Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,221 to 4,240 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Weissenberg-Köppell family photographs

    1. Weissenberg-Köppell family collection

    The Weissenberg-Köppel family photograph collection consists of 26 photographs relating to Weissenberg family, and the Köppel family's journey on board the MS St. Louis, their time spent in France after the journey, and during the time period of the Holocaust.

  2. Eva Ebin collection

    1. Eva Ebin collection

    Contains postwar identification documents issued to Eva Szegel Ebin, including a certificate ("Igazolvany") dated 6 August 1945 stating that Eva Veronika Szegel of Munkacs was liberated at Lenzing by "the glorious army" and requesting military and civilian assistance for bearer to travel from Budapest to Munkacs; an "Ausweis-Certification" (provisional identification card) issued by U.S. Army military government in Schärfling, Austria on 4 June 1945, stating that Eva Szegel, internee Nr. 853, was imprisoned from 24 May 1944 until 4 May 1945, and was liberated from Mauthausen concentration c...

  3. Der SA-Mann (Munich, Germany) [Newspaper]

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Issue of the Nazi Party newspaper, SA-Mann, Kampfblatt der obersten SA.- Führung und der NSDAP [Battle journal of the supreme SA leadership and the NSDAP]. The cover story, Grunspans Hintermanner, gives the background behind the assassination of a Nazi Party official in Paris by a Jewish youth used to incite Kristallnacht. It includes caricatures representing the USSR, the Comintern, the press, Jewish refugees, and the young man, Herschel Grynspan, who shot the Nazi Party official. This newspaper is one of more than 900 items in the Katz Ehrenthal Collection of antisemitic visual materials.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    EXT, main entrance to Labor headquarters in Tel Aviv. Filing paperwork. Laborers present passbooks, CUs, pass. Reading notices in hall. Entering labor restaurant, eating, CUs, typical dish in labor restaurant. 01:48:59 INT, Tel Aviv city hall, meeting of Executive Committee of Labor Federation in Tel Aviv following the attack on Hanuta. David Remez, one of labor leaders in Palestine, presides at the meeting. At his left is Mereminsky, in charge of labor disputes. Eliahu Golumb, veteran labor leader, reports on the attack. Other meeting scenes, speaker, chairman, showing woman member of the ...

  5. Alexander Shatton collection

    The Alexander Shatton collection consists of several articles written by Alexander Shatton. The collection includes an article entitled "The Journey of the Szatensztejn Family from Poland to the United States, 1939-1940," which describes the then-teenaged Alexander's journey with his family from Warsaw to Vilna, through the Soviet Union, and then the trip from Japan to Hawaii to the United States; the article was written approximately six months after the family arrived in New York City. Also includes an article entitled "Report of a Four Day Visit to Poland," written by Alexander Shatton o...

  6. Selected records related to the history of the Jewish communities of the Odessa region before and after WWII

    Selected records of several regional branches of the Jewish organizations, Odesa Jewish Communist Party (Poalei-Zion), Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, training schools, regional Soviet authorities and trade-union organizations in Odesa region. Including are records related to technical education, implementation of the Soviet national policy toward Jewish population and other ethnic minorities residing in the Odesa region, resettlement, creation of the Jewish agricultural collective farms, statistics, minutes of the meetings of the regional bureau of ethnic minorities, various repor...

  7. Ruth Wiener Klemens papers

    1. Ruth Wiener Klemens collection

    The Ruth Wiener Klemens papers consist of biographical materials, registration correspondence and forms, and a Westerbork map and bath ticket documenting the status of the Wiener family from Berlin in Amsterdam, their deportation to Westerbork, and their transfer to Bergen‐Belsen. Biographical materials include identification cards, passes, notices, receipts, and a prescription documenting the Wiener family’s status in Amsterdam, their confinement at Westerbork, Ruth’s work harvesting potatoes and in the laundry, her sisters’ health, and their transfer to Bergen‐Belsen. Registration corresp...

  8. Westerbork transit camp voucher, 50 cent note

    1. Harry Goldsmith collection

    Westerbork voucher, value 50 cents, acquired by Harry Goldsmith. This scrip was issued in Westerbork transit camp beginning February 15, 1944. Inmates were not allowed to have currency, which was confiscated. The vouchers [gutschein] were distributed as an incentive for doing work. Netherlands was occupied by Germany in May 1940. The camp, in northeast Holland, was originally set up by the Dutch in 1939 to intern Jewish refugees. In July 1942, the German security police and the SS turned it into a transit camp to hold prisoners before deporting them to concentration camps in the east, where...

  9. Westerbork transit camp voucher, 10 cent note

    1. Harry Goldsmith collection

    Westerbork voucher, value 10 cents, acquired by Harry Goldsmith. This scrip was issued in Westerbork transit camp beginning February 15, 1944. Inmates were not allowed to have currency, which was confiscated. The vouchers [gutschein] were distributed as an incentive for doing work. Netherlands was occupied by Germany in May 1940. The camp, in northeast Holland, was originally set up by the Dutch in 1939 to intern Jewish refugees. In July 1942, the German security police and the SS turned it into a transit camp to hold prisoners before deporting them to concentration camps in the east, where...

  10. Westerbork transit camp voucher, 25 cent note

    1. Harry Goldsmith collection

    Westerbork voucher, value 25 cents, acquired by Harry Goldsmith. This scrip was issued in Westerbork transit camp beginning February 15, 1944. Inmates were not allowed to have currency, which was confiscated. The vouchers [gutschein] were distributed as an incentive for doing work in four denominations: 10, 25, 50, and 100 cents. Netherlands was occupied by Germany in May 1940. The camp, in northeast Holland, was originally set up by the Dutch in 1939 to intern Jewish refugees. In July 1942, the German security police and the SS turned it into a transit camp to hold prisoners before deporti...

  11. Gutmann family papers

    The papers consist of documents, correspondence, and photograph albums and are part of a collection documenting the experiences of Herbert Gutmann and the Gutmann family in Germany and their immigration to the United Kingdom and the United States before and during WWII.

  12. World War I German medal awarded for Tapferkeit [Bravery]

    1. Ludwig Friedrich Sussman collection

    Medal awarded to Ludwig Sussmann for bravery during his service in the German Army during World War I. The Sussman family, Ludwig, his wife, Selma, and daughter, Lore, 10, emigrated from Germany to the United States, to escape the escalating anti-Semitism. During their first attempt to leave, the boat was forced to return because of preparations for the Munich Conference. This Conference, held on September 29-30, 1938, led to the agreement by representatives from Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy to the German annexation of the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia, in exchange fo...

  13. Helena Minzer letters

    The Helena Minzer letters concern Helena Minzer, a Polish Jewish woman, and her experiences during the Holocaust. Forced to live in the Lwow ghetto, Helena Minzer escaped under a false name and went into hiding with the Szychlińska family in Mosty Wielkie before entering a forced labor camp. Her papers are comprised of 8 letters written by her to Janina Szychlińska while in the camp and immediately after liberation in 1945.

  14. Private papers of Fritz Ullmann (A320)

    Personal papers of Fritz Ullmann (1902-1972). The collection consists of memorandums and correspondence relating to Jewish immigration, wartime rescue activities, the sending of relief packages into concentration camps and ghettos, and the Zionist movement.

  15. Selected records from the General State Archives, Greece-Archives of Serres

    Postwar records of the Special Court for theTrials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Serres (Eastern Macedonia) in the former Bulgarian Occupation Zone, according to the Law 533/1945 for the collaboration with the enemy. The collection includes registries of collaborators, investigation files, outgoing correspondences concerning investigation, court proceeding and verdicts. The reverse side of some of the papers used for these investigations and correspondence contains documents of the Bulgarian Administration (mostly empty forms, but some with text) during the occupation years (194...

  16. Nazis advance to the Balkans and Russia; France falls; Atlantic charter agreement

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1941 with English titles: "War-Five Years! China fights on as tension in Pacific grows!" "Siege of Tobruk! British guns repel year-long Axis attack!" 01:01:04 "Balkan crisis! Nazis overwhelm heroic Greeks!" Ruins, shocked civilians, wounded. Crowds of troops. 01:01:25 "Germans halted! Capture of Iraq stops Hitler's march toward Suez!" Air warfare, bombing, automobiles. "British and Free French capture nearby Syria from Vichy forces!" Scenes of occupied Syria, fighting. Injured military officer exits military vehicle. "France's tragic fate!...

  17. Soviets defeat Germans at Vitebsk in summer 1944

    Title on screen: Battle of Vitebsk. Map showing Vitebsk (50 miles due west of Moscow), narrator explains the strategic importance of the city and the military situation as it was by June 1944. Soviet army begins assault. German soldiers advance toward city, come across camp of Soviet civilians. LS Russian T34 tanks move to front silhouetted by sunrise, MLS of column of men marching, SU100s, tanks, jeeps, trucks, Katusha rocket launchers, camouflaged armored vehicles move to front through woods and fields. Map of closing Russian circle, insert CU Generals Czernickhowski and Bagramian in midd...

  18. "Going back to Vialas: Retracing my Family History. The Baby Must Not Cry"

    Consists of one memoir by Dr. Anny Bloch-Raymond entitled "Going back to Vialas: Retracing my Family History. The Baby Must Not Cry." In her memoir, she details her search for her own family's history and the history of Vialas, France, a predominantly Protestant village in southern France (in the departement of Lozère), whose inhabitants sheltered Jews during World War II. She describes her family's evacuation from northern France to Nîmes and life there between 1940-1944, when the family was sheltered in Vialas, and where she was born in 1944. Dr. Bloch also interviews children who were hi...

  19. Leon and Sally Korn photograph collection

    The collection includes photographs primarily depicting life among displaced persons at Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, 1946-1949, including Leon and Sally Korn at their wedding and with their young daughter. Also included are images of a Jewish soccer club, Makabi Ferenwald, including a team portrait, as well as a portrait of a team from the Landsberg displaced persons camp.

  20. Unrest in Palestine and Exodus ship

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1947 with English titles: "British royal family in Africa. 5,000 Zulu warriors stage unique demonstration." "A reigning British monarch visits Dark Continent for the first time in history." "Costumes in Korea! Natives stage fierce riots as political unrest spreads!" "Korea strives for independence after 40 years of Jap slavery." 01:01:30 "Terror grips Palestine! Zionist underground widens its resistance!" Jewish Brigade troops, destroyed building, caring for the wounded. "A refugee ship reaches Haifa after gun battle at sea!" MS, Haganah s...