Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 561 to 580 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Valerie and Andrea Wolffenstein: correspondence and papers

    This collection consists mainly of correspondence from friends and acquaintances of Valerie and Andrea Wolffenstein, 2 sisters of Jewish origins, who converted to Christianity and who managed to survive the war in hiding in Germany. It comprises mostly reminiscences and birthday wishes etc

  2. Traunstein DP camp: press cuttings re exhibition

    This collection consists of copy press cuttings relating to an exhibition put on by the Traunstein Stadtarchiv, "Ein Leben aufs Neu. Juedische Displaced Persons auf deutschem Boden, 1945-1948".

  3. 'Hidden Jews of Berlin': transcript interviews

    This collection consists of transcripts of interviews conducted for the TV programme The Hidden Jews of Berlin. Also floppy disk of the same. The subjects include detailed accounts of life in hiding in Berlin during World War II; experience of capture, interrogation by Jewish collaborators and Gestapo and betrayal by Jews; Mischlinge; Fabrikation; Siemens; Rosenstrasse protest; Grosse Hamburger Strasse; life in Berlin before the war.

  4. Josef Mueller: war crimes trial copy papers

    This collection of material came about as a result of research into the events that took place in Plaszow concentration camp, in particular the crimes and testimony of Josef Mueller, one of the former commandants. The papers consist of the trial judgement, a transcript of his interrogation and various statements in the case against Mueller. There are also numerous statements from Mueller, acting as a witness in the trials of other defendants. Also included is correspondence between the depositor and the Wiener Library.

  5. Wilhelm Rosenbaum: copy verdict in war crimes trial

    This document comprises copy extracts from the verdict and judgment in the case against Wilhelm Karl Johannes Rosenbaum

  6. Schlesinger family documents

    This collection documents the experiences of a Jewish family in Vienna before and just after the Nazi occupation. This includes official correspondence which highlights the increasingly Anti-semitic measures taken by the authorities.The collection also contains a long letter from Jewish friends of the family, who managed to survive the war years in Hungary. This is a rare and valuable account of the Hungarian Jewish experience during the Nazi era, containing descriptions of life in hiding, deportations, massacres by Hungarian Nazis and life in Budapest in the immediate postwar years.

  7. Former nazis in Middle East: various papers

    This collection of various papers relates to former Nazis in Muslim countries in the Middle East and German/ Arab relations in the 1960s./1: Article entitled 'Ehemalige Nazis im Dienste Aegyptens', 23 Mar 1965No author German 4 pages/2: Article entitled 'Nazi Criminals in Arab Countries', March 1965No author English 10 pages/3: Orphan document entiled 'Appendix: Some of the Leading Former Nazis in United Arab Republic Service', ndNo author English 2 pages/4: Article entitled 'Arab Anti-Semitism', ndNo author English 8 pages/5 Anti-Semitic leaflet addessed to the German people from unidentif...

  8. Adler family papers

    Collection of papers, correspondence and ephemera of the Adler family who emigrated to the UK in 1936.

  9. Hugo Nothmann: Printed letters

  10. Gisela and Adolf Adler: Personal papers

    This collection contains correspondence, photograph and personal papers documenting the lives of Adolf and Gisela Adler, a Jewish couple who emigrated from Nazi Germany, and their search for relatives after the war.

  11. Adolf Neumann and Margot Cahn: diaries

    This collection contains the diaries of Margot Cahn (1928-1949) (1674/1-23) and Dr Adolf Neumann (1933-1938) (1674/24-29), who met in 1933 documenting their daily lives, meetings and social events in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, until the November pogroms in 1938. Shortly after this event they both emigrated to different countries, Margot to England and Adolf to Scandinavia. Margot Cahn's life in London can be traced through her diaries until 1949. The diaries include poetry and contain memorabilia such as photographs, press cuttings, programmes as well as pressed flowers and leaves.

  12. Curtis family: Copy correspondence

  13. Leibisch Engelberg: Personal papers

    This collection contains correspondence and official personal documents of the Engelberg family.

  14. Albert and Milda Salinger: Copy correspondence

    This collection contains copy correspondence between members of the Salinger family during World War II.Personal papers including details of the name change of Albert Salinger's daughter Judis, Judis's emigration to England, and the death of Milda Salinger's mother in 1943.German

  15. Kurt Paucker: Memorial Service

    This collection contains transcripts of speeches held at the memorial service for Kurt Paucker on 26 April 1980.Papers including speeches by Arnold Paucker; Werner Henle, Ph.D mentor at the University of Pennsylvania, colleague and friend; and Jan Vilcek and Clifton A Ogburn, colleagues and friends. The speech by his brother tells the story of their bourgeois upbringing in the Weimarer Republic in Berlin before their education was interrupted in Nazi Germany and the family was torn apart by the Jewish persecutions