Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Enameled porcelain vase with a floral pattern owned by Lithuanian Jewish refugee in the Shanghai Ghetto

    1. Sara Kupinski Cohen collection

    Colorful, enameled, porcelain vase acquired by Sara Kupinski’s (later Cohen) family in Shanghai, China, where her family fled using Japanese and Dutch transit visas supplied by diplomats in Soviet-occupied Kovno, (Kaunas), Lithuania. Sara lived outside of Lida, Poland (now Belarus) with her parents, Eliasz and Slawa, brother, Hirsz, and uncle, Samuel. Following Germany and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, Eli and Samuel fled to Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania) because they were considered wealthy landowners. Slawa, Hirsz, and Sara later joined them. Having obtained the...

  2. Silver rickshaw and driver figurine owned by a Lithuanian Jewish refugee in the Shanghai Ghetto

    1. Sara Kupinski Cohen collection

    Silver rickshaw and runner figurine acquired by Sara Kupinski’s (later Cohen) family in Shanghai, China, where her family fled using Japanese and Dutch transit visas supplied by diplomats in Soviet-occupied Kovno, (Kaunas), Lithuania. Sara lived outside of Lida, Poland (now Belarus) with her parents, Eliasz and Slawa, brother, Hirsz, and uncle, Samuel. Following Germany and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, Eli and Samuel fled to Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania) because they were considered wealthy landowners. Slawa, Hirsz, and Sara later joined them. Having obtained th...

  3. Silver bowl with a dragon owned by a Lithuanian Jewish refugee in the Shanghai Ghetto

    1. Sara Kupinski Cohen collection

    Decorative, Zee Sung Silver bowl acquired by Sara Kupinski’s (later Cohen) family in Shanghai, China, where her family fled using Japanese and Dutch transit visas supplied by diplomats in Soviet-occupied Kovno, (Kaunas), Lithuania. Sara lived outside of Lida, Poland (now Belarus) with her parents, Eliasz and Slawa, brother, Hirsz, and uncle, Samuel. Following Germany and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, Eli and Samuel fled to Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania) because they were considered wealthy landowners. Slawa, Hirsz, and Sara later joined them. Having obtained their...

  4. Illustrated postcard with finger holes owned by a Lithuanian Jewish refugee in the Shanghai Ghetto

    1. Sara Kupinski Cohen collection

    Hand-illustrated card carried by Sara Kupinski’s (later Cohen) family as they fled from Poland, via Lithuania, the Soviet Union, Japan, and China, during the Holocaust, eventually settling in Canada. They were able to flee by using Japanese and Dutch transit visas supplied by diplomats in Soviet-occupied Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania. Sara lived outside of Lida, Poland (now Belarus) with her parents, Eliasz and Slawa, brother, Hirsz, and uncle, Samuel. Following Germany and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, Eli and Samuel fled to Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania) because the...

  5. Albert and Theresia Schwager papers

    The Albert and Theresia Schwager papers contain telegrams and correspondence relating to Albert and Theresia Schwager’s attempt to emigrate from Germany aboard the MS St. Louis. The telegrams and correspondence detail their experiences aboard the MS St. Louis and arrangements for their eventual arrival in England. The collection also contains Cuban immigration documents, identification cards, and a quota number document issued by the United States consulate in Stuttgart, Germany, August 19, 1938.

  6. Frieder estate in Manila; family visits Baguio

    Pan of the Frieder family villa exteriors in Manila, including gardens, grounds, lush vegetation. People work in the large garden. View of Manila beyond the estate from roof(?) of villa. 00:02:56 Brief shot of the girls at play followed by views of the grounds at Camp John Hay in Baguio City in 1933. Jane and Peggy Frieder with their nanny and toys. 00:03:58 The girls pose with their dolls by a decorated Christmas tree in the garden. 00:04:08 An American flag waves, mountains visible in the distance. HAV of camp's amphitheater. 00:04:19 Jane, Peggy, and their Filipino nanny walk down a stee...

  7. Claude Zaidenband papers

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Claude Zaidenband and his family at home in Belgium and as refugees in France and Switzerland during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Documents include a poem titled "Espoir!" by Claude’s brother Henri, dated January 1945, and a letter from an association of former Jewish partisans, dated 1950, presumably responding to a request from Claude’s father Natan that he be added to their membership. One 1945 family photograph bears a 1995 inscription on the back.

  8. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Woman selling newspapers on the street. Cut to scene behind the American Embassy where, according to Julien Bryan's book "Siege", all the Americans were during the Siege. Scene of Americans practicing for heading underground during an attack, American flag in the ground, sand bags, etc. They are trying to string the flag so that it will somehow be visible from the air so that the Germans will not bomb them. Several of the men are wearing armbands. VS, sandbagging the American embassy in Warsaw. The men continue to point towards the sky, as they head underground, one man takes still photos. ...

  9. DPs emigrate from Bremerhaven, Germany to the United States; scenes of postwar life in Salzburg, Austria

    Bremerhaven, Germany: CU of Julien Bryan's name written in chalk on the side of a railcar, he used this as his camera slate. Port: MS of part of the ship the "US Army Transport General William M. Black," passengers wave from the deck of the ship to the camera, a banner on the lower deck of the ship reads: "America Welcomes Its New Citizens," camera pans to upper deck of ship where a banner reads: "Ship to Freedom." The passengers and the US military aboard the ship wave to the cameras. New slate, Salzburg, Austria: US Information Center on a buys street corner. Austrian civilians gather to ...

  10. Selected records from the Archivio di Stato di Lecce

    Records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in Italy in the community of Lecce. The archive contains relevant documents within the Prefettura and Questura, e.g. concerning the census of Jews, 1938-1942 and the Displaced Persons camp in Santa Maria al Bagno, 1943-1947.

  11. China Clipper airplane lands in Manila

    Interisland boat departs from pier (destined for Mindinao?), people wave ribbons. Aerial views of the first China Clipper plane flying low and landing in shallow water near the busy Pier 7 in Manila on November 29, 1935. 01:22:32 CUs, Frieder family and friends smile for the camera aboard a ship meeting the clipper.

  12. Frieder children at play

    Morris and Julia Frieder's children in Cincinnati, Ohio in the early 1930s. Jane (b. 1927), the oldest daughter of the family, and her classmates climb on a jungle gym on a rooftop playground at the University of Cincinnati nursery school. 00:02:00 Jane, with the short, dark hair, plays in the sandbox. Jane and her younger sister Peggy (b. 1930) play outside their home wearing bathing suits.

  13. Frieders travel home via China

    The Frieder family stops over in Hong Kong (like the brief shot in Film ID 2956 at 00:02:46) - Corinne and the children ride in rickshaws, locals in the street. The Frieder family tours a park with massive Buddha statue. More street scenes with locals. 01:08:52 Rickshaws with the Frieders. Crowds next to a large docked ocean cruiser with confetti. Pan of ships in the harbor, glimpse of an American flag on the large ship, and parked rickshaws and automobiles on the dock. The cruiser departs, confetti breaks, people wave. 01:10:54 Morris Frieder shakes hands with men. Two young women and some...

  14. Malcolm A. Vendig papers

    1. Malcolm A. Vendig collection

    The Malcolm A. Vendig papers, 1932-1967, relate to Captain Malcolm A. Vendig’s service with the 83rd U.S. Infantry Division and his tenure as the military governor of Dachau, Germany after the liberation of the concentration camp in 1945. Topics discussed include the activities of the 83rd U.S. Infantry Division before liberation, daily operations at the Dachau concentration camp after liberation, military and personnel incidents, the administration of public safety, the distribution of food, and the revitalization of industry in the vicinity of Dachau, Germany. The papers largely consist o...

  15. Refugee children in the Middle East

    In Egypt, a tent city with Polish children. Daily activities in the tent city. Children at the beach, engaging in athletic activities, eating bread, playing, studying, working, etc. Field school. Polish soldiers. Refugees in tents. Sign: "TEHERAN 3 KM/WARSAWY 4,371 KM." Sign: "SZKOLA POWSZECHNA NO. 3." Visit by officials, CUs. Stage performance, children and adults performing Polish dances. Detailed cescription with original narration: 01:38:05 Narration begins in Polish: "One key responsibility of the Polish Army in the East is the caretaking of Polish children in exile. Thanks to whom wil...

  16. Frieders golf and swim

    Corinne Frieder and one of the Frieder children register at the Baguio country club golf course. A sign reads: "Players Absolutely Prohibited Unless Wearing Flat-Heeled Shoes." Corinne, Alex and their children practice at the driving range. 01:16:07 Louise pushes Alice on a swing in their front yard in Baguio. The Frieder teens and friends swim in the pool in Manila (probably for Edna's birthday). 01:17:10 Alice and cousins Jane and Peggy run down the stairs and play in the pool in Manila.

  17. Chaim Weizmann

    Documentary on the life of Chaim Weizmann. (1874-1952) Weizmann was a scientist, president of the World Zionist Organization during the Nazi era and the first president of Israel. He met with world leaders to protest the racial persecution of the Jews in Germany and elsewhere. His efforts to organize rescue plans and to influence the British to relax immigration restrictions were rejected by the British. The Jewish Agency's Department for the Settlement of German Refugees. In August 1933, the Zionist Congress nominated Weizmann, to head the Jewish Agency's Department for the settlement of G...

  18. Anne Löb Marx papers

    The Anne Löb Marx papers contains a blank color postcard of the MS St. Louis and a black and white photograph of passengers boarding the MS St. Louis in Hamburg, Germany, May 1939. Pictured in the photograph are Anne Löb Marx’s grandfathers, Solomon Lehmann and Isidor Löb. Both men disembarked the MS St. Louis in Belgium and perished at Auschwitz concentration camp.

  19. Frieders vacation in Europe

    The Frieder family takes a vacation. The first shots show a tour of the Coliseum in Rome, family at 01:07:56, and a group of schoolboys. 01:08:27 Men and women in uniform pose and salute (fascist). Views of the Arch of Constantine, outside the Coliseum, more Italian architecture, ruins, and landscape. 01:09:48 The bronze East doors of the Florence Baptistery designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Pan across foggy Florence with Brunelleschi's dome in the distance. 01:10:18 Edna, Louise, and Alice and their mother Corinne feed birds outside St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. Ornate façade. 01:11:22 The Da...

  20. Libby Flumenbaum collection

    Consists of eight postcards written by donor's family in the Łódź ghetto to the donor in Lvov and later in a labor camp in Siberia; and 31 pre-war photographs depicting the donor's classmates in the private Jewish gymnasium, the Maria Hochstein school, in Łódź.