Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,881 to 21,900 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Edwin Goldberg collection

    The collection consists of a child’s hairbrush, handkerchiefs, and two small boxes with toys relating to the experiences of Edwin (Edik) Goldberg who, with his parents, Emil and Elze, fled Poland for the Soviet Union and were then imprisoned in a labor camp in Siberia during World War II.

  2. Emanuel Arbel family collection

    The collection consists of a pendant, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Raphael and Anna Chekerdjiev and their children Emanuel and Sima (Sophie) in Bulgaria, their home, France, and Israel where the family eventually immigrated.

  3. James Lichtman newspaper collection

    Twenty complete or partial issues of the extreme right-wing, anti-Semitic newspaper "Magyar Futár" [Hungarian Courier] published by Nazi collaborator Ferenc Rajniss; Budapest, Hungary.

  4. Maud Michal Beer collection

    Album: given to Maud on her 12th birthday on April 7, 1941; Documents and Correspondence; including Fritz Stecklmacher’s death certificate from Theresienstadt on May 31, 1943; letters written in the camp by Maud’s boyfriend Hermann Tandler before he was deported in October 1942; four self-made notebooks with drawings and essays by Maud; deportation signs; work ID’s; and many other documents from the time of her imprisonment in Theresienstadt concentration camp: July 4, 1942 until May 8, 1945; Artifacts; clothes hanger; leather bag; spoon; parts of two armbands; leather folders and other ite...

  5. Mark Hochman collection

    Documents illustrating and describing the experiences of Mark Hochman, born in Podhorany, Czechoslovakia [present-day Ukraine] who was interned in various forced labor camps during the Holocaust. Included are post-war affidavits of birth and employment in Podhorany, Czechoslovakia, Czech driver’s license and police document [potentially residential]. Also included in the collection is an application for reparations from the Claims Conference, dated 1993. Two cassette tapes, recorded interview with Mark Hochman, one labeled “Interview/Mark Hochman/Louis Rosenkranz/1989”.

  6. Oral history interviews of the Ariel Baron collection

    Oral history interviews with survivors of the Holocaust born or living in Italy.

  7. Zdenka Eismannova collection

    The collection consists of five watercolor paintings of camp life created by Zdenka Eismannova while she was imprisoned in Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust.

  8. Martin Dannenberg collection

    The collection consists of a Minox B camera, an identification badge and holder, a wallet with credentials, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Martin Dannenberg during World War II, when he served in the Counter Intelligence Corps in the US Army.

  9. Oral history interviews of the Centro de Documentatión e Información sobre Judaismo Argentino "Marc Turkow" collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors living in Argentina, produced by Centro de Documentatión e Información sobre Judaismo Argentino "Marc Turkow," Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina-Communidad de Buenos Aires (AMIA).

  10. Henry Himmelfarb collection

    The collection consists of a prisoner badge and copy and photographic prints relating to the experiences of Chaim (Henry) Himmelfarb before and after the war in Germany and as a concentration camp inmate in Germany during the Holocaust.

  11. John Bole collection

    The collection consists of four drawings, a cap, a pouch, a finger ring, and documents relating to the experiences of Ivan Bole (later John Bole) during the Holocaust in Buchenwald concentration camp, and after the Holocaust in displaced persons camps in Italy and Germany.

  12. Feiga Scheer collection

    The collection consists of a dress, a book, and documents relating to the experiences of Feiga Moszkowicz Scheer and her family in Poland before and during the Holocaust which they survived by living in hiding and after the Holocaust in Poland, France, Canada, and the United States. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  13. Henry Baigelman collection

    The collection consists of three musical instruments: two violins with fitted cases and a saxophone with a fitted case, as well as instrument accessories, relating to the experiences of Henry Baigelman and his family before and during their incarceration in the Łódź Ghetto in Poland, prior to their deportation to various concentration camps during the Holocaust and to Henry's recovery of the instruments and their use in his band, The Happy Boys, that toured displaced persons camps after the war.

  14. Norman Fellman collection

    The collection consists of a prisoner identification tag, dog tags, correspondence, and documents relating to the experiences of Norman Fellman, soldier, Company B, 275th regiment, 70th Infantry Division, United States Army, as well as documents from other US soldiers, who, like Norman, were held as German prisoners of war in Stalag IX-B and Berga slave labor camp from January to April 1945.

  15. Moshe Matarasso collection

    The collection consists of three paintings, handcrafted woodlinks, a document, and photographs relating to the experiences of Moshe Matarasso during and after the Holocaust.

  16. Yasinow and Wurtz family collection

    The collection consists of signs, an armband, documents, and newspapers relating to the experiences of Dr. J. Benjamin and Rose Kaplan Yasinow in the United States and Alexander Wurtz in the United States Army during and after World War II.

  17. Gustav J. Meyer collection

    The collection consists of three Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp notes, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Gustav (Gus) Meyer in prewar Germany and during his journey on a Kindertransport to Great Britain.

  18. Miriam Reinharz Klein collection

    The collection consists of photographs and two prayer books relating to the experiences of the Reinharz, Sturm, and Schech families before the Holocaust in Przemysl, Poland, and after the Holocaust in Sweden; photographs of the Banasiewicz family who hid Mr. and Mrs. Reinharz and their son Samek; and photographs of Berek Dov Klein, originally from Chrzanow, who survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps.

  19. Amalia Reisenthel collection

    The collection consists of a German newspaper, a photograph, and a sketch relating to the experiences of the Bren family and Artek Schneider and friends from the Zionist Youth movement before, during, and after World War II in Poland.

  20. John J. Truty collection

    The collection consists of six uniform patches, a map, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of John J. Truty as a medic with the 20th Corps (Ghost Corps) under General Walker, United States Third Army during combat in Europe during World War II.