Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 801 to 820 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Marion Lesser collection

    This collection contains papers pertaining to the family of Marion Lesser nee Oschitzky and comprises correspondence from her parents and other papers

  2. Berlin cabaret songs

  3. Aryanisation of the Römischer Kaiser store, Erfurt: Documents

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Microfilmed collection of documents relating to the aryanisation of the 'Römischer Kaiser' store, Erfurt.In the correspondence between Gauwirtschaftsberater and Wirtschaftskammer Mitteldeutschland- Weimar, it is stated that economic viability rather than party policy should decide whether the 'Römischer Kaiser' store should be Aryanised.

  4. Copy papers concerning Karl Wittig

    This collection of copy papers documents the experiences of Karl Wittig in Germany during the Nazi era and in the immediate postwar years. The papers include sworn statements by various witnesses (including Pastor Martin Niemöller) who testify to his incarceration in various concentration camps.

  5. Refugee camps in Switzerland: Various records

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this collection.This microfilm collection of copy records documents the official policy regarding the management of refugees in Switzerland and the day to day running of refugee camps. The papers consist of memoranda, circulars and minutes of meetings of camp leaders.Copies of instructions issued by the Eidgenossisches Justiz- und Polizeidepartment, Polizeiabteilung, Arbeitslager für Emigranten including:Miscellaneous memoranda, 24 Apr 1940- 10 Apr 1942, 14 pp, including 'Reglement für die Lagerführung, Pr...

  6. Von Friedhoefen Sterbender Oestlicher Gemeinden

    Von Friedhoefen Sterbender Oestlicher Gemeinden : article by Alfred Grotte

  7. Diary of a German woman

    Manuscript diary of a German woman who was apparently a keen supporter of Adolf Hitler

  8. Ministry of Economic Warfare: Statistics re food rations in enemy territories

    Ministry of Economic Warfare: statistics re food rations in enemy territories 

  9. French address booklet

    Address-booklet, entitled "A Communauté (community). Contains mainly London-based addresses of organizations and embassies, as well as private addresses. Owner unknown.

  10. Various eyewitness testimonies

  11. Lizzi Grünwald collection