Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,321 to 18,340 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Harvest Festival on Bückeberg Mountain

    Hitler attends harvest festival at Bückeberg, with thousands of people dressed in elaborate traditional folk costumes and headdresses; VAR CU. LS Hitler and other officials enter decorated town square; Hitler reviews and salutes troops. In large parade ground, SA march carrying many flags and standards (sound band, cheers). More shots of people wearing various traditional costumes, VO identifies them, band plays. Interesting shot of SS among festival attendees holding a "Blut und Boden" standard. Soldier blows bugle. Shots of Hitler in reviewing stand. Hitler with Goebbels and other officia...

  2. Nazis enter Gdynia

    Nazis enter Poland. POV front of truck into barricaded street in city of Gdynia, side view. Men (holding hands up in surrender) are searched and ID-checked by German soldiers. View of sandbagged building guarded by German soldiers. Poster reads: "Do Braci Polakow...Twierdza musi nam byc kazdy prog." Former state president speaks with and surrenders to commander of German troops. Men in civilian dress, some wearing white armbands, leave sandbagged building and march past camera (VO indicates they are Polish troops who had taken off their uniforms). VAR shots: masses of German troops in the s...

  3. Holiday celebration; street scenes; shops

    Reel 3. Intertitle: "Holiday Celebration". Street scene with townspeople in costume to celebrate the Easter holiday. People walk towards camera in street, dressed nicely. Women with packages pass by. Shops in BG. Men and women in fancy clothing. Umbrellas. LV, men and women walking. Religious procession past shops on square, man in front holds metal post. People walking towards camera. LV, cows, people roaming in streets, children playing. Man leads herd of cows. City streets, square. Family shops/businesses. Pan, signs of shops seen. Huts/houses. People walking/milling about.

  4. German Army advances

    Building on fire. Long line of soldiers and horses marching. Smoke-filled sky.

  5. Nazis enter Krakow

    Slow pan of rooftops of Krakow. In regiments, German soldiers march into Krakow, passing a group of citizens who watch silently. VAR shots: stone dome, vertical pan of ivy-covered building, CU soldier, officers walking up steps to enter building; ornamental cast iron gates open to display of crossed gun and sword emblem (in a vault-like setting).

  6. KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps. Pictorial report of concentration camps

    A copy of the “KZ: Bildbericht aus fünf Konzentrationslagern” [KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps] pamphlet published in Germany in 1945. It was published quickly by the American War Information Office to increase awareness of the atrocities that had occurred. It contains post-liberation photographs at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen, and Ohrdruf concentration camps and the site of the Gardelagen massacre.

  7. Labor strike in Berlin

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 97, Part 6. Release date, 12/01/1930. According to UN Motion Picture Release: News Paragraphs, Berlin, Germany. "Labor Strike Ends...." 140,000 workers. German metal workers returning to the factories. VS, workers filing into the factories, the street surrounding the factory; men, women and teenage boys visble in the crowds of workers entering the factory. Other parts of the newsreel include: 02:03:17 1: "New congress opens; favors jobless aid; red rioters quelled" 02:04:28 2: "Prize sprints stir jaded appetites of 6-day bike race fans" 02:05:22 3: "Leviathan...

  8. Dachau Concentration Camp

    April 30, 1945 MSs, three prisoners eating; in BG lies a corpse of prisoner. MCU, Jewish women prisoners including a fifteen year old Jewish girl. MCU, Jewish women prisoners speak with male prisoners thru holes cut in fence. LSs, Jewish women peer thru fence holes. CUs, faces of male Jewish prisoners. (Excellent composition) MSs, prisoners mill about camp grounds after release. (Men wear prison garb) HS, LS from guard tower with MG gun in FG, camp grounds, barracks. CUs, extremely emaciated male prisoners. One bares his chest for photographer. Seq: Maj Edward A. Jesser, Jr, US officer and ...

  9. Book burning; Hitler & high Nazi officials

    Propaganda film about the background of World War II (Orientation Film No. 1). Opening shot, AV Hoover Dam. CUs of New York Times newspaper headlines regarding The League of Nations, Tariff Act, Isolationism and Prohibition. Narrator compares free democratic system to the Nazi regime. 01:30:28 Books freely read in USA, including Mein Kampf. 01:30:34 Scenes of German bookburnings in Berlin. Optical mix of flames with CUs of banned books, including Heinrich Heine, Remarque, Hemingway, Thomas Mann, and Mendelssohn music, to 01:30:54 . EXT of a Gothic style church, INT of Church, boys choir sin...

  10. Rosenberg speaks on Nazi ideology, anti-Bolsehvik, anti-Jewish

    Alfred Rosenberg speaks to camera (interview-style) about the responsibility Hitler gave him in the occupied Eastern territory to eliminate Bolshevism and Marxism and complete the NSDAP revolution against [them and] Judaism and democracy. Also talks about German Volk and the different types of people. Partial translation from Raye Farr's notes (1972): "A battle of racial souls....In his writings...tried to establish a 'typos' of the German people, in contrast to other peoples. World history has been a battle of racial souls....the relation between Earth and Volk....Weltanschauung.... don't ...

  11. Polish and English POWs

    Views of extremely long line of Polish POWs trudging along road, including CU of bare and booted feet. LS of POW camp, POWs getting sandwiches. CUs of prisoners lying on ground, looking tired, CU faces. General views of camp, English POWs and Polish POWs. English military officer POW makes statement (in English, synch sound) on the good treatment he has received as a POW. Ethnic Germans in Poland identifying Polish prisoners, with some kind of confusion and angry finger-pointing. 02:07:15: Narrator says that one man recognizes another as the murderer of his brother.

  12. Boys view posters; propaganda

    CU, hand at vending machine for postcards and stamps, putting in coin and getting postcards. Sign indicates price of postcards is 6 RPF (Reichspfennig). EXT, VS, four young boys looking at posters on iron fence. Left to right: Wehrmacht Manoevers 1937; front page of "Der Stuermer" with antisemitic caricature of a Jewish face and headline: "4000 Year War"; and "Berliner Illustrierte," the special issue on Mussolini's visit to Germany. The boys backs are to the camera, they turn briefly and face the camera before moving on; one boy has a school satchel, one is holding a metal jug, one is hold...

  13. Soviet POWs; Soviet village

    Hundreds of Soviet POWs march down the road; women seen working in orchards in BG. Shot of POW line extending into the distance. Shots of damaged/wrecked Soviet equipment (vehicles, cannons, ammunition) abandoned at both sides of road. VAR shots of poor Soviet village. Very poor hovels, elderly kerchiefed women, and pans of children (narration: "here is the paradise of farmers and workers... these children have no mothers, no fathers") who pose for the camera. Brief view of grim "hospital" room with emaciated boys in beds. Corpses are dragged and laid out for peasants to identify (some CUs....

  14. Pressman family papers

    The Pressman family papers include three diaries written by Hermann Pressman, in German shorthand, from 1932-1935. In his diaries Hermann writes about daily life, economic and political changes, the violence and harassment his family endures, his escape to Belgium to live with his cousin David Mendelsohn, the process of gathering paperwork in order for his family to leave Germany, his family’s immigration to the United States, and his challenges and experiences when they first arrive in America. The collection also includes photographs and picture postcards of the Pressman family in Germany...

  15. German Army advances; village burning

    Lots of snow. Thatched roofs under snow, snowing hard. CU entire house in flames. Pan right, more houses on fire. Soldiers watch.

  16. Goebbels speaks at 10th Radio Exhibition

    Large crowd of soldiers and civilians listen to Goebbels' outdoor speech about the power of radio at radio/electronics convention. Goebbels: "Radio is the superpower." LS pan up radio tower draped with huge swastika banner. Mostly medium CU of Goebbels, but some views of the military audience. He finishes speech. Inside exhibition hall, shots of equipment on display, with company names visible: "Telefunken," "Siemens & Halske," "Blaupunkt," et al. Mostly HA, people milling around exhibits. Demo of tube manufacture, good displays with "der Volksempfaenger" (one has neon tubing attached)....

  17. Hindenburg speaks at rally

    Goebbels in profile in trenchcoat. At Lustgarten, Berlin. In BG soldier and journalist in bowtie and hat. Big camera visible too. Great MLS of camera on tripod. Pan out across swarming crowd. Hindenburg walking through crowd, up to podium. Looks very professorial. "Heils"; holding top hat. Hindenburg speaks, greets crowd. Reads from paper with big print in gloved hand (age). Then, hurrahs, big cheers with raised fist, National Anthem. Remainder of reel contains: Hysterical crowds at another event. Nazi banners. Fireworks. Spotlights. Train station?

  18. Red Front demonstration

    Men marching down a street, some playing insturments and carrying flags, as part of a Red Front demonstration in Berlin. They raise their fists in a salute at one point. Crowds watching Ernst Thaelmann, the KPD candidate who ran against Hitler in 1932 and was later executed in Buchenwald. Profile shots of him speaking (silent). The crowd salutes. A building with a large "Vote List 5" sign on it. KPD election campaign demonstration. People hand out literature. A poster shows a drawing of a worker slaying a several-headed snake. Signs entreating people to vote for the KPD. Shotes of people ma...

  19. Italian partisans surrender

    Hands up in surrender, partisans in civilian clothing retreat from mountainside. Seated on a hill (under guard), looking unhappy.