Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,281 to 21,300 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Joe Koenig collection

    The collection consist of books relating to the experiences of the parents of Joe Koenig who emigrated from Germany to Canada in 1937.

  2. Philippe Henriot propaganda speeches collection

    The collection consists of four pamphlets of propaganda speeches given by Philippe Henriot for the Vichy government in France and one book.

  3. Nazi propaganda collection

    The collection consists of documents, a canister of film from the 1936 Olympics, a scrapbook of postcards, and a publication.

  4. Shiber family collection

    The collection consists of photographs, documents, negatives, and a reel of magnetic tape relating to Emanuel Shiber's family and their life in Lʹvov, Poland, (now Lʹviv, Ukraine) before World War II, his experiences during and after the war, and his wife's experiences in Auschwitz-Birkenau and her art and testimony.

  5. Jaroslav Pistek collection

    The collection consists of an issue of Kladderadatsch and nine pieces of scrip from Theresienstadt ghetto labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic).

  6. Ela Weissberger collection

    The Ela Weissberger collection consists of photocopies of materials related to cultural activities at Theresienstadt including a Purim play and Brundibár, poetry about Theresienstadt, a map of Theresienstadt and hand-colored coat of arms of Theresienstadt, and biographical materials and correspondence documenting Walter Weiss’s imprisonment in Theresienstadt. Weiss was a cousin of Ela Weissberger. The collection also includes a metal item: two separate pieces of iron alloy held together by a hinge. On front is a relief of a lion with a sword between two castles above a brick pattern with st...

  7. John Hein collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge, a three page letter, and two photographs relating to the experiences of John Hein, originally from Germany, as a soldier in the United States Army during the liberation of Zwodau labor camp in Czechoslovakia during World War II.

  8. Louis Brandsdorfer collection

    The collection consists of a diamond ring found at Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944 and seven photographs depicting a massacre in Bolesławiec, Poland.

  9. Paul A. Strassmann collection

    The collection consists of documents, certificates, identification cards, photographs, a medal, and a badge relating to Paul Strassmann's involvement with partisans in Slovakia during World War II.

  10. Herman Yablokoff collection

    The collection consists of documents and photographs relating to the experiences of Herman Yablokoff after World War II

  11. Yehuda Nir collection

    The collection consists of artifacts: a badge, cigarette cards, leaflets, posters, and scrip and correspondence, documents, sheet music, and publications relating to the history of the Holocaust in Europe. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  12. Fred and Katie Rose collection

    The collection consists of materials issued to Dutch citizens during and immediately after World War II.

  13. David Mentken family collection

    The collection consists of a portrait drawing, a silhouette, a shop sign, three pairs of capmaker’s scissors, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Salomon Mentkewicz, his family, and the Haar family before the Holocaust in Vienna, Austria, and Krakow, Poland, and to the emigration of David and Regina Haar Mentkewicz (later Mentken) and their sons, Edgar and Robert, to the United States in 1938.

  14. George and Shari Fine collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and documents related to the experience of Getzel Fingerhut (George Fine) in Dachau concentration camp and Sari Marmor (Fine) as a slave laborer in Poland during the Holocaust and in displaced persons camps and Canada after the war.

  15. Miles Lerman collection

    Collection of one (eine) Mark bills (scrip) issued in the Łódź ghetto, Poland; issued May 1, 1940.

  16. Rose Galek Brunswic family collection

    The collection consists of mother of pearl buttons, mother-of-pearl shards, a letter, two photographs, and other materials relating to the experiences of Raszka Galek (later Rose Brunswic) and her family in prewar Poland and in Germany and Poland during the Holocaust and of a haggadah relating to the experiences of Kurt Braunschweig (later Claude Brunswic) in prewar Germany. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection the future.

  17. David Mielzynski collection

    The collection consists of a document excluding David Mielzynski from service in the Wehrmacht, two identification cards, three calendars which David Mielzynski used in hiding, and a Star of David badge.

  18. Lewin family collection

    The collection consists of documents and artifacts surrounding the experiences of Eva Lifschitz and Jakob Lewin, before and during World War II. Included in the collection are letters and documents relating to Eva who arrived in the United Kingdom on a Kindertransport in 1939, as well as documents and artifacts related to Jakob who was in hiding in Le Chambon, France, and then given refuge in Switzerland.

  19. Edward Vebell collection

    The collection consists of nine courtroom drawings created by Edward Vebell, US Army, during the Trial of German Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, which opened on November 20, 1945, following the end of World War II.

  20. Berg and Hermanns families collection

    The collection includes a cake server, cooking pot, Kenyan statues, silver spoon, steamer trunk, prayer book, biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Clara and Max Berg and their extended family in Germany before their escape to Kenya and their life in Kenya during the Holocaust, and their postwar immigration to the United States and the Hermanns family and Julius Hermanns’ journey aboard the MS St. Louis, return to Europe, and internment in France. An accretion of five WWI medals was received in 2016.