Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 6,679
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Dark brown leather satchel used by a Polish Jewish refugee

    1. Harry Ray collection

    Briefcase used by Harry Ray (Herszl Rabinowicz) to keep the correspondence from his family, including his brother, the cantor Pinchas Rabinowicz, from the Warsaw ghetto in Poland and the Soviet Union during the Holocaust. When the war ended in 1945, several family members relocated to the Hasenecke displaced persons camp near Kassel, Germany. In June 1949, due to Harry's efforts, they were able to emigrate to the United States. Harry, his wife, and their daughter had emigrated from Warsaw to the United States in August 1938.

  2. Arthur Szyk drawing

    1. Stanley Becker collection
  3. Drafting kit used by Mayer Altarac whose family fled from German occupying forces

    1. Jaša and Enica Frances Altarac families collection

    Drafting kit used by Mayer Altarac in his stonework/home design business in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (later Serbia) before fleeing with his wife Mimi and seven year old son Jasa in September 1941 following the German occupation in April. They went to Skopje, Macedonia, then under Bulgarian control, as Yugoslavia had been dismembered by the Axis Alliance. A month later, Mayer encountered a man from Kosovo who recognized him as Jewish and the Altarac family fled that night to Pristina, which was under Italian control. There as a large Jewish refugee population there, as the Italians did not regul...

  4. Heart shaped carved stone ashtray acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Handcarved ashtray in the shape of a heart made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus. It was given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encouraged it as a way to occupy the inmates. The internees were Ma'apilim, i...

  5. Carved stone book with an inscription made for a British officer by a Jewish internee in Cyprus

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Carved stone book made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus with a dedication for Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. The signed inscription also has a Biblical quote from Leviticus about showing kindness to strangers. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encourag...

  6. Carved stone book with a painted map of Cyprus and Palestine acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Small, carved stone book with painted maps of Cyprus and Palestine made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus. It was given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encouraged it as a way to occupy the inmates. The int...

  7. Hashomer Hatzair white and blue banner for Kibbutz Safiac acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    White and blue cloth banner with a blue and white Star of David and Hashomer Hatzair emblem acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It is emblazoned with the slogan: Be strong and of good cheer. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were M...

  8. Kibbutz Safiach red banner with a Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Kibbutz Safiach banner with a Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusilier, British Army, an officer in Karaolus detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from ...

  9. Borochov Group white flag with 2 blue stripes, yellow Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Eretz Israel style flag, white with two blue stripes and a yellow Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It also has the name of the Borochov Group, a Zionist Youth movement, whose members were interned in Camp No. 55 in Karaolos. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at thei...

  10. Square clip-on Daimon battery operated flashlight acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    German battery operated flashlight given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp in Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. This type of hanging flashlight was manufactured from the 1930s-40s by the German company Daimon, and was often used by the German military. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from the British. Great Britain controlled Palestine under a United Nations mandate and enf...

  11. Clip-on Daimon battery operated German flashlight acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    German battery operated flashlight given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, who served as a commanding officer in the Karaolos detention camp in Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. This type of hanging flashlight was manufactured during the 1930s-40s by the German company Daimon, and was often used by the German military. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from the British. Great Britain controlled Palestine under a United Nations mandate a...

  12. Dora Pollak family correspondence

    The Dora Pollak family correspondence consists primarily of letters Dora and Richard Pollak received from family and friends in Czecholovakia, England, and Switzerland during and after the war. Wartime correspondence relates family news, documents efforts to emigrate from Czechoslovakia, describes preparations for deportation to Theresienstadt, and relays thanks for care packages delivered to Theresienstadt. Postwar correspondence summarizes wartime experiences and documents efforts to reclaim and manage family businesses and property lost during the war including the Joseph Taussig and Dan...

  13. Postwar retrospective: Germany, war in Europe

    US propaganda/documentary film about World War II. A post-war U.S. narrative of intentions in Germany. Reel 1, Opening credits. HASs, MSs, Berlin's war ruins, rubble, buildings, street signs laying on ground. Allied victory celebrations in Paris and London. Lots of waving, happy crowds, parade. Flashbacks to war scenes show soldiers marching, amphibious landings, Allied planes bombing enemy cities, parachutists, airborne operations, and masses of war material being transported by railway, truck, and ship. Plane crashes. Soldiers embarking and disembarking from transports and landing craft, ...

  14. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) records

    Contains originals and photocopies of reports, meeting minutes, publications, correspondence, documents, newspaper articles, announcements, programs, obituaries, oral history transcripts, a bibliography, and photographs pertaining to the founding of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), its evolving mission, objectives, and leadership. The records also pertain to the organization's projects, leadership, and offices in the United States and abroad during and after World War II. Other records relate specifically to the international medical missions of the UUSC.

  15. Hans Vogel diary

    Consists of one spiral-bound diary, handwritten in German with illustrations and insertions, written by Hans Vogel, originally of Cologne, Germany. The diary, which covers the period of July 24, 1940 to August 9, 1941, describes the Vogel family's life in exile in Oloron-Sainte-Marie, France and concludes on the day the family arrived from Europe in New York City in August 1941.

  16. Hans Pfeiffer papers Nachlass Hans Pfeiffer (1910-1998)

    Contains records relating to Hans Pfeiffer’s activities on behalf of the Eidgenössische Zentralleitung der Heime und Lager (Swiss Central Administration of Asylums and Camps), 1942-1949. The collection includes a complete set of Pfeiffer’s weekly reports from July 1944 to August 1947 as a regional inspector of asylums and camps in Tessin and other Swiss regions. Also contains records pertaining to the Tatgemeinschaft der Schweizer Jugend (Action Community of Swiss Youth), 1938-1997; Zentralleitung der Arbeitslager (Central Administration of Work Camps), 1940-1949; the camp administration in...

  17. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in New York Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nowym Jorku (Sygn.493)

    Selected records of Polish Consulate General in New York, reports, correspondence, press clippings, notes, consular letters, and minutes related to minorities in Poland and in foreign countries, mainly Polish Jews in the US, activities of Jewish organizations and their contacts with the Polish authorities, protests in USA against the persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland, reports on persecution of Poles in Germany, a report of the Polish Consulate General in Chicago, 1940 related to cooperation between Polish and Jewish immigrants in the USA, protest of Jewish organizations against anti...

  18. Kehile newspaper clippings named after Boruch Hager Kehile prese oysshnitn on nomen fun Boruch Hager

    Articles and press clippings organized by Boruch Hager, a Jewish refugee in Argentina. Records relate to antisemitism, the Holocaust, and the arrival of Jewish refugees and survivors to Argentina. Included in the collection are indexes, clippings, photographs, and other materials. The collection shows the strong influence of the survivors and the impact of the memory of the Holocaust in all aspects of community life. From 1952 until the decade of 1980, the material was systematically organized in fourteen categories and arranged in enveloped labeled with category number, month and year. For...

  19. Beruh family correspondence

    The Beruh family correspondence comprises letters written between members of the Beruh family beginning after Gerda and Sonja’s transport to England in 1939 until Gerda and her mother, Nechama were reunited in 1945. The bulk of the letters are written by Gerda to her mother, though many letters include notes from Sonja as well. Three letters to the sisters from their father, Yaakov are also included. A small series of photographs are also included in this collection. Images include Gerda as a teenage girl and two images of groups of children.

  20. Records of the Stockholm Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    Records of AJJDC’s Stockholm office during the years 1941-1967. The majority of the materials focus on the Stockholm office’s activities during World War II and in the postwar period from 1944-1949. Included are records of the AJJDC’s collaborations with other organizations to assist survivors, such as its work with the Red Cross on the White Buses. This project, headed by Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and then-president of the Swedish Red Cross, provided packages and medical care to survivors in concentration camps, as well as bringing concentration camp inmates to safety in S...