

  16. Papers on Otto Schiff

    Notes, correspondence, primary documents (most photocopied) and secondary literature written or collated by A. J. Sherman and Pamela Shtazkes to write an article on Otto Schiff. Their article appeared in The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook in 2009. In addition the collection contains a similar set of materials created or collected by Joan Stiebel, who had worked closely with Schiff in the 1930s and 1940s. Particularly interesting are the drafts Stiebel wrote of a longer, unpublished memoir or autobiography of Schiff; these also examine her work with refugees after 1945.The dates...

  17. Copy report re execution of Jews

    1181/1Copy of a letter from Dr. G. Starinowsky to party member Kayser referring to a sitting of the Sondergericht in the Ukraine in which 4 death sentences were passed on Jews who were then executed. (20 Jul 1942) copy ndGerman. Barely legible 1181/2 Covering letter from the depositor 18 Apr 1957German 

  18. Heinrich Kraschutski: copy correspondence concerning his fate

    The letters deal with the fate of Heinrich Richard Albrecht Kraschutski, formerly commander in the German navy, 1914-1918, becoming a prominent figure in the pacifist movement in Germany after the First World War, and co-editor of the pacifist weekly, Das Andere Deutschland, the publication of which was regarded as particularly pernicious and treacherous by the Reichswehr because of its disclosures of violations of the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He went to Majorca and together with a small group of other anti-nazi refugees opened a little workshop of arts and crafts at...

  19. Ruth Biswas: correspondence