Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 661 to 680 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Generals Sikorski and Anders review marching troops in Iraq

    Part of reel 1. A line of people wait for food distribution by the British Military Administration in the administrative division of Tripolitania. They receive canned and dried rations. They appear to be of a variety of ethnicities, identified by the Imperial War Museums catalog record as “Maltese, Indians, Greeks, Jews, and Sudanese.” Another scene shows children receiving bread. One of the distributors wears an armband with a cross on it.

  2. Touring Berlin, postwar

    Five men in uniform, including Stevens entering large German building with columns, this is apparently postwar as they are not in combat uniform. One-legged civilian on cane walking down street, pan across devastated part of Berlin. Shot of famous columned gate: the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, sign reads: "British Sector", civilians and others are walking about. (Berlin was divided into Soviet, American, British and French sectors. The Brandenburg Gate was the demarcation line between the Soviet and British sectors of the city. In the BG there are the remains of the Unter den Linden, one of...

  3. Military vehicles; Christmas; devastated town

    EXT. Sign: "Maastricht Centrum 2.1, Tongeren 20." There is light snow on the ground. Vehicles passing jeep Toluca. CU of Stevens, smiles, points. Guard checking passing truck. Rooftops with vapor trails of planes in the BG. Street scene, a check point with a GI and a civilian. Christmas sequence. CU boxes of 105mm Howitzer shells, pan to Stevens sitting on jeep. He writes "Merry Christmas" with his finger in snow on the jeep. Stevens, bareheaded, crewcut, opening Christmas present. Shows package with card: "To Dad from _____and George." Opens package, it is a shaving kit. Shaving kit is fil...

  4. Food; shop; market

    INT, waitress, dumb waiter in shop. VAR INTs of store, decorations, food. 01:12:28 HAS, outdoor market, selling wares from blankets ["Jewish" market?]. 01:12:52 INT, shop, patrons, activity, cash register. View from INT to street scenes with pedestrians. More INTs, cash register, pedestrians. Boy hoses street with water. More shopping sequences, cans of food, patrons, employees.

  5. GIs visit pyramids; ships

    Trucks carrying supplies up hilly road. Soldier with green, white and orange flag. Stevens wearing pith helmet, another officer and three Egyptian men in uniform. The pyramids, Stevens, Capt. William C. Mellor (?) and local in front of pyramids. (Shot is partially obstructed by something in front of lens.) Other shots including Stevens arm in arm with man in native garb in front of pyramids. More shots of dock area, cranes and equipment, tires being loaded on the dock. Egyptian feluccas with sails on the sea and other large wooden sailing ships. About 30 Egyptians in summer uniforms carryin...

  6. Scrapbook

    Includes information about the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, the outbreak of disease at the time of liberation, Josef Kramer and SS guards at the camp, the United Jewish Appeal Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., in December 1945, and the establishment of the Bergen-Belsen liberation memorial.

  7. March of Time film advertising United Jewish Appeal campaign

    Titles onscreen: Shadows of Hate; produced by March of Time; for United Jewish Appeal for refugees, overseas needs, and Palestine on behalf of Joint Distribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal, and United Service for New Americans. Date onscreen: 1947. Streets crowded with pedestrians going about their business. The narrator states that "The comfortable ways of peace are once more being established," followed by footage of recreational activities. People buy goods at a department store, dress shop, cruise down a highway in cars, enjoy an amusement park and play on the beach. VO "The war...

  8. Germans advance into Ukraine

    Two soldiers pose for the camera with their heads stuck out of holes in a military-issued tent. A third man pours water on them. In FG, automobile. Panning the campsite. CU of the Edelweiss insignia, indicating that these are troops of the 1st Mountain Division of the Army South. 00:00:47 Mass at the campsite with crowd of seated German soldiers. They pray and accept Eucharist. 00:01:12 Pan of the landscape and surrounding woods. Watch tower. Deep tire tracks in the mud. 00:01:34 Two soldiers survey with binoculars. Soldiers in tall grass with rifles. 00:02:00 Armored tank. CU bullet holes ...

  9. Liberation special exhibition monitors A-D2

    Monitors A-D2 exhibited as part of "Liberation 1945" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 9, 1995 to May 8, 1996.

  10. Jewish farmers in the Carpathian mountains

    Scenes of Jewish farmers, carpenters, lumbering in the remote Carpathian village of Vysni Apsa. INT of cheder. CUs of people. Basket making. Various pople pose/work in fields. CUs of orthodox men. Interiors of girls in school. Exteriors of houses. Crossing river. Cattle. Scenes are scattered. Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz, an Orthodox Jewish farmer, tanner, and father of eleven children appears from 12:33:50 to 12:34:11 and 12:35:54 to 12:36:00. He was killed at Auschwitz in 1944. In 1938, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) commissioned Roman Vishniac to make three films of t...

  11. Oral history interview with Charlotte Pogel

  12. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Huts/barracks burned by "flame throwing" from military tank (to prevent the spread of typhus). Conflagration. Building engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Soldiers. Panoramic shots of smoke and burning camp.

  13. Famous American visitors to Budapest

    Magyar Híradó 51. Adolph Zukor, the founder of Paramount Pictures, his wife, and Ben Blumenthal stand on a city street talking with each other. Zukor smokes a cigar. Mrs. Zukor wears a fur trimmed coat. CU of Zukor. He tips his hat. The three walk down a tree-lined street towards the camera.

  14. Parade of soldiers in Nuremberg, Germany

    LS, Parade of US soldiers in Nuremberg, Germany. Military air review.

  15. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: US infantry; German civilians (April 1945) in color (USHMM Tape HMM106, 01:23:42 to 01:33:34) Nordhausen; Eisenhower at Ohrdruf (April 1945) in b/w (USHMM Tape HMM107, 01:22:48 to 01:31:17) Ebensee liberation (Summer 1945) in color (USHMM Film ID 513, 11:23:11to 11:27:11)

  16. Kazimierz, Jewish district

    Intertitle reads: "At the foot of 'Wawel' Kazimierz, 15th century Jewish district." Kazimierz of Krakow. Buildings and Jewish pedestrians.

  17. Family; Open-air exhibition; Amusement park

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 2: "First cine film (1935)" Family scenes include Erna Biedenbach walking in town (possibly Stuttgart) and entering shop (Biedenbach family shop?). Grandparents with todder Hans-Jorg B...

  18. Dramatic television episode re: bookburning

    Episode 59 (27th episode of Season 2). First aired March 30, 1963. Summary: Artistic expression and pornography are the issues in this drama. The Prestons defend an author charged with selling an "obscene and immoral" book. Premise: Father (E.G. Marshall) and son (Robert Reed) are a lawyer team that sometimes deal with more controversial issues than were considered appropriate for television viewing in the 1960s.

  19. Radio Luxembourg Collection

    Contents include propaganda broadcasts transmitted from 1944-1945 by the black propaganda radio station Sender 1212 (Radio 1212) and interviews conducted in 1979 with ex-personnel, Edmund Schechter and Hanuš Burger.

  20. Rabbi Caplan Collection of Percy Haid recordings

    Disc 1: "Fantasy in Yellow" by Percy Haid, recorded at Temple Anshe Sholom, Olympia Fields IL, April 23, 2017. The CD was home-recorded at a memorial event during which Haid's "Fantasie in Gelb" was performed in an arrangement for string orchestra by Linda Veleckis Nussbaum. The event had been arranged by Rabbi Paul Caplan of Temple Anshe Sholom with the cooperation of Haid's children, Max and Joseph. Discs 2 (DVD video) and 3: "Yom HaShoah: A Community Observance" Yom Hashoah service recorded at Temple Anshe Shalom, Olympia Fields IL, April 23, 2017. The video documentation was edited by J...