Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 681 to 700 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Kriegsberichterstattung: Gespenster bei Nacht

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Berthold. "Ghosts at Night"

  2. Yankele | Kartofellsupe

    RCA Victor / Radio Leon P-1117A/B. Words and music to both songs by Mordecai Gebirtig. Recorded early 1950s. Side A: Yankele. Performers: Jenny Lovitz (voice), Jascha Galperin (piano) Side B: Kartofellsupe. Performers: Jenny Lovitz (voice), Jascha Galperin (piano)

  3. Dina Potapovskaya performs

    Dina Potapovskaya performs four songs accompanied by Otilie Lichtenstein (piano). This Extended Play recording is an important artifact of Holocaust reception in the Soviet Union. Potapovskaya was an opera singer and actress active in the USSR during the 1950s-60s. Tracks include: 1. Tife griber (Lichtenstein / Halkin). The setting of Yiddish poet Shmuel Halkin's poem "Tife griber" (deep graves; inspired by Babi Yar) was composed by Potapovskaya's accompanist, Otilie Lichtenstein. 2. A shtral fun der zun (Lichtenstein / Schwarzman) 3. Dos vigele (Poliansky / Driz) 4. Yad anuga haita la (Gne...

  4. Yizkor

    "Yizkor" In Memory of the Victims of the European Jewish Catastrophe 1940-1945. In Yiddish. Recitation/play by actor and Łódź ghetto survivor Shammai Rosenblum. Issued under the auspices of Yad Washem (sic) and the World Jewish Congress. For contents, see album back cover.

  5. The Yiddish Voice

    Abraham Brumberg on "The Yiddish Voice" radio program, primarily in Yiddish. Disc 1: August 8, 2001, Abraham Brumberg talks with Mark David about the new book "Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Antifascist Committee" (2001), edited by Rubinstein. He also presents the poetry of Soviet writers. Disc 2: August 13, 2008, A program in memory of the late Dr Brumberg, featuring Forverts writer Iosif Lakhman.

  6. Percy Haid Selected Music and Home Movies

    "A Haid Family Album" CD: "Selected music and arrangements by Percy Haid -- in loving memory" Selections include: 1) Street Scene; 2) Cry of a City; 3) Slaughter on Tenth Avenue; 4) Autumn in New York; 5) Miami Beach Cha Cha; 7) Linda's Cha Cha. DVD: "Do You Remember When?" Still photos and home movies of Percy and Sonia Haid ca. 1950-60s set to a soundtrack of Haid's compositions.

  7. Of Lovers, Dreamers & Thieves

    "Of Lovers, Dreamers & Thieves: Yiddish Folk Songs from Eastern Europe" Selection of folk songs performed by Abraham Brumberg and ensemble. Content listing and annotations on LP back cover.

  8. Kriegsberichterstattung: Neujahrsstimmung

    Decelith Folie D. War report by D'Haese. "New Year's Mood"

  9. Ladino recordings by Ana and Lazare Angel

    Ladino songs recorded in Paris at Musée de la Parole shortly after the war by survivors Ana (Sucic) Angel (b 1915, Busovača) and her husband Lazare Angel (b 1922, Kavala) by the Romanian folklorist Léon Algazi. Consists of 10 Tracks, including: Track 1) Ya basta kruela d’esta negra fama (That’s Enough, Cruel One) [cuts off] Track 2) Lavaba la blanka niña (The Pure Maiden Washes); also known as La vuelta del marido (The Husband Returns) Track 3) El incendio de Saloniki (The Fire of Saloniki) Track 4) Partos trokados (The Mixed-up Newborns) Track 5) La rosa inflorece (The Rose Blooms) Track 6...

  10. Kriegsberichterstattung: Gespräch mit verdienten ungarischen Soldaten

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Berthold? "Conversation with deserving Hungarian soldiers" The label indicates, "Private blasts soviets. Replenishment storage."

  11. Kriegsberichterstattung: Gespraech mit Oberst Papp

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Berthold. "A conversation with Colonel Papp."

  12. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 2)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Krautschdlyn, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  13. Visiting France and returning by ship to New York City, 1936

    Boat on the ocean. People sitting on deck chairs, playing a game on the deck, children are playing on the deck and couples are strolling on the deck. (1:26) Sea plane lands on the water. A small boat goes out to meet the sea plane. The plane is lifted onto the boat, then the small boat is being lifted onto the large boat. (2:49) A man and a woman at a train station with a sign in the background says “Herbesthal”. Another sign says “Koln Herbesthal Liege Namur, Charlepol Paris”. Taking train from Herbesthal Train station, near German border, to Paris. Man and woman lean out of a train window...

  14. Queen Mary ship at NY harbor

    Agfa logo. EXT ES of Manhattan, panning right. Camera appears to be on a boat, possibly an ocean liner. EXT shot of the ship’s smokestacks, followed by a downward panning shot of an open hatch on the ship. EXT shot of the ship’s sun deck, followed by another EXT right panning shot of the city. The boat is docked on the west side of Manhattan (the Palisades and the Hudson can clearly be seen), as the shot travels past several other docked ships until stopping when it faces the city. VS EXT shot of the ship’s sun deck, only this time there are people approaching the camera; at least one of th...

  15. Dachau camp, postwar

    Munich and Dachau circa 1947. Title. Pan of several dozen dump carts- carts have two wagon type wheels and are numbered, made of wood planks. (0:57) Large sign: ‘WAR CRIMES ENCLOSURE DIRECTORY’ listing several areas including the West gate, War Crimes Court Area, Post Hospital, Officers Club and others. Directory for the Main Gate area which includes the Post Headquarters, Post Library, Crematory, Billeting Office and others. (1:03) EXT of Dachau camp showing the main gate, a wall with barbed wire, empty streets. (1:20) P.W. Discharge Center, a two story building with a watch tower. Sign po...

  16. Cemetery

    Large statue/fountain. Buildings with significant damage. Germans walk in the streets. School-age girls walk with adults. (0:43) Cemetery with an obelisk and crosses. People visit the gravesites, many of which have flowers. (1:46) CU of several grave markers, including Georgette Barbey and Familie Dorer. (2:01) Film ends.

  17. Oral history interview with Abraham Munk

  18. Shapell family photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs documenting German-occupied Oświęcim, Poland, circa 1940-circa 1941, and refugees living in the Münchberg, Germany, displaced persons camp, circa 1946. The photographs of Oświęcim include depictions of buildings, Jewish men forcibly having their beards and sidelocks (peyot) cut off, street scenes, and Jews clearing snow under the presence of a German soldier. Included are undated typed captions in Polish, and English translations of the captions produced in 2013. The bulk of the photographs of Münchberg document a funeral and re-interment ceremony in 1...

  19. Oral history interview with Goldina Lefkowitz