Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,521 to 20,540 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Hyman Kirsh collection

    The Hyman Kirsh papers includes photographs of the Kirszenewajg family taken in Poland prior to World War II, and a fragment of an engagement announcement for Golda Kirszenewajg and Chaim Berenzweig, circa 1912-1914. The collection also includes a prayerbook found in a Jewish home after liberation.

  2. Avram Kaminsky collection

    Consists of a 10 mark Łódź ghetto scrip note, a 20 mark note of allied military currency, and a photo album depicting scenes of the Łódź ghetto. The album was located in the streets of Łódź by Avram Kaminsky after the war when he returned to look for his family. Scenes depicted include events attended by Chaim Rumkowski and other leaders within the Łódź ghetto administration.

  3. Jiří Lauscher collection

    The Jiří Lauscher collection consist of reports, albums, artwork, writings, photocopies, photographs, copyprints, and diary entries documenting the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde's work related to emigration and job training in Prague; the administration, history, and culture of Theresienstadt; and Holocaust-era ghettos and concentration camps. The collection also includes a Star of David badge and postage stamps. Lauscher collected the materials during his internment in Theresienstadt from 1942-1945 and acquired many of them from friends and acquaintances as they were deported to killing centers.

  4. Susan Flusser Tausig collection

    The collection consists of photo albums, loose photos, documents, an autograph album, postcards, correspondence, an album of Chinese scrip, coins (Chines, Austria, etc.), a map of Shanghai, newspaper clippings related to Susan Flusser Tausig, her father Rudolf Flusser, her mother Blanka Rosenbaum (nee Lipiner), her stepfather Ludwig Rosenbaum, stepmother Dina Raave, and brother Peter Flusser. Also includes documents from Susan Flusser Tausig's father-in-law Peter Tausig and a Cafe Roy/Adieu going away card for Alexander Fried (a friend of the Tausig family).

  5. Vera Herz collection

    The Vera Herz papers include two ORT documents. The first, issued to Vera Spitz and dated April 15, 1947, is an ORT identification document that states she was working as a teacher at the ORT school in Eggenfelden, Germany. The second is an ORT certificate issued to “Jewish Displaced Person” Bela Spitz by the World ORT Union. Also included in the collection are sixteen black and white photographs of Vera Spitz with her father, Bela Spitz, and friends in Germany, likely at the displaced persons camp in Eggenfelden, circa 1948. The collection also includes a handbound dress pattern book with ...

  6. Paul Mayer collection

    The collection consists of diaries, artwork, books, documents, clippings, and correspondence pertaining to the experiences of Paul Mayer and his family, formerly of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and later of the United States.

  7. Stekler family collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, correspondence, receipts, report cards pertaining to the families of Walter Stekler and Gisela Schrott Stekler of Vienna, Austria and later of the United States. Also includes a mazchor, as well as tefillin (with protective bag and embroidered initials) and tallit belonging to Walter Stekler.

  8. David Frohman collection

    Correspondence written by David S. Frohman (donor's father), a member of the 89th Infantry Division, Third United States Army ["Patton's Own"]. Included in the correspondence are two sets of letters from David in Camp Roberts, California and Fort Benning, Georgia, and from Germany and post-war Austria. Letters describe David's experiences in the military and overseas as an American Jewish soldier. First set of letters written to David's parents in Chicago area. Second set of letters written to family friend Leandro Pastorelli in Chicago area. The collection also includes an 89th Infantry Di...

  9. Rottenberg family collection

    Documents and photographs related to Robert Rogers (originally Robert Rottenberg) and his parents Elias David (Eddy) Rottenberg and Bertha (Berkelhammer) Rottenberg, all of who jumped from Transport XX en route to Auschwitz. Also includes the shirt that Robert was wearing when he jumped from the train and was shot.

  10. Vladimir Lewin collection

    The collection consists of a mortgage book (Ksiega Hilpofeczna) cover, photo, documents, letters, medals and a Hanukkah lamp.

  11. Bronislaw Zbigniew Bulkowski collection

    Collection and memoirs illustrating the experiences of Bronislaw Bulkowski, born Roman Catholic on July 11, 1920 in Ostrowiec, Poland, surrounding the Holocaust. Bronislaw was a forced laborer for the Nazi occupying authorities and was conscripted to the German Rail Authorities in Altena, Germany. Between 1942 and 1945, he slave labored alongside other forced laborers. Included is a diary ("Wartime Log") he kept in which he references other slave laborers as well as abuse they, endured, the group digging a tunnel, working all night, lack of food, overpriced bread and accidents that hurt and...

  12. Lisbeth Modley Kornreich collection

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, papers, magazine clippings and photographs related to William and Augusta (Lipiner) Modley and their daughter Lisbeth (Modley) Kornreich [donor's mother]. Also includes Augusta's recipe book and fashion sketches, and Lisbeth's leather travel documents pouch. Additional materials from other relatives includes letters (with English translations) from Karl Linder and letters and a selection of wartime diary entries from Hans Zehetner, who survived the war in Vienna. Also includes the donor's audio recorded interview w/her mother Lisbeth (Mo...

  13. Schloss family collection

    Original family photographs, documentation for visa and immigration from Germany, France, Cuba, United States, and 2 small books.

  14. Leon and Rebeka Ilutovich collection

    The Leon and Rebeka Ilutovich collection focuses on the wartime experiences of Leon Ilultovich in Poland, Lithuania, Japan, and Shanghai, China. Materials in the collection include correspondence, visas, travel documents, medical records, identification records, newspapers, printed notices, ephemera, scrip, publications, photographs, and photograph albums. The collection also includes photographs of the Ilutovich, Lindenbaum, and Landau families in Poland.

  15. Signed testimonies of the Simon Carmel collection

    Interviews and recordings featuring Deaf survivors of the Holocaust

  16. Maria de Kornfeld collection

    Oral history interview with Maria de Kornfeld

  17. Norman K. Holloway collection

    The collection consists of a Cross of Honor of the German Mother medal and a photograph relating to the experiences of Norman K. Holloway as a soldier in the United States Army 6th Armored Division in Germany during World War II and an oral history compact disc recorded in 2004.

  18. Polish Railroad Authority collection

    The collection consists of railroad signal lanterns, a switch lamp, a station telephone, and station signs used in the daily operations of the railroads in Poland before and during the Holocaust.

  19. Anna Sved Blum collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences Anna Sved Blum and her parents Dezső and Ernesztina (Segő) Sved of Budapest, Hungary. Included are birth, death and wedding certificates, photographs, report card, identification cards, immigration papers, family history documents, a personal narrative by Anna describing her Holocaust experiences, and a narrative/claim in German regarding the confiscation of belongings. Additionally, there are digital audio recordings of interviews of Anna conducted by her son.

  20. Honig family collection

    Honig family papers to include documents, correspondence, diary, photographs, clippings, genealogical materials, translations, writings, small photo album, and military medals.