Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,441 to 20,460 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Abraham family collection

    The collection consists of photographs, documents, artifacts illustrating Reha, Ruth and Walter Abraham's experiences surrounding the Holocaust in Berlin, Germany, prewar Tel Aviv and postwar Switzerland, and correspondence.

  2. Andrzej Bninski collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the occupation of Warsaw, Poland, by Nazi Germany from 1939-1945.

  3. Rattner and Breindler families collection

    The Rattner and Breindler families collection consist of biographical materials and correspondence documenting the families of Beno Rattner and Edith Breindler in Vienna, the couple’s lives and marriage in England, and their parents’ unsuccessful efforts to emigrate. Biographical materials include Beno’s German passport, two of Edith’s British passports, birth and registration records, Beno’s World War II military papers, and certificates documenting the deportation of Beno’s parents. Most of the correspondence is addressed to Beno and Edith in England from their parents in Vienna. The lett...

  4. Holub, Glaser and Ornstein families collection

    Papers, correspondence, and photographs related to Eva Glaser (nee Holub), her parents, Josef and Marie Holub (nee Popper), her brother Hanus ("Honza") Holub, and her first husband Arno Erban, and their sons Peter and Tomas. Also includes papers and photographs related to Eva's second husband, Herbert Glaser, his sister, Ana Glaser, and Eva and Hebert's daughter, Vivian; a recorded interview (on CD) and transcript of an interview with Herbert Glaser; restitution-related papers; a photograph album with images of the Holub and Glaser families; documents, a diary and correspondence related to ...

  5. Oral history interviews of the Gili Ronen collection

    Interviews with members of the Rubicsek/Ronen family and with Jucika Rehakova née Farkas, the daughter of rescuers.

  6. Jack Garfein collection

    Documents, papers, photos, poster, correspondence, and objects related to the Holocaust-era experiences of Jack Garfein and his family, originally of Mukachevo.

  7. Signed testimonies of the Deaf Holocaust Experience collection

    Interviews and recorded programs and presentations featuring Deaf survivors of the Holocaust

  8. Ungar, Hammerschlag and Breuer family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, photographs of the Ungar, Hammerschlag and Breuer family of Vienna. Also drawings either by or collected by Dora Breuer.

  9. Dr. Arthur Kessler collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Dr. Arthur Kessler, originally of Czernowitz (Chernivtsi, Ukraine), including his imprisonment in the Vapniarka concentration camp in Transnistria and his efforts to treat and manage an outbreak of paralysis of fellow prisoners due to consumption of Lathyrus sativus. Included are artifacts, objects gifted to him, biographical materials, correspondence, research notes and samples related to Lathyrism, written testimony, writings, and a small amount of photographs. Also included is his unpublished memoir Ein Arzt im Lager (A Camp Physician).

  10. Joshua Heilman collection

    The collection consists of a camera used by Joshua Heilman and pre-war photographs he took of Lubaczow using this camera, which he assembled into an album which he took with him to British Mandate Palestine in 1939.

  11. Robert L. Tumler collection

    The collection consists of wartime and postwar photographs, postcards, a typed report on Ebensee (Mimeograph copy) and a German map on which Tumler drew the route his unit took ending in Ebensee. The photographs include some images of the Ebensee camp taken shortly after liberation. Robert L. Tumler (1911-1980) served as a medic in the US Army during WWII. His unit landed in Normandy six weeks after D-day and followed the Advancing Troops across Europe. As camps were liberated, they provided a basic level of medical care - the last camp was at Ebensee.

  12. Schwalbe family collection

    THe collection contains documents, correspondence (letters and postcards), journals, photographs, postwar writings, newspaper clippings, 2 metal disc recordings, ephemera and three dimensional artifacts to include a portfolio, eyeglass case and small notebook documenting the experiences of the Schwalbe family and their relatives in Berlin, Teheran, Palestine and their immigration and settlement in the United States.

  13. Walter Peiser artwork collection

    The collection consists of artwork created by Walter Peiser-Preisser ("Prei"). One woodcut print that is part of a series of 12, created in the Neustadt/Holstein DP camp, circa 1946. Seven prints (one hexagon and six trapezoids) depicting scenes from multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz-Monowitz, Birkenau, Gross Rosen, and general scenes of commemoration that include names of camps, prisoner numbers and markings, with small holes punched around the entire border of each page.

  14. Susie and Margarete Wiesner collection

    The collection consists of a suitcase, cigarette case with pin, doll, cloth pouch and coins and currency used, carried by Susie Marie Wiesner Metzger and her mother Margarete Wiesner who survived the Holocaust; 3 videocassette tapes.

  15. Hans Marcuse collection

    The collection consists of etters, documents, a Hagadah, physics kit, tefillin, tzitzit (tallit katan), and bag documenting the experiences of Hans Marcuse and his family.

  16. Anatol and Alexandra Gorko collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, a newspaper, and artifacts related to Anatol and Alexandra Gorko who both survived the Holocaust and married after the war in Łódź, Poland.

  17. Collin and Reis families collection

    The collection consists of material related to the Collin and Reis families including photographs, correspondence, documents, passports, identification papers, diary and transltion, pamphlets, notebooks, school book and magazines and medal.

  18. Stella and Chester Szczesny collection

    Photographs documentating memorialization of Polish Roman Catholic Stanislawa and Czeslaw Szczesny, both survivors of multiple concentration camps and attempts to drown victims (some who survived) Thielbeck and Deutschland ships. Postwar identity card for Czeslaw and wallet in which all were kept.

  19. Oral history interviews of the Brad Zarlin collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors recorded by telephone.

  20. Goldmann family collection

    Correspondence, documents, and related materials concerning Kurt Goldmann pertaining to his life in Germany from his birth in 1921 through his emigration in 1939, his experiences as a newly arrived immigrant to the U.S. as a student at Penn State University and membership in the Phi Sigma Delta fraternity, his Army service during WWII, and post-war experiences as a naturalized American. Included as well are items pertaining to his parents Paul and Hedwig (Hede) Goldmann and their emigration from Germany to England and then to the U.S. and family records prior to and during the Nazi era incl...