Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,861 to 21,880 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Dina Ostrower collection

    The collection consists of a blouse, head covering, and photographs relating to the experiences of Donia Pickholz Ostrower before and during the Holocaust when she lived in Synowodzko Nizne and Stryj, Poland, and then under an assumed identity in Bolechow, Poland, and after the war in Cyprus and Israel with her husband Josef. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  2. Ira Zames family collection

    The collection consists of a suitcase, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Israel Znamirowski and his parents, Mendel and Chaja, before and during the Holocaust in Warsaw and Łódź, Poland, and in the United States following their emigration in 1939 and 1940.

  3. Zvi and Ester Steinkeller Weinstadt family collection

    The collection consists of a self-portrait and photographs relating to the experiences of Zvi Weinstadt and his family from Łódź, Poland before the war, and after the war in Stuttgart displaced persons camp, a British internment camp in Cyprus, and in Israel, and of Ester Steinkeller (later Weinstadt) and her family from Katowice, Poland, before the war, and after the war in Austria, Italy, and Israel.

  4. Carlos Zepeda collection

    The collection consists of two posters relating to the propaganda efforts of the United States government in Central America during World War II.

  5. Frank Meissner collection

    The collection consists of a medal, diaries, and documents relating to the experiences of Frank Meissner and his family in Trest, Czechoslovakia, before, and his family in Theresienstadt concentration camp, during the Holocaust and of Frank in Scandinavia and Great Britain during and after World War II.

  6. Lennie Kropveld Jade collection

    The collection consists of baby clothing, a cookbook, and photographs relating to the experiences of Lennie and Yitzchak Jedwab (later Jade) and their son Aaron, before, during, and after the Holocaust during which they lived in hiding in Aalten, Netherlands.

  7. Ellen Hecht collection

    The collection consists of fifteen pieces of scrip relating to the experiences of the husband of Ellen Hecht who was imprisoned in the Theresienstadt ghetto in German-occupied Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust.

  8. Richard Grune collection

    The collection consists of eleven lithographs created by Richard Grune based upon his experiences as a prisoner in Sachsenhausen and Flossenburg concentration camps in Germany from 1937-1945.

  9. Anna and Benno Fischer oral history collection

    Oral history interviews wtih Anna Fischer and Benno Fischer.

  10. Nazi Germany racial science and education collection

    The collection consists of a textbook and Nazi racial science educational charts.

  11. Peter Veres family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, audio recordings, documents, film, and photographs relating to the experiences of the Deutsch, Krausz, and Veres families in Budapest, Hungary, prior to and during the Holocaust, when some family members were deported to camps or lived in hiding, and after their postwar emigration to the United States.

  12. Emeric Lazar collection

    The collection consists of drawings and documents related to the experiences of Emeric Lazar in prewar Budapest, Hungary, and before, during, and after the Holocaust in Paris, France, during which he was imprisoned in Drancy internment camp.

  13. Jack and Hedi Justus Grootkerk family collection

    The collection consists of military uniforms, medals, ribbons, and pins, correspondence, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Jacques (later Jack) and his family in the Netherlands before and during the Holocaust and his escape to Great Britain and military service during the war, as well as the experiences of Hedi Justus Grootkerk and her family in the Netherlands before and during the Holocaust, her escape to France and Switzerland during the war, and in the United States with her husband Jack after the war. Accretion: Artifacts and photographs illustrat...

  14. Maud Michal Beer family collection

    The collection consists of a sewing box, two pillowcases, six tablecloths, correspondence, documents, photographs, and a siddur relating to the experiences of Käthe Steiner Stecklmacher, her daughters, Maud and Karmela, and her family before the Holocaust in Prostejov, Czechosloavakia, during the Holocaust in Theresienstadt ghetto/labor camp, as well as to the experiences of Shimon Beer and his family in Brno and Prostejov and his service in the Jewish Brigade before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  15. Noemi Ekert collection

    The collection consists of a black and white photographic print bearing the image of a crowd of men and women participating in a funeral of a Jewish student, Felermajer, who was killed by the ND (Endecja - Polish nationalist party), dated Spring 1939; Lvov, Poland; and an identification labor card (in 2 pieces): "Ausweis fur Arbeitsjuden," issued to "ECKERT JAKOB" by the German labor department and the SD in the Drohobycz district. The collection also includes a handmade Jewish worker armband with a blue Star of David.

  16. Philip Beckjord collection

    The collection consists of of six film strips of Nazi propaganda published by Reichsauschuss fuer Volksgesundheitsdienst: six filmstrip canisters: 4 cylindrical blue cardboard containers; 1 cylindrical orange cardboard container; 1 square gray box. Each canister has labels describing content of filmstrips.

  17. David Gradinger collection

    Contains materials created or compiled by David Gradinger during and after World War II. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  18. Linda Hunt collection

    The collection consists of research files in paper and audio tape format and published books relating to Linda Hunt's study of the US government's post World War II program for the utilization of German scientists and technicians in Operation "Paperclip." Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  19. Ludwika and Moses Myers collection

    The collection consists of an identification tag, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Mojzesz Majerczyk (later Moses Myers) before and during the Holocaust in Krakow, Poland, and when he was imprisoned at Plaszow forced-labor camp and Mauthausen, Melk, and Ebensee concentration camps; and of both Mojzesz and Ludwika Finder after the war in the Bindermichl displaced persons camp in Linz, Austria, where they met and married. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  20. Fred and Juliana Silversmith family collection

    The collection consists of three dish towels, three spoons, a tallit bag, correspondence, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Fritz and Juliane Else Silberschmidt (after 1942, Fred and Juliana Silversmith) during the Holocaust when they fled Germany in 1939 for the Netherlands, leaving there in 1940 for the United States.