Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,701 to 1,720 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Photograph of Jewish men from Balta rounded-up for forced labor

    The photograph depicts Jewish men from the community of Balta, presently in Ukraine, who have been rounded up for forced labor. The men wear star badges on their clothes and some carry tools. The photograph is associated with the service of Arthur Peucker who served with Luftwaffen-Bau-Bataillon 16/XI on the Eastern Front.

  2. Hornstein family collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Hornstein family, originally of Przemyśl, Poland, including being forced from Poland 1942 to Soviet work camps in Siberia and Karaganda, Kazakhstan, and post-war immigrations to Cuba and the United States. Included are personal papers of Irving Hornstein, immigration paperwork regarding Cuba and the United States, an autograph book, clipping, and photograph album. Personal papers of Irving include Hebrew lessons from Havana, Cuba and New York, diplomas, and copies of U.S. Army discharge papers. Immigration paperwork includes affi...

  3. UNRRA selected records AG-018-022 : Greece Mission

    Correspondence, press releases, individual stories, monthly and annual reports, field trip reports, statistics, and working materials on training courses. Records relate to the UNRRA assistance and relief to war refugees, displaced Jews, child welfare, food supplies for hospitals and orphanages. Includes files of displaced persons organized by regions.

  4. Selected Oberlandrat records from the Moravian Provincial Archive

    Selected records from the Oberlandrat offices in Brno (Brünn), Jihlava (Iglau), and Kroměříž (Kremsier) related to anti-Jewish regulations and the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets. Includes name lists and registers of local Jews. The records in this collection come from the following three collections at the Moravian Provincial Archive: 1. Oberlandrát Brno, 1939-1945 a Okresní hejtman Brno-správa z říšského příkazu, 1942-1945 (Oberlandrat in Brünn 1939-1945 und Bezirkshauptmann in Brünn-Reichsauftragsverwaltung 1942-1945) (B 254). Online inventory published by the Moravian Prov...

  5. Walter Wulff law office 621-1/87 Walter Wulff

    Records of the law office of Dr. Walter Wulff, a German, Jewish lawyer in Hamburg. Contains only client files. After Dr. Wulff's emigration to Montevideo/Uruguay in September 1939, Dr. Alexander Bachur took over the law office. Dr. Bachur continued to work on many of Dr. Wulff's cases and represented his former clients. It is important that researchers consult both collections.

  6. Budapest city sights

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” Various scenes in Budapest filmed from a streetcar, possibly made by when Laci when he visited from New York in 1930. Street scenes, bridge crossing Danube river, Streetcar #9, Gellért Hill, people hike up the hill. (01:18) Children at the playground, slides. Views of Budapest city from the overlook point on Gellert Hill. (01:40) CU, Erzsébet (just pregnant with János). CU, Ernö poses and waves. Citadel. Pan of the Danube river. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  7. Percy Haid collection

    Contains music scores for Symphonic Episodes of "Fantasie in Gelb," "Prelude" and other pieces of sheet music and songs (original and photocopied) by Percy Haid. Includes a photographic print of a violin player autographed to "My dear friend Persyek in sign of friendship," dated 1949.

  8. Jewish Committee and Provincial Jewish Committee in Lublin Komitet Żydowski i Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Lublinie (Sygn 355)

    Minutes of the committee meetings, reports, correspondence, lists of Jewish survivors, committee statutes, circulars, appeals and communications, budgets, lists of people using assistance, personal data of committee staff and other records..

  9. Schiffer family relatives in a village in Slovakia

    Goats walk through village of Gelnica, Slovakia. (00:44) Three adults (including Ernö and Laci Schiffer’s sister Lola and her husband Nathan Engel) walk on the street. (00:59) Boats in a lake. Golnic River nearby. “Danubius r.t. Budapest Pathé 9.5”

  10. Oral history interview with Olimpia

  11. Rinah J. Karson collection

    Contains letters and postcards written in the early and mid 1930s from Berlin, Brussels, Paris, and elsewhere.

  12. Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor (continued) and Királyhegyes

    Agfa 8 logo. Part two of Pető ’s film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor, Hungary from September to October 1940. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy pár derűs pillanat a Kiszombori zsidó munkásszázad életéből” “II. Resz” Title written on a stylized pillow: “Piheno” INTs, barracks with mattresses on the ground and coats hanging along the walls, men chatting with armbands. In streets, two men (one in uniform) speaking, others gathered around, man rides bicycle. Closer shots of five workers with armbands standing in a line, some smiling. Man in sunlight laying on bed indoors, eating...

  13. Prager-Schultz family collection

    Archive documenting German Jewish family Prager-Schulz, including letters from Germany to Palestine dated 1938-1940s regarding Jewish life in Germany, attempts to leave Germany and requests for help; photographs made in Germany, Palestine and Israel; immigration certificate; identity cards; photo albums; and other papers, letters, notebooks, visit cards, and documents.

  14. Senate Commission for the Fine Arts 363-2 Senatskommission für die Kunstpflege

    Selected records of organization and administration of the Senatskommission für die Kunstpflege (Senate Commission for the Fine Arts), related to the state and non-state measures of art promotion and care, and scholarship applications. Includes minutes of the sessions of the Senate Commission for the Fine Arts (1925-1933), files of artists (Rée, Anita, painter; Rosenthal, A. von, sculptor); applications of the Hamburgische Künstlerschaft for the promotion of fine arts in Hamburg and the replacement of posts in cultural institutions (1930-1932), a report "Die Verhältnisse der bildenden Kunst...

  15. Medical Council 352-3 Medizinalkollegium

    Medical reports, minutes, statistics, guidance, circulars, registers and correspondence relating to German organization and regulations of medical care (1925-1944): trainings, testing and approvals of employment of medical personnel; cure of diseases through hypnosis, suggestion, and magnetism; demolition of the synagogue Poolstr (1937/38); health surveillance of prisoners of war; medical procedures (abortions, sterilization, castration, miscarriages), the exhibition "People and Race" in the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden (1936) 1941-1942; implementation of the law on the prevention of ge...

  16. Family in park in Budapest

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4401, where a group of Schiffer family members walks toward the camera, posing for the camera. Ernö gestures at the cameraman, and waves/sends kisses (possibly to the NY branch of the family). Jonas Schiffer with a cane sits on a bench and smokes his pipe. More shots of the Schiffers walking in the park, posing, probably in 1929 or 1930. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  17. Selected records from the Division Politica of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina

    This collection consists of records of Argentine embassies and consulates relating to the political situation in all countries between 1933-1955. For example, includes records from the Embassy in Germany relating to persecution of the Jews.

  18. Oral testimony of John ?