Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,361 to 4,380 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Rubin Family photographs

    The collection consists of photographs primarily depicting Sucher and Lola Rubin and their son Jack in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp between 1945 and 1949. Some photographs may also have been taken at the Landsberg displaced persons camp.

  2. Edwin Dutkiewicz papers

    The Edwin Dutkiewicz papers consists of biographical material, a diary, and photographs relating to Edwin’s time as a forced laborer in Finland and Norway with Organisation Todt during World War II and his life in Norway as a displaced person after the war. Biographical material includes a Polish passport, fragments of Edwin’s identification card issued by Organisation Todt, which he tore up after the war, and a postcard from the displaced persons camp at Bodø. Edwin’s diary, which he began in 1941, describes his pre-war life and childhood in Poland, his experiences as a forced laborer, lif...

  3. Manfred Wildmann family letters

    The Wildmann family letters consist of correspondence among Heinrich, Rebecca, Manfred, Hannelore, Margot, and Hugo Wildmann. The letters describe camp conditions, health and sanitary concerns, and food availability at the concentration camps at Rivesaltes and Le Barcarès, Heinrich’s situation at a hospital in Perpignan, Manfred’s situation at the children’s home in Grammont, and the family’s efforts to find better arrangements for each of them. The collection is accompanied by transcriptions and annotated translations created by Manfred and Sylvia Wildmann.

  4. Salomon family papers

    The Salomon family papers consists of correspondence and emigration and immigration files documenting Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon’s unsuccessful efforts to immigrate to the United States from Berlin. The collection also includes correspondence from Marianne Adler, Hermann and Edith’s daughter, and Elsbeth Stern, Hermann’s sister, documenting their efforts to bring their family to the Unites States. Salomon family correspondence includes wartime letters among Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte Salomon to Marianne Adler and Elsbeth Stern about Hermann, Edith, and Brigitte’s efforts to immi...

  5. Carved inscribed walking stick given to an American soldier

    1. Joe Friedman collection

    Cane carved for Lt. Joe Friedman, United States Army, as a gift by Major Macleah. It had formerly belonged to a German soldier. Friedman deployed to Europe in 1944. He was attached to the Third Army and became a member of the 91st Evacuation Hospital. In early April 1945, Joe's company was the first to enter Ohrdruf concentration camp, the first camp discovered by US troops. Before the war ended on May 7, Joe volunteered for work in displaced persons camps, eventually becoming the head of Coburg DP camp. He was promoted to Captain and later sent to Ansbach where he was commissioned to overs...

  6. Vera Nussenbaum papers

    The Vera Nussenbaum papers include biographical materials and correspondence documenting Vera Nussenbaum’s travel to England on a Kindertransport, her family’s efforts to emigrate, her uncle’s death in Sachsenhausen, and her mother, aunt, and grandmother’s deportation to Riga. The materials in this collection refer to Vera Lichawski, using the last name of Nusenbaum’s mother’s second husband. Biographical materials include a vaccination certificate, birth certificate, and questionnaire for the accommodation of foreign children for Vera Lichawski. The letters dating from 1938‐1940 are from V...

  7. Robert Heuck papers

    The Robert Heuck papers contain course material from the School of Military Government; military government reports; memos describing telephone conversations, notes, and receipts; and printed materials documenting Robert Heuck’s attendance at military government school in Charlottesville in 1943 and 1944 and his service in the Provisional Military Government in Zwickau in 1945. School of Military Government course material include lectures on the history, theory, and practice of military government, the Allied governments in North Africa and Italy, economic aspects of the German occupation ...

  8. Selected records of the Moreshet Archives (Givʻat Ḥavivah, Israel)

    Consists of three group of records: 1. Testimonies and Memoirs (RG A): contains texts written by survivors, or interviewers, as well as audio and video recordings of interviews; 2. Personal Collections (RG C): contains approximately one-hundred collections of private archives and personal estates that have been entrusted to the Moreshet Archive over the years. The private archives and estates consist of a wide variety of materials, such as letters, photographs, manuscripts, and works of art; 3. Documents, Letters, and Journals (RG D.1): contains official government documents, personal docum...

  9. UJA/JDC appeal for relief for Jewish DPs

    Notes taken from NCJF documentation: Against a background of authentic newsreel footage showing the condition of the remaining survivors, the audience is urged to give to the campaign. The funds will allow these people to immigrate, either to Palestine, or the United States, where they can resettle. The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) endorses United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) executives' appeal to bring DPs from Europe to Palestine or to the USA. Remnants of Warsaw Ghetto ruins, DP survivors, people in rags, walking aimlessly. Concentration ca...

  10. "Hell and rebirth: my experiences during the time of persecution"

    Consists of a copy of "Hell and Rebirth: My Experiences during the Time of Persecution," by Dr. Edith Kramer. The memoir describes Kramer's experiences as a Jewish physician forced to care for women in various camps near Poznań, Poland. Also included is information on the inferior medical conditions in the camps, inferior sanitation, the treatment of women, and Kramer's post-liberation acquaintance with Hermann Hesse (Nobel Prize winner) and his wife, Ninon Hesse.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Working Girls Hostel, women reading magazines in the rest room. EXT of building. Hand weaving, chair caning. Sign on door, "Beth Hachalutzoth" (built in 1936). 01:34:18 INT, bank in Tel Aviv where immigrants receive loans, people applying for loans, receiving money. 01:34:54 EXT, street, laborers gathered outside main entrance of Labor headquarters building in Tel Aviv where registration and distribution of work to all laborers gets processed. 01:35:19 Construction for housing project/cooperative in south Tel Aviv, land provided by the Jewish National Fund. Children crossing street. Sign at...

  12. Westerbork transit camp voucher, 10 cent note

    1. Jacqueline Pollen collection

    Westerbork voucher, value 10 cents, acquired by Jacqueline Pollen. This scrip was issued in Westerbork transit camp beginning February 15, 1944. Inmates were not allowed to have currency, which was confiscated. The vouchers [gutschein] were distributed as an incentive for doing work. Netherlands was occupied by Germany in May 1940. The camp, in northeast Holland, was originally set up by the Dutch in 1939 to intern Jewish refugees. In July 1942, the German security police and the SS turned it into a transit camp to hold prisoners before deporting them to concentration camps in the east, whe...

  13. Werner Jakubowski papers

    The Werner Jakubowski papers primarily consist of correspondence between Werner Jakubowski while he was a refugee in France and his brother Stephan Jakubowski in New York City. Werner’s letters are from Gurs or from Meillon par Assat, in the Basses Pyrenees. The correspondence describes Werner’s family situation in France and documents efforts by family and friends to transfer funds to them from New York and to aid their immigration to the US.

  14. Sidney Stenzler papers

    The Sidney Stenzler papers consist of correspondence documenting the situation of Displaced Persons at Landsberg in 1945, photographs of Dachau and Buchenwald, and writings and speeches describing the Warsaw Ghetto, the plight of DPs, and the deaths of Italian Holocaust victims. Correspondence primarily consists of V‐Mail and letters from Stenzler to his wife describing his activities with DPs in Landsberg and his trip to Dachau. This series also includes a letter from his friend’s wife, Barbara Falik, including excerpts of letters in which her husband, Sidney Falik, described his activitie...

  15. Yugoslavia during liberation: sports; wounded soldiers; parade; Tito

    Reel 1: Partisan sport event in Belgrade stadium. Soccer game at Belgrade Stadium. Crowds in stands. Army guards in FG. Girls' 100 meter race. Injured girl assisted off track. Man congratulates winners. Crowd cheering.Young Yugoslavian soldiers with machine guns in crowd. Young boys selling soft drinks. Girls finishing race. Winner and runner up. Crowds in stands watch boys' 100 meter race. Attendant at grill selling food. Spectators eating. Beginning and finish of race. Crowd singing at half-time. Soccer game in progress. Refugee children marching to river boat for transport to test camp. ...

  16. Lena Fishman Fagen collection

    The Lena Fishman Fagen collection consists of original documents Fagen collected while working as a chief document screener for the prosecution at the Nuremberg war crime trials. Most of the records are original signed correspondence addressed to Alfred Rosenberg or his adjutants, Adolf von Trotha or Werner Koeppen. Correspondents include high-ranking Nazi party officials such as Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Hans Frank, and Joseph Goebbels. The collection also includes four Nuremberg trial briefs and a 1951 report on the sentences of Nuremberg-convicted war criminals.

  17. Protect yourself from Typhus, Avoid the Jews Poster of an miserable old Jewish man crawling with lice

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    This poster is one of more than 900 items in the Katz Ehrenthal Collection of antisemitic visual materials.

  18. Rena F. Finder collection

    Contains twenty-seven black and white photographs of Rena Ferber Finder, her husband, Marcel (Mark) Finder, her mother, Rozia Windisch Ferber, and other displaced persons living in Bindermichl displaced persons camp in Austria. The photographs depict scenes of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) staff in Bindermichl; an ORT cosmetology training class; memorial and Yom ha-Sho'ah observances held in Bindermichl and nearby Gunskirchen one year after liberation; American Joint Distribution Committee staff in Bindermichl; and wedding day photographs of Rena and Mark F...

  19. Rosenberg family papers

    The collection documents the post-war experiences of the Rosenberg family in the Feldafing displaced persons camp. Included are photographs depicting the lives of Mania and Jacob Rosenberg and their children Ada and Abraham in the camp; Jacob’s cousin Harry Silverman at the Lemberg displaced persons camp; childrens’ religious classes; and a wedding. Other material includes Mania Rosenberg's identification card from Feldafing, a newspaper article written by Jacob Rosenberg and published in Feldafing, and a Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) greeting card for 1947.

  20. Eugenia Hochberg Lanceter collection

    Contains postcards, letters, and various other documents relating to Eugenia (Gina) Hochberg's experiences in the Brody ghetto, in labor camps near the Brody ghetto, her life in hiding in both Brody and Lublin, and Eugenia's (Gina) marriage to Henryk Lanceter in July 1945. Also contains 50 black-and-white photographs relating to her time in the Finkenschlag displaced persons camp in Furth, Germany.