Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 721 to 740 of 22,191
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Stephen J. Schweitzer diary

    The Stephen J. Schweitzer diary is a small pocket diary Schweitzer maintained secretly and hid in his socks while he was a POW in Stalag IXB and as a forced laborer in the Berga forced labor camp. The diary contains brief entries describing events and conditions in the camps, the moods of his fellow prisoners, and his thoughts of his family.

  2. Provincial Land Office in Kielce Wojewódzki Urząd Ziemski w Kielcach (Sygn. 188)

    Information on agricultural land and its owners, including Jews.

  3. Servator family correspondence

    Primarily consists of envelopes and letters written between members of the Servator family in 1945. Includes correspondence between Morris and Helen Servator and Cpl. Emanuel Sevator regarding their cousin Ida Szymkowicz, her husband Joseph, and their son Maurice, in addition to a note and photo of Ida and Maurice. Also includes a letter from Ida Szymkowicz to David Servator regarding Emanuel's visit.

  4. Gedenket der Hungernden

    Consists of a donation card from the Shanghai Ghetto printed on behalf of the "Gedenket der Hungernden", or "Remember the Hungry", charitable organization of the Jewish community in Shanghai during WWII. One side has mimeographed text appealing to members of Shanghai's Jewish community, in German. The verso has a small printed donation form to fill out (in German), and the address of the organization (in English). Also includes an imprinted Chinese mailing stamp of Sun-Yat Sen and additional Chinese text in green.

  5. Więzienie w Olkuszu (Sygn. 698) Prison in Olkusz

    Personal files of prisoners of Jewish origin convicted of various crimes, e.g. theft, fraud. In addition, other materials, e.g. lists of prisoners, statistic data. Personal files contain the prisoner's personal data and characteristics, as well as an accusation and official correspondence.

  6. Wehrmacht War Diary

    Consists of a war diary kept between October 1939 through February 1942 by an unnamed German soldier in the 10th Infantry Division (Wehrmacht) who was stationed in Gießen and Regensburg. The entries capture the invasion of Poland, the 1940 French Campaign, and the 1941 Russian campaign, including personal impressions, reflections, and support of the regime.

  7. Reichstag election campaign materials

    Consists of two bound collections of printed campaign materials relating to the September 14, 1930 and July 31, 1932 Reichstag elections in Germany. The materials include clippings from newspapers and magazines as well as some illustrated advertisements, small propaganda pieces, and political cartoons. Both volumes are labeled "Material Reichstagswahl" with their corresponding dates.

  8. Lucy Lipiner papers

    The Lucy Lipiner papers includes mounted photographs with captions indicating they depict the brewery where the Sucha ghetto was located and the deportation of Jews from Sucha to Auschwitz in 1942; a photocopy of a list of people in Sucha who made charitable donations, including Lipiner’s grandmother Frymet Mandelbaum; a photocopy of a detailed typewritten account in Polish of what happened to the Jews and Polish Partisan sin Sucha and the surrounding area during the war; and two lists of students who attended Jewish religious classes in the Austro-Hungarian school system in 1909-1910 and 1...

  9. Branch of the Temporary State Board for the Jędrzejów county in Jędrzejów Sąd Grodzki w Jędrzejowie (Sygn. 1699)

    Court files in civil and criminal matters in which one of the parties was a person of Jewish origin. Post-war materials regarding real estate owned by Jews, applications for correction or reconstruction of birth, death or other documents.

  10. Zelig Wasser diary

    Consists primarily of handwritten diary pages that were kept by Sidney "Zelig" Wasser, a survivor from Kielce, Poland, while he was living in hiding in the woods after his escape from Henryków Arbeitslager, a forced labor camp, in May 1944. The diary pages were hidden in glass bottles and a majority were recovered after the war. The collection also includes correspondence, an illustrated map of Henryków with an identification key, Wasser's various translations of the diary and transcriptions of notes in both English and Polish, and a timeline capturing his experiences from when war broke ou...

  11. Sygn. 511, County Starosty in Końskie Sygn. 511, Starostwo Powiatowe Koneckie

    Situation reports of the Starosty containing information on, inter alia, the state of public safety, public assemblies, legal and illegal political organizations.

  12. District Court of the Land Sąd Okręgowy Ziemski (Sygn. 105)

    Official correspondence regarding land for the expansion of Jewish cemeteries in the towns Nowa Słupia, Kępa Nagnajewska and Szydłów.

  13. Eric D. Meier collection

    Includes the typewritten testimony of Holocaust survivor Eric D. Meier

  14. Sąd Grodzki w Końskich (Sygn. 704) Court of the First Instance in Końskie

    Files of civil cases from the period of World War II of people of Jewish origin (inheritance and division of property).

  15. Rudolph Ferdinand Kurz collection

    Letters sent to Dr. Rudolph Ferdinand Kurz (donor’s maternal grandfather), a physician in Cincinnati, OH, from three different Jewish Viennese families, all with the last name Kurz, pleading for financial support and assistance in immigration to the United States. Ultimately, one family made it to Australia and the other two families made it to New York.

  16. Lobsenz family papers

    Consists of correspondence between extended Lobsenz (formerly Lubzens) relatives in Poland, the Warsaw ghetto, and Łódź ghetto, and loved ones in the United States, including the donor's father, Jack Lobsenz, who immigrated to the US from Lipno, Poland in 1920. Also includes a photo in a portfolio, photographic postcards, a money order receipt, an envelope, and a certificate.

  17. Court of Peace in Miechów Sąd Pokoju w Miechowie (Sygn. 177)

    Files of court cases concerning various disputes in which one of the parties was a person of Jewish origin. The cases concerned, among others, payment of debt, rent, division of inheritance, compensation, termination of the contract and other disputes.

  18. 1933 Reichstag election material

    A bound collection of printed, German-language materials relating to the March 5, 1933 Reichstag election in Germany. The dated materials range from January to March 5, 1933, though many are undated. They include portions of text from newspapers and magazines, as well as some advertising materials and smaller propaganda pieces. At the back, an oversize propaganda poster has been folded numerous times to make it fit within the book. All the pieces are bound between hard, black covers, and the front cover bears a handwritten label, “Material Reichstagswahl 5. Marz 1933”.

  19. Ferdinand Lange collection

    The collection consists of a handwritten German-language diary, as well as a typed, English-translation and transcription. The original diary was written in Kurrentschrift, type of cursive script, by Ferdinand Lange, a German Jewish refugee in Manila, Philippines, during World War II (1939-1945). The diary discusses everyday life, family members, and attacks on the town and escaping from the resulting fires. The first entry is from late August 1944, and the final entries recount events from February 1945.The diary is made up of 19 total, loose, half-sheets, the first seven pages of which ar...

  20. Katz family photograph collection

    Comprised of photographs, photographic postcards, and copy prints documenting the experiences of Chaim (Sam), Miriam, and Bella Katz during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Chaim and Miriam survived multiple concentration camps, while their daughter Bella survived living in hiding with Gerard and Teuntje Satduwe, Dutch resistors living in Hilversum, Holland.