Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,241 to 4,260 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Arthur Ben-Israel personal archive, Kibutz Beit-Alfa (RG-95-19), ארתור בן-ישראל

    Contains personal archive of Arthur Ben-Israel (1901-1986) from the kibbutz Beit Alfa including his biographical data, correspondence, testimony on the Hashomer Hatzair in Germany, records from the mission in England (1939-1945).

  2. Ackner and Geller families collection

    1. Ackner and Geller families collection

    The Ackner and Geller families papers include birth, marriage, and death certificates; school and military records; immigration papers; photographs; and printed materials documenting the Ackner and Geller families from Vienna, Austria, their lives before the Holocaust, their immigration to the United States, and Sheldon Geller’s World War II service.

  3. Selma Wideroff papers

    The Selma Wideroff papers consist of correspondence, reports, and photographs documenting Selma Wideroff’s work for the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in Germany from 1945‐1946 in the Bergen‐Belsen displaced persons camp and later at the Blankenese children's center on the Warburg Estate near Hamburg. Correspondence and reports include descriptions of Wideroff’s work in Europe, the use of the Warburg estate, activities in the British Zone, displaced communities in cities around Germany, directives for education programs. This series also includes JDC letters of introduction and of recom...

  4. Infantry; roadblocks; First Army at Nordhausen

    LIB 5342 Tanks and Infantry Firing Near Tarnbach, Germany (?) April 9, 1945 LSs, smoke rises from shell hits in distant mountainous area. Short scene, trucks full of soldiers and a US tank passes through town. MCU, soldier fires rifle from behind tank. CU, officer of 87th Infantry Division speaks over field phone directing operations in wooded area while looking at a map. MSs, CUs, infantrymen of 345th Regiment, 87th Division and M-4 tanks of 743th Tank Battalion fire on German positions in wooded area. US infantrymen firing and taking new positions in wooded area. LIB 5452 Roadblocks Oster...

  5. Leather belt with metal buckle worn by a concentration camp inmate

    Belt worn by Josef Blonder throughout his imprisonment at several concentration camps. Eighteen year old Blonder was deported, with his parents and 2 siblings, from Oradea (Nagyvarad), Romania, to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. His father, Avraham, his mother, Yokheved, 21 year old brother, Barukh, and 14 year old sister, Lea, were murdered in Auschwitz. Blonder was transferred to, but survived, imprisonment in Mauthausen and its sub-camp, Gusen II.

  6. Agro-Joint in Russia

    Includes title of the film and intertitles. From opening credits of the film (Foreword): "American Jews at the outbreak of the World War in 1914, organized the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to aid the Jewish masses overseas suffering from war, pogroms, famine and pestilence. The following episodes depict the activities in Russia only." Brief shots of Felix Warburg and Julius Rosenwald, to whose memory the film is dedicated. Stills of other JDC officials and footage of the members of the JDC relief unit sailing for Russia. Dr. Rosen, organizer of Agro-Joint. Scenes of th...

  7. Bier family papers

    1. Bier family collection

    The collection contains correspondence, identification papers, and a photograph documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of the Bier family, originally of Berlin, Germany, including Siegfried Bier, who fled Germany to France and then to England where he was interned as an enemy alien in the Sefton internment camp. Consists of pre-war family papers relating to Siegfried’s parents Julius and Lina Bier, wartime-era documents related to Siegfried’s brother Norbert and his wife Else, Siegfried’s internment in Sefton, and restitution claims. Also included is a postcard sent from Amalie Bier who ...

  8. Siege of Warsaw, reel 2

    Fires at night. Blazing apartments. CU flames, through windows. Burning area. Dead horse dragged. Several dead horses. Severely damaged apartment block. Dead woman on grass near bricks - CUs. Hospital and wounded. Nurses attending to the injured in beds, cleaning wounds. Maternity ward, doctor, newborns. Julien Bryan talking to female doctor. Caring for a wounded man (Jewish), patients' heads being shaved. Priest speaking with a Jewish man. VS, men in hospital beds. Potato fields on outskirts of Warsaw: after German strafing. Women pass bodies in the potato field - wooden huts visible in BG...

  9. Orphans of Buchenwald; Ex-Prisoners Coming Home

    (LIB 7016) Orphans of Buchenwald, Buchenwald, Germany, June 19, 1945. LS, large crowd at Buchenwald outdoors on hillside. UNRRA official (woman) handing out papers. 01:46:51 Lilly Engelman (from Hungary and previously at Auschwitz) with the bandage on her face, prepares to board the train to Switzerland. Her sisters, Renee and Piri, appear later in this footage. Children at Buchenwald concentration camp are divided into small groups by UNRRA personnel. MS, American military truck taking the orphans to railroad cars. CUs, climbing off truck with belongings/luggage. US soldiers present. LS, w...

  10. US anti-Nazi Germany boycott poster stamp with a swastika formed by snakes

    1. Gregg and Michelle Philipson Collection and Archive

    Poster stamp, issued and distributed in 1935 by the American Jewish Congress (AJC). Although they were not valid for postage, poster stamps could be affixed to letters and envelopes as fund-raising, propaganda, and educational tools. The AJC was founded in 1918 by Jewish-American leaders to fight for the civil rights of minorities. During the 1930s, AJC president Rabbi Stephen Wise began speaking out about the dangers of Nazism. The organization led a counter-boycott of German goods in 1933. In 1936, the AJC helped establish the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and acted as a liaison between th...

  11. "Asama Maru" photograph

    1. Malowist family collection

    Contains a group portrait of the passengers of the "Asama Maru," which sailed from Yokahama, Japan to San Francisco, California, arriving on March 6, 1941. Many of the passengers, including Irene Malowist (now Irene Malowist Rothenberg) [donor] and her parents, were European refugees.

  12. Zeilsheim DP Camp

    Life at Zeilsheim DP camp (a small German town converted into a DP center), including a protest march and Robinson family members in various settings. All footage shot in camp. Fay and Alice play in snow, houses in BG. Joseph (born in Zeilsheim on August 25, 1946) in the baby carriage. Children play near house. Children and adults march, carrying flag of Star of David, in celebration of Lag B'Omer. Robinson family, including parents Ephraim and Sarah and children Fay, Alice, and Joseph, walk past sign "Zeilsheim Assembly Center, UNRRA Team." Robinson family entertains visitors. Children pla...

  13. Catalog of works by Salvador Dali representing the Holocaust

    1. Lee and Norma Stern collection

    Catalog of works by Salvador Dali representing the Holocaust. Text by Gerson D. Cohen and letter of introduction by David Ben Gurion.

  14. Fonds Monneray (MDXXXV)

    Records related to Military Tribunal in Nuremburg, the creation of the U.N., work on humanitarian aid and human rights with international organizations, Monneray's work as a jurist, as well as books and articles, and his involvement with the Jewish community.

  15. Wanda Lomazow papers

    1. Wanda Lomazow collection

    The Wanda Lomazow papers consist of identification papers under Wanda Lomazow's married name, maiden name, and false identity; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) employment certificates in Wanda Lomazow's maiden name and false identity; travel permits for Wanda and Jacob Lomazow; the Lomazows' marriage certificate; and a photograph of Wanda Lomazow documenting Wanda Lomazow's survival of the Holocaust under a false identity, her postwar work for the UNRRA at the Wels and Bad Gastein displaced persons camps, her marriage to Jacob Lomazow, and her immigration to t...

  16. Charles Paul Kogel collection

    The Charles Paul Kogel papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting Charles Kogel from Antwerp, Belgium; his prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences in Belgium; his wartime alias in France; and his immigration to the United States in 1952 with his second wife, Sara Kahan, and their son Henry. Biographical materials include military papers, a 1942 letter on behalf of the King of Belgium, false French papers in the name of "Andre Ravaux," Charles and Sara's wedding booklet, a certificate awarding Charles a war medal, a Belgian passport, an American naturalization certifi...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Expulsion and repatriation of Germans from Sudetenland

    Expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia (3 million). US Zone. Shots of German citizens wearing armbands as identification on the streets of Usti, Sudetenland. Committee of Allied representatives meeting to decide the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia. LS members over map on table: Dr. Kuchera, plenipotentiary of the Czechoslovak government; American Col. J.H. Fye, liasion offier; Lt. Col. Messick, executive officer of CAX in Berlin; a Czech doctor; and Czech Col. Monzer, from the Ministery of National Defense. MS same. CU Col. Fye, Kuchera, Messick. CU Kuchera and Fye. CU Me...

  18. Ava Schonberg photographs

    Consists of twelve original photographs and five copies of photographs of Ava Schonberg, her mother Roza, and sisters Celine and Alice, while they were living in wartime Switzerland and in post-war Belgium. Includes photographs of large school gatherings, of Ava alone and with friends, and of the post-war Tiefenbrunner children's home in Antwerp.

  19. Cila Rudashevsky papers

    1. Cila Rudashevsky collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of school children in Vilna, Poland, two song sheets from Poppendorf DP camp, a school certificate from Emden DP camp, identification cards, and certificates documenting passage on the "Exodus 1947" relating to Pola and Shoshana Rudaszewska [donor and donor's mother] and their experiences immediately following the Holocaust. Accretion: collection of photogarphs of preWWII and wartime images of Cila Rudashevsky and her family from the Soviet Union, Vilna, Uzbekistan, and the Leipheim and Emden DP camps

  20. Oral history interview with Miriam Hoffman

    1. Music study collection

    Bret Werb interviews Miriam Hoffman in 1999 about songs she collected in a notebook as a child while living in a displaced person camp in Ulm, Germany. Miriam Hoffman relates her experiences as a ten to twelve year-old child in Hindenburg-Kaserne DP Camp, Ulm, Germany: She describes: Writing or collecting about 62 songs; meeting other children in 1946 and singing with them, informally (not in a choir), in four languages: Polish, Russian, Yiddish, and Hebrew; Yiddish becoming the default language between children and parents; singing a wide variety of songs that reflected the national origin...