Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 341 to 360 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Holocaust survivor stories

    Documentary about Jewish Holocaust survivors who lived in concentration camps and Nazi occupied territories and the American soldiers who liberated them, bearing witness to Adolf Hitler's murderous rampage.

  2. Victory in St. Lo; rubble; US military parade; German prisoners

    Long line of troops, camera mounted on jeep. Civilians wheeling belongings in wheel barrel. Excellent shot of cameraman shooting on tripod on jeep covering. Tanks through crowd down road. MPs walking with French civilians. Tracking shot, civilians waving. Hamilton, Stevens toasting with French civilians. Americans drinking with French civilians sitting on jeep. Stevens gives "V" sign. Stevens and other Americans by sea. A flurry of activity near hedgerow. Ambulance truck has overturned. Bill Hamilton trying to unbend a crushed helmet. Moving shot down bombed out road, many overturned trucks...

  3. William Perl papers records and photographs relating to illegal immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine

    Contains copies of documents relating to William Perl's involvement in illegal immigration efforts for Jewish refugees from various European countries during the Holocaust.

  4. African-American troops; US infantry in Germany

    (LIB 390) "US Negro Troops, 969th Field Artillery, Luxembourg, 1 Nov 1944" (LIB 391) "Infantry Advancing, Hurtgen Forest Near Vossemack (?) Germany, 2 Nov 1944" 04:30 (LIB 392) "1104th Engineer Combat Group, Marienberg, Germany, 2 Nov 1944" Slates: "Uncovering Pill Box. 2 Nov 44. Raddatz"

  5. African-American troops in World War II

    "American Negro Troops, no locations or captions, Aug 1944"

  6. Street scenes; shops

    LS, pan, street scenes, shops, pedestrians, cars, city (Kiev?).

  7. Tokyo; lost airmen; Metz falls to Allies

    Release 134. Newsreel release date 22-Dec-44. "B-29’s Over Tokyo" "Sixth Army Advance On Leyte" "Plane in Full Flight Rescues Lost Airmen" 08:02 "Metz, Strasbourg, Belfort Fall to the Allies"

  8. Travel on the Aramis SS ship to Manila

    Walter Rauscher left for Manila from Marseille, France on February 3, 1939 aboard the Aramis SS ship. Street scene in Marseille under the Porte d'Aix Arc de Triomphe. Street scenes. Pan of the Cathedrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille. Man reads the newspaper on a balcony overlooking the harbor and shipyard. Large boats on the water. People walk on the deck of the Aramis SS boat. (3:57) A young child faces the camera. People stand on the deck watching. Man dressed in a suit walks toward the camera smiling. (4:41) Walter Rauscher, the cameraman, walks towards the camera. (5:22) CUs of Wal...

  9. Prewar Jewish family in Ošelín, Czechoslovakia

    Walter with his sister Irma Rauscher Eisner and their mother Clementine Schnurmacher walk towards the camera in Ošelín around 1937-1938. Walter opens a car door with Czechoslovak license plate. Irma’s husband, Leo Eisner, embraces her. Headstone for Oskar Rauscher in the Jewish cemetery in Stříbro [Mies]: “Oskar Rauscher Aus Oschelin” with the dates March 17, 1887 to June 4, 1936. Walter eats kumquat from tree. Irma with nurse holding baby girl, Hana Miriam Eisner (later Hanna Eaton, born March 23, 1937). Several family members across generations hold baby Hanna and smile at the camera in t...

  10. The story of Gerda Weissmann Klein

    Coproduced by the U.S.Holocaust Memorial Museum Research Institute, this Academy Award-winning documentary relates the harrowing story of Gerda Weissmann Klein and her journey of survival and remembering both before and after the war.

  11. Belsen: corpses

    Women survivors, dressed. VAR MLS women hanging around, eating. CUs faces of female corpses, some mangled. VCU, face of female, hollowed, glassy eyed.

  12. RAF; steel production; bombed railways in Belgium; troops weather storms

    Combat Bulletin No. 30. Reel 1, E.T.O Activities in European Theatre of Operations "R.A.F. Sinks “Tirpitz”" "Front Line Steel Production" "Bombed Belgium Rail Networks" "Allied Armies Face Rain and Snow"

  13. Berlin street scene

    Berlin street scenes with posters affixed to a pillar; bicycles (very brief). Probably Charlottenburg district where the Vishniac family lived on Pariserstrasse.

  14. Moving into the Krakow Ghetto

    Jews moving into the Krakow ghetto. Carts/wagons, some containing belongings. People with star armbands, carrying belongings. Tram passes. Busy scenes. People appear worried. Walking across a bridge, moving into ghetto. Bicycle. Various shots. (01:39:08 - 01:39:10 black screen) Some CUs. Moving furniture. Belongings on cart. Girls with chairs. Tram passes. People in the streets. More shots of furniture, the bridge, people walking, and carts. Sign reads: "Fur Juden, fur nicht Juden." Baby carriages. CU armband.

  15. Farming

    Excerpt of "Founding a New Life: A Story of Rehabilitation." Tractors. "Harvesting the Fruits of Their Labor" Working in fruit trees. Sorting vegetables/potatoes. Wheat. Harvesting melons. Boys eating melons.

  16. Liberation of Buchenwald; VE Day in Paris

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include films taken by cameraman Arthur Mainzer: Liberation of Buchenwald, April 16, 1945 in color (USHMM Film ID 849, 07:01:12 to 07:04:00) Soldiers near Torgau and Buchenwald in color (USHMM Film ID 850, 08:07:59 to 08:10:16) VE celebration in Paris on May 8, 1945 in b/w (USHMM Film ID 2513,...

  17. Wedding of Kurt and Alyse Laemmle

    Kurt and Alyse marry in Chicago. EXT, Chicago Sinai Congregation building. MCU a group of people get out of a car, including Alyse in a wedding gown. A woman in a white fur coat caries the gown behind her as Alyse walks up the steps of the synagogue. People follow. CU, a man in a brown hat and coat (possibly Alyse’s father?). The bride and groom (Alice and Kurt) walking out of the Emile G. Hirch Center. A woman in a red dress helps Alyse with her gown. CU Alyse and Kurt, as they move in to kiss each other. The newlyweds are joined by a short older gentleman wearing a white hat and black sui...

  18. Holland; Poland; Churchill in Russia

    Newsreel release date: 03-Dec-44. "Holland" "Poland" "Churchill in Russia"

  19. Life in Berlin; Hitler motorcade

    Unedited home movie material of life in Berlin and citizens playing in 1939. Two people play with a terrier dog in a park or garden. Opposite the Cafe Linden in the Unter den Linden, crowds form behind SS guards as a long motorcade passes. Hitler's car is part of this motorcade. People skating and running in the snow. Berlin cafes and club lights at night-time.

  20. JDC aids refugees, DPs

    Warburg speaking intercut with: Various JDC headquarters NYC and Paris (Leavitt and Schwartz). JDC supply trucks and warehouses in Europe. Memorial ceremonies: Rome, Munich. Shots of DPs eating various places. Liberation footage. UN meeting. Warsaw: Ghetto ruins, TOZ hospital, nursery (pre-war?), JDC warehouse, TB sanatorium, orphanage. Bricha: DPs get onto trains, along road, into Czechoslovakia, into buses, trucks, Bratislava camp and trains. Prague: Service (JDC supplied torah). JDC meeting, children's home. Loan co-op office, small businesses. Budapest: Clothing warehouse. Canteen. Germ...