Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,621 to 20,640 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Erna Weyl and Walter Rothschild collection

    Documents, photographs, pamphlets, books, clippings, artifacts concerning the experiences of Walter Rothschild and Erna Weyl Rothschild.Collection includes: photo albums; loose prewar, wartime and postwar photographs; correspondence (some with translation); personal documents including: citizenship papers, Army documents, birth, marriage, and death records; Passports and identification cards; film roll in metal canister from Frankfurt; US Sarmy file including: maps, photos, official documents, clippings, US Army prayer book, Camp Ritchie menu, telephone directory and ID cards; wallet of doc...

  2. John Phillips collection

    The collection consists of five pieces of Allied Military currency, three military identification tags, a shadow box with a collage of military insignia, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of John Phillips while a soldier in the United States Army from June 1945 to January 1947, and as part of the Army of Occupation from April 1946-January 1947.

  3. Mina Bernstein clothing collection

    Collection of baby clothes which belonged to Mina Bernstein born in 1923 who was murdered at age 18 during the Holocaust. The clothing was saved by her mother Rachel Bernstein (nee Yakira).

  4. H. Frank Brull Collection

    Correspondence, photographs, maps, travel brochures, printed materials, documenting the immigration of Hans Frans Brull (later H. Frank Brull) to the United States as a child, correspondence from his parents in Berlin, travel itineraries and brochures from the cruise ship line on which he traveled to the United States; photographs of Brull as a child, his parents, and classmates in Berlin; and booklets and printed material from his military career, as well as a transcript of opening statements at one of the Allied military tribunals held in Nuremberg, 1947. 7 additional pieces of scrip are ...

  5. Gershon Perecman collection

    Collection of materials documenting the experiences of Gershon Perecman (donor's father) before, during, and after the Holocaust; includes newspaper "Our Hope" from the displaced persons camp (dated 1947), Perecman's memoir on a notepad and loose pages, translation of the memoir, envelopes of watchsprings and other watch repair parts from his time in the DP camp, oral history interview with Gershon Perecman on VHS, and one German coin.

  6. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    The collection consists of nine British and American World War II posters.

  7. Waldman family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, artwork, documents, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings, relating to the experiences of John, George, and Betsy Waldman in Compiègne and Vittel internment camps and artists Jacques Gotko and David Goychman in Compiègne internment camp in France, during the Holocaust.

  8. Kaja Finkler collection

    Oral testimony of Golda Finkler who discusses her family history and life story spanning the prewar, wartime, and postwar periods.

  9. Walter Teitz Collection

    Collection documenting the experiences of Sophie and Emil Teitz and their children Werner and Walter in Furth, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Includes documents, correspondence and an oral history interview recorded with Walter Teitz.

  10. Luba and Harry Weinroth collection

    Collection materials relating to Luba and Harry Weinroth including: loose photographs from the Feldafing DP camp, postcards, letters (some from the Warsaw ghetto), identification papers, receipt from Theresienstadt, photo album, Jewish New Years cards, shards of concrete taken by Harry (Chamek) Weinroth from the crematoria at the Dachau concentration camp immediately after liberation; Nazi patch given to Harry Weinroth.

  11. Trap door and air vent cover collection

    Wooden trap door and metal air vent cover that belonged to a house located at Lvivska Street no. 35, Zolkiew (Zhovka), Ukraine, whose crawl space under the floorboards served as a hiding place for Jews during the Holocaust. The trap door and hiding place are described in detail in the Holocaust memoir "Clara's War: One Girl's Story of Survival", by Clara Kramer.

  12. Lt. Col. George R. Snyder collection

    The collection primarily consists of postwar photographs taken between 1945 and 1947 by Lt. Col. George R. Snyder documenting the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp, Landsberg prison, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Subjects include the Camp New Orleans, German and Polish POWs, refugees, landscapes, and destroyed buildings and towns. Also included is his passport and letters from George to his mother Louise Snyder, his son James, and his wife. The collection also includes a map of Munich.

  13. John and Gisela Marx Eden collection

    The collection consists of a manicure set, stuffed koala bear, suitcase, wristwatch, two scrolls, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Gisela Marx and her family before the Holocaust in Dulken, Germany and during the Holocaust in England, and two candlesticks, a lapel pin, and photographs relating to the experiences of Hans Eibuschitz (John Eden) and his family before the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia and during the Holocaust in England.

  14. "I'm An American" NBC radio broadcasts

    I’M AN AMERICAN premiered in 1940 on the eve of WWII. The NBC radio broadcast was spearheaded by the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the U.S. Department of Labor to foster a “deeper consciousness of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship and more tolerance for fellow american of all birthplaces”. The weekly program featured distinguished foreign-born citizens discussing their naturalization process, the meaning of “democracy” and reminding all Americans of the value/privilege of U.S. citizenship. Sound recordings of I’M AN AMERICAN are available from the NBC Radio Coll...

  15. Rachel Greene Rottersman collection

    The collection consists of paintings, audio recordings, correspondence, documents, reports, and writings related to the experiences of Rachel Greene Rottersman during her career with UNRRA and her work at the children’s home at Aglasterhausen, Germany, assisting displaced children after World War II.

  16. Refugee Relief poster collection

    The collection consists of three posters made to promote awareness of the need for refugee relief in the United States during World War II.

  17. US patriotic envelope collection

    The collection consists of four unused envelopes depicting artwork created during World War II in the United States.

  18. Ira Schobel collection

    The collection consists of 2 drawings created by a liberated inmate from Dachau concentration camp.

  19. George Zielezinski collection

    The collection consists of two published art portfolios with prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski in the immediate postwar period depicting scenes of daily life as a prisoner in German concentration camps.

  20. Auschwitz concentration camp uniform badge collection

    The collection consists of two identification badges from the Auschwitz concentration camp.