Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,541 to 1,560 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. American propaganda film to educate US soldiers going to France

    An American propaganda film produced by the U.S. Office of War Information to educate US soldiers before going to France. Some scenes are staged. Reel 2: Shows Nazi, fascist, and Japanese leaders and their followers, including Adolf Hitler, Pierre Laval, Oswald Mosley, Fritz Kuhn, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Rudolph Hess, Julius Streicher, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Benito Mussolini. Flashbacks to World War I show the German Kaiser reviewing troops, French posting mobilization orders, the French taxicab army leaving Paris, scenes of the battles at Verdun and Chemin des Dames, Llo...

  2. Alfred and Emma Pisko papers

    1. Alfred and Emma Heumann Pisko family collection

    The Alfred and Emma Pisko papers include birth certificates, United Kingdom certificates of registration, travel documents, and a marriage certificate for Alfred and Emma Pisko as well as a photograph of the couple in 1980. The registration certificates indicate that Alfred and Emma were exempt from internment because they were refugees from Nazi oppression. Additional military and immigration records documenting Alfred Pisko include an enlistment attestation, service records (pay book, release book, record of service card), declaration of intention to become an American citizen, and certif...

  3. Personal papers of Holocaust survivors in Argentina

    Contains four small collections of personal documents, photographs, correspondence of survivors to Argentina: 1. Klippel-one file from the office of Jose Moskovits pertaining to Leon Klippel and his sister Bella Scner (geb. Klippel) consisting of 60 pages & photos. (See also RG-72.006M & RG-72.035) 2. Vogel: documents donated by Maurizio Vogel's family consisting of about 200 pages documenting the efforts by Mr. Vogel, who had fled from Nazi Germany to Argentina with his son, to rescue his wife who remained behind in Germany in order to take care of her ailing mother. Includes perso...

  4. Selected records from the State Archives of the Akmolinsk Region, Kazakhstan related to evacuation of civilians in the former USSR

    Selected records related to the evacuation of civilians to the Akmolinsk region, Kazakhstan during WWII that includes information about resettlement, employment and food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities. This collection also includes lists of evacuees, statistical reports, correspondence, list of evacuated communists, list of evacuated Polish citizens repatriated to Poland, and other nationalities.

  5. DPs at Bremerhaven port

    Boat dock, Bremerhaven port. "Meet the first DPs" "Ship to Freedom" Numbers on tags pinned to coats of refugees. Suitcases, boarding ship, shots on board ship, ship leaves port.

  6. Selected records from the collection Polish Welfare Committee in Częstochowa Polski Komitet Opiekuńczy Oddział w Częstochowie (Sygn.15)

    This collection contains files of the Polish Social Welfare Committee (Polski Komitet Opiekuńczy) in Częstochowa during the Nazi occupation, includes mainly records related to social welfare rendered to the poor, orphaned children, refugees, and individuals deported from the USSR during 1939-1940, or who left Warsaw after the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Apart from the above, some file fragments refer to matters of the Jewish community.

  7. Rabbi Eliezer Silver letter

    One handwritten letter, in Hebrew, from Rabbi Eliezer Silver, writing in his capacity as president of Va'ad Hatzalah, to Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog, in Palestine, in spring 1946. In his letter, he describes news he has received about the destitute condition of many of the newly arrived Jewish refugees in Palestine, and proposes various actions in order to provide humanitarian aid for them, including the sending of funds to support such work. He also discusses negative rumors that had been spread about Va'ad Hatzalah's work there, and asks Herzog to intervene on their behalf.

  8. German victories in East before invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 2: Vehicles move on an autobahn. British troops parade and drill. British recruits join up. Hitler reviews German troops. War materiel rolls from a German factory. Hitler rides through Vienna and across the Czech border. German troops and tanks parade. German refugees flee Polish oppression. Hitler speaks in the Reichstag. Panzer units invade Poland. Hitler looks through an artillery periscope. German railroads transport war materiel. Newspaper headlines proclaim the war. German naval units cruise off the coast of Norway, paratroops land in Norway. German planes fly over Norwegian moun...

  9. German-Jewish emigres arrive in Shanghai by boat

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 754, Part 2. Release date, 02/23/1939. 841 Jews arrive in Shanghai on the SS Conte Biancomano. View from dock as passengers wave from rail of boat (mostly men). CU women and men waving. MLS women and men walking down stairs, departing boat (nicely dressed). Refugees at desk, exchanging papers. 02:13:10 Hedrig Callman with her grandson Rolf Eis. Man in "window" dropping bread into a woman's bag. At rough table; men eating soup in CU, then MS. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 02:11:01 Port Washington, NY "Yankee Clipper in Test Flight for Oc...

  10. Text only poster urging a positive welcome for Jews returning to Poland from the Soviet Union postwar

    1. Jewish experience in Eastern Europe and Palestine documents and ephemera collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn49035
    • English
    • overall: Height: 17.875 inches (45.403 cm) | Width: 25.250 inches (64.135 cm) pictorial area: Height: 16.375 inches (41.593 cm) | Width: 23.375 inches (59.373 cm)

    Broadside proclamation issued by the Central Committee of Polish Jews (Tsentral-Komitet fun di Yidn in Poyln), urging Polish Jews to welcome Jews returning to Poland from the Soviet Union after World War II. It urged them to offer both moral and financial support. The undated poster was printed in Łódź in approximately 1945-1947.

  11. Performers at convalescent homes and DP camps in Italy

    Soprano Marguerite Kozenn and pianist and composer Julius Chaje shake hands with two men in front of a gate at a rest home or DP camp in Italy with the sign “AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE.” Kozenn and Chaje tour the terrace with a large fountain and several small statues. CU of a statue of a cherub. Kozenn, Chaje, and the two men walking down a set of steps in a garden. INT, CU hands playing piano. Chaje plays piano, then stands up, bowing to the camera. Chaje plays piano accompaniment as Kozenn sings for the audience of refugees. Chaje and Kozenn talk to several young refugees in t...

  12. Scrapbook album, "First Reunion, 1958"

    Scrapbook, containing photographs and ephemera, titled "First Reunion, 1958," compiled by an unidentified German emigre couple (possibly Charlotte and Herbert Jewell, originally Jewelowski) who fled the country in 1938, documenting their return to Germany and England for the first time in 1958, to visit relatives. Contains pre-war pictures of family, and depicts departure from New York in May 1958, arrival and visit with relatives in Berlin, trip to Munich and Bad Gastein, Austria; a visit to London to visit the burial site of their parents and relatives (including memorial to those killed ...

  13. Collaborators volunteer for German army

    Quisling in Norway, French volunteers, Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army. MS Vidkun Quisling reviews with Nazi officer a line of Norwegian police in Norway. CU of insignia patch of eagle and swastika (uniforms suggest military volunteers rather than police). MLS French officers review bereted volunteers for German army on grounds of Versailles. CU several of them. They march out and off to train station. Good MCU as they sort through baggage, say goodbye and board train. 5:12:26 MCU as crowd of Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army and civilians marching toward c...

  14. Handkerchief with embroidered floral motif carried by a Polish Jewish refugee

    1. Sylvia Bassman collection

    Handkerchief embroidered by 19-year old Shejna Sylvia Jaroszewska and brought with her when she emigrated from Sokolka, Poland, to the United States in November 1938. She settled with an aunt in New York City. All the members of her family who remained in Poland were killed during the Holocaust.

  15. Personal archives of Meer Bomash, member of the State Duma (Fond 9458, opis1)

    Contains letters to Meer Bomash from Russian State Duma members, civil servants, publishers, students, intelligentsia, and ordinary citizens about the establishment of Jewish educational institutions, antisemitism, compulsory military service, and the general conditions of the Jewish community of Łódź. Also included are requests for help in gaining acceptance to educational institutions, for aid obtaining transfers to different government posts or schools, for material and financial assistance on behalf of aid societies, and for the commutation of prison sentences. There are also reports, p...

  16. Sylvia Neulander collection

    The Sylvia Neulander collection consists of a letter written by Sylvia Neulander, who worked for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) after the war in the US Zone of Germany; addressed to Sylvia's sister Alice in 1946. In the letter, Sylvia describes accompanying a group of orphaned children from Marseille to Eretz Israel (Palestine) in April 1946, and visiting other children who previously had gone to Kibbutz Buchenwald. The collection also includes a photograph of Sylvia in uniform.

  17. Walter Saunders papers

    The Walter Saunders papers contains correspondence with Walter’s parents while they were in Marseille and Les Milles. The documents contain reference letters, naturalization certificate, and an Austrian citizenship certificate. The photographs include portraits of Paul and Klara while at Auschwitz, a group photo with Paul at Camp Gurs, a young Walter with his brother Kurt, and a younger Paul while serving in the Austrian Army during World War I.