Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 1,615
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Alfa

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Beit Alfa Experiences/ memoirs of: 1. Etti Agmon; 2. Menachem Agmon; 3. Elsa; 4. Roza Brenman, "To remember and speak, and not forget"; 5. Yehuda Gutman; 6. Gina Degan; 7. Doda Hadas; 8. Peretz Har-Arieh; 9. Zvika Harpaz; 10. Rachel Zorek Ziv (1994); 11. Rachel Ziv, "To rescue Shaul" (1979); 12. Shaul Zinger; 13. Mordechai Mann; 14. Sedko; 15. Elsa Slomnizki 16. Yitzhak Weintraub Einav; 17. Zipora Einav; 18. Shoshana Pivnik; 19. Shoshana Fel...

  2. Collection of the Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU in the Netherlands, 1941-1944

    Collection of the Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU in the Netherlands, 1941-1944 The Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU was established by the Germans as a company for the handling of Jewish businesses, in accordance with the law in the Netherlands; the NAGU was, in actual fact, a body that served as a middleman in financial deals during the Aryanization process; NAGU received work orders from the Wirtschaftsprüfstelle, a department in the Ministry of the Economy and Economics, the Wirtschaft of the Reichskomm...

  3. Documentation of the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region, 1946-1958

    Documentation of the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region, 1946-1958 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Polish Courts of Law in the Gdansk region in order to receive declarations of death.

  4. Documentation of partisans groups in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of partisans groups in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Survey reports by partisans detachments to the Communist Party central committee in Belorussia, including among others, the disruption of activities by the Jewish partisans in Belorussia during 1942-1943, and regarding the murder of Jews from Antopol and Gorodets in Bronna Gora and other places during 1941-1944; - Lists of partisans; - Documentation of partisans units, regarding their activities; - Curriculum Vitae (CV) of partisans; - Professional opinions, regarding partisans; - Antisemitic brochures ...

  5. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yad Mordechai

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yad Mordechai Testimonies/ experiences/ memoirs/ articles (from the personal files of the kibbutz members): 1. Moshe Bar-Semakh; 2. Gavriel Koren; 3. Avraham Stern-Kochavi.

  6. Documentation of the Jewish Academic Historical and Literary Society in Tartu, 1879 - 1940

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13578526
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1879-1940
    • Administrative documentation Agreement Charter Correspondence Draft Financial records Invitation Lists Photograph Protocol Questionnaire Reports Telegram
  7. Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, 1935

    Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, 1935 Personal cards of Jews completed as part of the 4th National Population Census conducted in Latvia, 1935

  8. Documentation of the Jewish Charitable Society in Tartu, 1898 - 1940

  9. P.21.2 - Speeches and letters of Ilya Ehrenburg, 1941-1964

    P.21.2 - Speeches and letters of Ilya Ehrenburg, 1941-1964 Subsection P. 21.2 includes original documentation belonging to the well-known Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg: speeches by Ilya Ehrenburg starting with his appeal to world Jewry at the anti-fascist rally, 24 August 1941, and ending with his speech marking the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Jewish writer, Isaak Babel in 1964; in the subsection there are many letters from Soviet Jews regarding displays of antisemitism in their everyday lives and condemnation of the "Murderous Physicians" (The Doctors' Plot, 1953), memoirs o...

  10. Documentation of the Estonian Jewish Cultural Council Board of Trustees in Võru, 1925 - 1940

  11. Mordechai Tamir (Lipski) Collection - Documentation of the Organization of Former Residents of Lowicz

    Mordechai Tamir (Lipski) Collection - Documentation of the Organization of Former Residents of Lowicz

  12. Documentation of the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (Zionist Federation of Germany - ZVfD) in Berlin, 1921-1938

    Documentation of the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (Zionist Federation of Germany - ZVfD) in Berlin, 1921-1938 In the collection there is correspondence of the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland in Berlin and its leaders, including Heinrich Loewe and Eduard Klee, on matters of Zionist activities, Berlin community politics, the Jewish press, giving aid to various people (among other circumstances with help in making aliya to Eretz Israel), newspaper clippings dealing with Zionist activities and fliers sent out by the ZVfD to its members.

  13. Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, 1940-1946

    Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, 1940-1946 Bringing of the SER material to Israel by Israel Froikin, 1961; in the collection, there are three kinds of card catalogues: 1. Card Catalogue for searching for relatives, in which the following details appear: The name being searched, place and date of birth, nationality; parents' names, profession, date of residence in France, last address, date of arrest or deportation and deportation destination; details of the searcher: name; place of birth and last address; 2. Card catalogue for sending...

  14. Documentation of the Magistrat Bergedorf (Bergedorf Suburb Municipality) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Magistrat Bergedorf (Bergedorf Suburb Municipality) in Hamburg

  15. Documentation from the Wirtschaftsarchiv Darmstadt, regarding in main the Aryanization of Jewish businesses, 1936-1941

    Documentation from the Wirtschaftsarchiv Darmstadt, regarding in main the Aryanization of Jewish businesses, 1936-1941

  16. TR.13 - Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes

    TR.13 - Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes This Record Group contains documentation created by the UN Committee about War Crimes, 1944-1949. The job of the Committee was to assist the various governments in bringing World War II war criminals to trial by collecting documentation, conducting investigations and giving legal counsel. The Record Group reflects the work of the Committee and its sub-committees and includes protocols and reports of the committees' meetings, documentation collected by the Committee and reports regarding the trials of war criminals held in the variou...

  17. Documentation of the Koydanovo District administration, 1941

    Documentation of the Koydanovo District administration, 1941 The Collection includes documentation of the Dzerzhinsk District administration regarding the confiscation of Jewish property; orders regarding the manner in which Jewish property is being confiscated; instructions regarding working principles of physicians in the Koydanovo area regarding Jews; documentation regarding Jewish forced laborers.

  18. Documentation of the Weltverband der Judishen Studentenschaft (World Association of Jewish Students) in Vienna, 1924-1937

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10608370
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1924-1937
    • Booklet(s) Brochure Envelope Letter List of members of a Jewish organization Newspaper Note Official documentation Poster Protocol Statistical data Survey report

    Documentation of the Weltverband der Judishen Studentenschaft (World Association of Jewish Students) in Vienna, 1924-1937 The Weltverband der Judishen Studentenschaft was an umbrella organization that brought together Landesverbaende (national unions) of Jewish students. The Association held congresses and meetings of its administrative bodies in various places in Europe. In the Association files there are decisions made by the organization congresses and its administrative bodies, details regarding the national unions, reports concerning organization activities (including statistical data)...

  19. Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12788573
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Article(s), list(s), text(s) Instruction List of collaborators List of residents Official documentation הודעה רשימות פושעים נאצים

    Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944 In the collection there is a savings bank pass book belonging to the Jewess Zuskovich; documentation of the District Administration in Krupki regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, 1941-1942; directives from the commander of the Borisov area on matters pertaining to Jews; announcement regarding the murder of the wife of a Jew in Smolevichi; an antisemitic propaganda article; directives issued by the Generalkommissar of Belorussia regarding the employment of Jews; documentatio...