Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 361 to 380 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Various scenes in Novogrodok, Poland

    EXT, large crowd of men and women, smiling, filing into a building. Title: "The Talmudical" VS, INT of Yeshiva. Boys at desks davening, teacher instructing. Title: "The Metchet" EXT of prayer house. Title: "The Jewish Library" Still of library, MCU books on bookshelves. Title: "House of Tarbuth School" EXT of school, men exiting. Title: "Jewish Trade School" EXT of trade school. INT of boys woodworking, students eating, girls working on sewing machines. EXT, Group of men posing for the camera, some are smoking cigarettes, some are speaking to each other and to cameraman, smiling, all are dr...

  2. DPs loading luggage on truck

    DPs boarding truck with luggage. CU girl. Lifting baby onto truck. CU men and women on truck. Shots of truck leaving, children waving.

  3. Touring Austria for Maexie's birthday

    Introduced with German titles throughout. House in a sparse mountain village in summer. Ivan and a dog. Good CUs of the boys playing in the forest with their driver Leithner. Camera view from the top of the Austrian Alps in November. Snowy mountains in Schneeberg, Maexie points at the lookout. The boys ski and slalom down a mountain. Mountain peaks above the clouds (from an airplane?). Two St. Bernard puppies. More views of the majestic clouds. Frost and icy buds. 03:38:50 Blossoms in spring line the streets. Driving tour with visits to small towns in lower Austria in the springtime (each i...

  4. American military at the St. James Cemetery and moving through Belgium and Germany

    Reel 10: (1945) Leaving Belgium by train through France; Paris; Army Hdqts. St. James Cemetery in Fougeres, where the QM buried troops. Sign reads "Entrance: US Military Cemetery, Pas de Visiteurs après 17 heures" [No visitors after 5pm]. Other signs point to "American Dead Only" and "Enemy Dead." American soldiers visit the cemetery. Pan, rows of white crosses. Three men stand at a grave covered with flowers. Group of soldiers drink out a bottle and smile for the camera. Soldiers pose next to "Merry Christmas" sign (probably December 1944). 3:07 Large group gathers at a train station, some...

  5. Dutch Jewish family vacations in France

    The Bed family (Meijer, Kaatje, Henriette Elly (Jetje), and John) leave their home in Amsterdam (?) for a vacation. Windmill from their car. 00:18 Busy street scene in Paris. Bicyclist, cars, streetcar. The Bed family visits Paris landmarks including Sacre Couer and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A group of men wearing exotic military uniforms. John makes faces while standing by a taxi. The Moulin Rouge, including the windmill that sits atop the building. John, Jetje, and Kaatje wave from the sunroof of a car. Street scenes from a moving vehicle. More landmarks and views of the family on ...

  6. Oral history interview with Antonia Paulavicius

  7. German military hospital; liberated German town

    Building that is serving as hospital (German military hospital). Patients in yard. German ambulances with Red Cross symbol. German officer in uniform walking down street with white band on left arm. Shot of street, old man, horse drawn cart. Gene Solow (war correspondent) and GIs walking down the street. LS of street with horse drawn cart and civilians pulling wagon. Street sign unreadable indicating direction to neighboring towns. Shot of street and woman and other civilians, giving it the feel of a 'normal' town. Top sign reads: "Arolsan 43 kms" beneath it sign reads: "Ederze 13 kms." Gre...

  8. Leaflets of the White Rose Facsimile of the second White Rose leaflet

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn14333
    • English
    • a: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm) b: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm)

    Facsimile of the second White Rose leaflet, distributed by members of the White Rose, a German anti-Nazi group formed in Munich in 1942. Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell wrote the first four leaflets, possibly with contributions by Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst. The second leaflet calls Nazism a cancer on German society, states that the murder of Polish Jews by the Germans is a crime against humanity, and urges the citizens of Germany to resist the Nazi rule. The group was founded by students from the University of Munich in the late spring of 1942, and members consisted of Hans, Al...

  9. Monitor programs from State of Deception exhibition

    Interactive video presentations from the Museum’s special exhibition, "State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda," providing historical analysis of the Nazi propaganda films on Theresienstadt and the Warsaw ghetto. On the subject of Theresienstadt, curator Steve Luckert discusses film excerpts from "The Fuehrer Gives a City to he Jews" and Maurice Rossel's interview for Claude Lanzmann's SHOAH (14.25 minutes). Film director Raye Farr provides an analysis of several scenes in the Warsaw ghetto film and interprets the Nazi’s propaganda intent from a curator’s perspective, with particul...

  10. Dachau camp, postwar

    Film footage of unknown provenance documenting a tour of cities and towns in Poland, Germany, and Austria during the 1960s. Includes approximately 2 minutes of footage showing the exterior of Dachau concentration camp and memorial from 20:30 to 22:12.

  11. War refugees are integrated into a small town in Massachusetts

    A re-enacted documentary on the integration of a group of World War II refugees into the life of the small town of Cummington, MA. In Reel 1, the town's clergyman describes Cummington's initial coolness towards the diffident newcomers. He helps involve the refugees in social, church, and vocational activities. In Reel 2, individual refugees find familiar work in printing, farming, lumbering, and shopkeeping, and begin socializing with their neighbors as a new kind of respect develops on both sides. Included are panoramic views of the countryside in and around the town.

  12. War Crimes Trial: shooting of American POWs

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. German Lt. Hans George Schultz is cross-examined by Col. Claudius O Wolfe, defense counsel. Schultz testifies that he is not sure who gave the orders to have the American prisoners shot. He further states how, when, and by whom the orders to destroy all records on the shooting were issued. Gen Dostler occasionally whispers to the defense counsel. German Lt. Rudolf Bolze being interrogated by prosecutor.

  13. Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1938

    B/W aerial shots from a cable car (it’s shadow can be clearly seen), interspersed with shots of the actual cable car system from the ground, CU of a woman pointing at the trees from the cable car. 01:00:58:2 Title: “Hradec Králové.” Pan, a public park. A shot of a group of people admiring topiary. 01:01:22:11 Title: “Moravska Ostrava.” Pan up, a trolley car drives by, as people walk around the city, shots of people going to and fro. 01:01:47:11 Title: “Poland.” Film is now in color, with a shot of farmers working in the field, followed by a brief shot of a parade in a city. 01:02:10:21 Titl...

  14. War Crimes Trial: Dostler testifies

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Continuation of Dostler's testimony in which accuses the next higher in command of issuing the orders to shoot fifteen American soldiers.

  15. Family scenes in Prague; Beaune-la-Rolande transit camp in France in 1941

    Amateur film shot by Paul Engelmann, a Czech chemical engineer incarcerated by the French authorities in the internment camp at Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret). Film ID 4338 (excerpt from reel 1): Paul Engelmann in Prague before his emigration to France in March 1939. Paul and a woman smile while holding and petting a dog. The couple walks towards the camera smiling in Prague. Film ID 4339 (excerpts from reels 3 and 4): Clandestine scenes of the daily life of the non-French Jewish inmates (prior to their deportation to Auschwitz in June 1942) at the Beaune-la-Rolande transit camp, most likely on...

  16. Facsimile of the Israeli Declaration of Independence

    Facsimile of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition. The facsimile was reproduced, with the State of Israel’s permission, from the original document, which is housed at the Israel State Archives in a custom-designed, silver storage case. The Declaration was proclaimed by the Va’ad Leumi (Jewish National Council or Jewish People’s Council) and was delivered by Zionist statesman David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) on May 14, 1948, at the Tel Aviv Museum in Mandatory Palestine. The Coun...

  17. Laemmle family visits St Moritz; Carnival; skiing

    MS Laemmle family on vacation in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Shots include Kurt's parents, Siegfried and Alice Laemmle; Kurt and Alyse; and Kurt's brother, Max, and his wife, Bobby, and young son, Robert. They gather on a snowy mountain wearing skis. VS of the group, some don costumes, including one with a comically large moustache, a couple in wedding dress, and two people as a horse (probably during Carnival in the first week of March). VAR CUs of the family on holiday in St. Moritz. Shifts to black and white, skiing, Olympic Ice Rink.

  18. USHMM Memorial Tribute to Jan Karski

    AV production shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Memorial Tribute to Jan Karski on January 16, 2001 including excerpts from the Museum's Claude Lanzmann Shoah Collection of outtakes from the film "Shoah". Clips from Film ID 3134 (RG-60.5006) include: 02:02:32-02:03:50 02:04:20-02:07:36 02:09:13-02:09:49 02:12:32-02:13:02 02:13:48-02:14:59 02:32:45-02:35:11 02:35:30-02:35:47

  19. Arrival of Nazi sub in New Hampshire

    Arrival of Nazi Sub U-234 at Portsmouth, NH. MS German sub crew members gather gear & debark from boat alongside pier-SV. LS-MS-Pan German prisoners walk along pier with personal gear-SV (camera lost loop & image jumps). LS-DA Prisoners in small boat underway. LS-Pan Submarine officers & men cross gangway & walk across pier-SV; armed Marine guard stands by. LS Surfaced submarine underway, coastline BG following escort vessels. LS YTs transfer boarding party to sub-SV. MS YT comes alongside pier as men handle lines. LS Gen. Ulrich Kessler & other German officers cross gan...

  20. Oral history interview with David Preston