Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,681 to 21,700 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Resource Center at Kean University collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors and concentration camp liberators.

  2. Jack Ratz collection

    The collection consists of a HIAS pin, a ring made from a ring, and a photograph relating to the experiences of Isaak Racs during the Holocaust in Riga, Latvia, and Lenta, Stutthof, Burggraben, and Goddentow concentration camps, and after the Holocaust in Landsberg, Germany. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  3. Doba Drezner and Oscar Albert and Bernard and Herman Jezower collection

    The collection consists of documents and photographs relating to the experiences of Herman and Bernard Jezower, and a wooden cover, metal box, toolbox, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Oscar Albert, who was deported from the Rzeszow ghetto and imprisoned Plaszow forced labor camp, Mielec slave labor camp, and Flossenburg concentration camp, after the war in a displaced persons camp, and a metal box, wooden cover, and poesie album relating to the experiences of Doba Drezner in an orphanage in Czestochowa, Poland. An accretion of documents, photographs, correspondence...

  4. Ruth Loewenstein collection

    Doll: handmade by Annie Loewenstein (donor's mother) in Munich, Germany. The Loewenstein family: Willy (donor's father) [b. 1894], Annie [b. 1904], Ruth (donor) [b. 1929], and Marianne (donor's sister) [b. 1932], were able to leave Germany in August 1939 for England. Ruth and Marianne were wearing thin gold bracelets on their wrists and each carried a doll. The German guard at the Dutch border tore off the bracelets, but did not pay any attention to the dolls. Upon arrival in New York on September 10, 1940, Annie took the heads off the dolls, in which she had hidden valuables. She sold the ...

  5. Oral history interviews of the Israel Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the Israel Documentation project recorded by the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, the Massuah Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The 383 interviews in the collection date from 1991 to 2000 with two new additions in 2011, and as an ongoing project, additional interviews will be added. The interviews are recorded in a variety of languages including Hebrew, Yiddish, Polish, Russian, and French. Interviews include survivors of the Holocaust who immigrated to Israel.

  6. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    The collection consists of German military uniform clothing and accessories: dress jacket, four hats, helmet, two canteens, belt, and nine shoulder boards relating to the experiences of Bernard B. Cohen, as a soldier in the United States Third Army, European Theater of Operations, during World War II.

  7. Michael C. Lanham collection

    The collection consists of two rings related to membership in the Nazi Party and the German military.

  8. Miriam Novitch collection

    The collection consists of two scrip of the type issued in Łódź (Litzmannstadt) Ghetto and a damaged prayer book relating to the experiences of Miriam Novitch after the Holocaust in Europe.

  9. David Friedman collection

    The collection consists of one etching, eleven drawings and six paintings created by David Friedmann (from 1960, Friedman) after the war based upon his experiences during the Holocaust in the Łódź (Litzmannstadt) Ghetto in Poland from October 1941 - August 1944 and as a prisoner in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gleiwitz I, and Blechhammer concentration camps from August 1944 until his liberation soon after a death march on January 25, 1945.

  10. Lili Andrieux collection

    The collection consists of 91 sketches by Lili Andrieux depicting life in several internment camps and collection centers in France from 1941-1942: Camp de Gurs 1940 - 1941; Police Center Hotel Terminus du Port, Marseille - 1942; Les Milles - 1942.

  11. La Grange Park Library collection

    The collection consists of an unused envelope and a piece of letterhead stationery for the Reichswerke Aktiengesellschaft für Erzbergbau und Eisenhütten "Hermann Göring", an armaments factory established by Nazi Germany in Linz, Austria, in 1938, just before World War II.

  12. Leon Kabiljo collection

    The collection consists of two badges with a Croatian Z for Jew and two Sephardic siddurs relating to the experiences of Leon Kabiljo and his wife Shary while living, often in hiding, in occupied Yugoslavia and Italy during the Holocaust before their emigration to Fort Oswego, New York.

  13. A. Morton Rosenfield collection

    The collection consists of two coins.

  14. Caroline Stark Fisher collection

    The collection consists of two Star of David badges.

  15. Bertha and Morris Berk collection

    The collection consists of a pewter bowl, photograph sleeve, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Bertha and Morris Berk, before the Holocaust in Schwanfeld, Germany and New York, where they immigrated in 1938 to escape Nazi persecution.

  16. Charles Laufer collection

    The collection consists of Gewerberlegitimationskarte, Landhurm-Pals, Reisepass, Arbeitsbuch, two Polish passports, box of correspondence, blue and white sash, three books, leather portfolio, and two photo albums.

  17. Werner J. Lipton collection

    Consists of two texts: "Fragments of a Childhood and Youth: Autobiogrpahical Memoirs," written by the donor, and "Toward the Abyss: Cards and Letters: Mindelheim-Lublin, 1941-43," translated by the donor.

  18. School Museum, Council of the District of Dresden collection

    The collection consists of classroom furniture and educational supplies used in Germany during the Nazi regime, before and during the Holocaust.

  19. Christian Kloesch oral history collection

    Contains interviews with seven Holocaust survivors and accompanying photographs and documents relating to the interviewees