Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,661 to 18,680 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Amsterdam City Archives records

    Contains photocopies of various documents from the Amsterdam City Archives relating to the Jewish community in Amsterdam, Netherlands, more specifically the establishment of the Amsterdam ghetto, discrimination against Jews in the labor force, isolation of Jewish children in schools, and financial relief for unemployed Jews.

  2. Lists of Roma deported from Hohenasperg to Lublin

    Consists of three lists of Roma deported from Hohenasperg, Germany, to Lublin, Poland. The lists contain names, addresses, marital status, and occupations of the Roma involved in the deportation.

  3. Declaration of condemnation of genocide and antisemitism by the Republic of Latvia's Highest Council

    Contains of a photocopy of an English translation of a declaration by Latvia's "Highest Council" dated September 19, 1990. The declaration concerns the condemnation of genocidal acts by Hitler and the Nazis, an acknowledgement of the importance of Jews to the Latvian culture in the past, and Latvia's intolerance of acts of antisemitism and discrimination in the future.

  4. Israel Fischer and Lajos Spitz letters

    Contains photograph duplicates of six letters by Israel Fischer and Lajos Spitz. Magda Spitz Bergstein, a citizen of the United States, was the recipient of the letters. They contain pleas for help by Fischer and Spitz in their attempts to flee Hungary during the Holocaust.

  5. Featured documents from an exhibition at the Staatarchiv Potsdam in 1988 and 1989 to commemorate the November 1938 pogrom (Kristallnacht)

    Contains photocopies of documents featured during a memorial exhibit 1988-1989 relating to Kristallnacht produced by the Staatsarchiv Potsdam. The documents contain information about pogroms, persecution of Jewish business owners, arrests of Jewish merchants, destruction of synagogues, and the shutdown of Jewish-owned factories. Of special interest is a 1934 document concerning the emigration Albert and Else Einstein.

  6. Irving Gersten testimony of the liberation of France

    Consists of a copy of a liberation testimony written by Irving Gersten. The testimony describes Gersten's experiences as a Jewish-American soldier who participated in the liberation of France while serving with the 5th United States Armored Division.

  7. List of former concentration camp prisoners buried at Wels, Austria

    Consists of a copy of a list of names of concentration camp inmates who died at Wels, Austria, mostly in May 1945, and were buried in the city cemetery there. The list provides the first and last names of the victims and, in some cases, their place and date of birth, and place and date of death.

  8. American Jewish Joint Distribution case files of Romanian orphans

    Contains 15 case histories relating to Romanian orphan children. Compiled by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee office in Bucharest, Romania, the histories contain information on deportations to Transnistria, the treatment of Jewish children in ghettos, and the care of orphans after the war. Also included are photographs of the children.

  9. "Life versus the Holocaust"

    Consists of a copy of "Life versus Holocaust," a survivor testimony by Dr. Bernard S. Cytryn concerning his experiences of persecution and loss during the Holocaust. The testimony contains information about Cytryn's relatives who were killed during the Holocaust; his family in the United States; his life in Kielce, Poland, before the Holocaust; his deportation to Auschwitz; and his observations on the role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust.

  10. Hitler speech at Sportpalast

    CU drumroll, introduction to film of Hitler speaking to SA (and civilians) at an enormous rally in the Berlin Sportpalast. Some LS from various angles of stadium filled with spectators. Banner ("Macht Deutschland frei vom Marxismus") visible from time to time. Hitler enters, followed by military entourage, walks through crowd, shakes hands. Introduced, good sound on "heils." Hitler begins quietly, builds to passion, re: Germans must create their own destiny. Intermittent audience shots: cheers, "heils," salutes. Other VIP Nazis present. Crowd smiles and claps throughout. Banners, drumrolls,...

  11. Rita G. Kaplan papers

    Consists of various documents relating to Kaplan's grandparents in Nuremberg, Germany, and the Terezin concentration camp. Also included is a letter from Kaplan's aunt, Anna Goldstein, describing her experiences of persecution as a Jew involved in a marriage of mixed religion. Translations for all of the documents were provided by Rita Kaplan.

  12. Construction and industry views; airship

    Man cementing a low wall, possibly in Berlin. WS of industrial area with tall smokestacks. Close views of construction of framework for airship, inside hangar in Friedrichshafen. Hangar doors opened to reveal nose of airship (dirigible). Men working on propeller in Berlin. Man working on tail flaps, marked with swastika.

  13. German occupation records from the Archive of New Records, Poland (Syg 1335)

    Contains various documents relating to the German occupation of Poland, including records about the establishment of Judenräte, the establishment of the General Government and its administration during the occupation, the “Jewish Question,” anti-Soviet propaganda, resistance movements, executions, and the special handling of Jews.

  14. Hitler and Goering on train

    Hermann Goering and Hitler at Goering's 48th birthday, walking briskly onto train. Chatting in train car. Light shining through window. Arrival at station. Goering in long dark leather coat. Hitler at train's doorway, saluting. [Handing out awards/badges to officers. Big dinner party.] Location: on the "Kanal Kuste."

  15. Hitler's 50th birthday

    People put out flags, garlands, pictures of Hitler, etc. decorating city for celebration of Hitler's 50th birthday. Presents brought to the Chancellery. Flags. Diplomats of various countries arrive, plane, car. Tracking shots of various Nazi decorations around city. Night shots: lit monuments, columns, flags, flames at Adolf Hitler Platz, Hitler in car through streets, crowds cheer. Music Corps play for Hitler (with Himmler) in Chancellery garden, people in traditional clothes with flowers, crowds watch, costumed children meet Hitler. VAR European leaders meet Hitler. Choir sings for Hitler...

  16. Sign w/Hitler greeting; parade; farming

    CU sign: "Unser Gruss ist Heil Hitler" [Our Greeting is Heil Hitler] with swastika. VAR shots of marching soldiers across bridge over river, with banners. Mainly silhouetted. Large river. Women pitchforking piles of hay in farmyard, tossing it onto a cart. Large house, pan to intricately carved figures on high post, with sign.

  17. 50,000 Communists at Berlin May Day celebration

    50,000 Communists at Berlin May Day demonstration. The camera pans over a huge crowd, holding signs, banners, and flags. They sing the Internationale (?). A man speaks but the words are barely audible. He is shot from far back in the crowd and not identifiable. He is then shown closer up briefly, but then flags obscure half of his face. The camera pans over the crowds as they leave the demonstration. The audio (crowd noises) cuts out at 6:04. Police are shown dispersing and perhaps arresting people in the crowd. Slow pan of immense crowds with Berlin Cathedral in background.

  18. Anniversary of Munich Putsch

    Anniversary of the 1923 Munich Putsch. Reenactment of the burial of the party members killed in the Putsch, at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. Horse-drawn hearses carry coffins into the Feldherrnhalle. The event appears to be taking place at night and is lit by torches. Good views of the hall, including two large stone lions flanking a staircase. Flag-draped coffins line a wall; above them are banners bearing the names of the dead. A uniformed man stands behind each coffin. The scene switches to a solemn outdoor parade headed by Julius Streicher. Streicher stops, salutes. A wreath is laid. Hi...

  19. American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors collection

    This collection contains numerous testimonies and memoirs, poems, songs, and various other materials written at the behest of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council during the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors convention in April 1983. Includes also copy of documents, photographs and newspaper clippings related to the life of the Holocaust survivors during the World War II. The materials include information about life in the ghettos, and concentration camps, episodes of emigration, and liberation of the concentration camps during World War II.

  20. Belsen Concentration Camp: burial and Red Cross

    Four SS men drag two corpses by the legs, pass another pair of men with a corpse, British gentry stands at frame right with bayonet. Pit of corpses, MCU of two SS men standing with the dead in the grave, shifting the bodies and preparing for burial. MS across mass grave in process of being deepened by Hungarian troops with shovels, British officer in foreground watching. MCU of Martin Wilson talking with Czech Jewish woman (interpreter) who is a former prisoner. MCU as Red Cross load stretcher cases into back of ambulance, sending to delouse and cleanse. Men wearing full decontamination sui...