Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,641 to 1,660 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Etta Teich collection

    Contains a Hebrew School report card issued to Etta Teich while a student in the Eschwege displaced persons camp.

  2. Office of Welfare Institutions I 351-12 I Amt für Wohlfahrtsanstalten I

    Selected records of the Amt für Wohlfahrtsanstalten (Office of Welfare Institutions), mostly files related to Jewish inmates, 1901-1940. Consists of correspondence, files and registers of Jewish inmates.

  3. Jürgen Stroop statement

    The Jürgen Stroop statement consists of a 14-page handwritten statement prepared by Jürgen Stroop, an SS-Gruppenführer who led the effort to repress the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943. The statement, dated 26 April 1946 in Wiesbaden, Germany, includes details about the preparation and military action to suppress the uprising.

  4. Oral history interview with Judith Beker Meisel

  5. Oral history interview with Salvator Moshe

  6. Irving Fink photograph collection

    The collection includes three photographs of the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation and a photograph of US soldiers in Domazlice, Czechoslovakia. Irving Fink, who served in the United States Army, brought the photographs home with him after the war.

  7. Schiffer family life before the Holocaust

    Scenes may include Laci Czukor, Gyuri Brody (friend of Erzsébet’s with two daughters) and Sanyi Berkes and his son Andris (cousin of Ernö’s). Éva Schiffer holds her crib and walks around in her room. (01:33) János sits in his bed. (02:36) János learns how to ice skate, and skates with his father. The skating rink in City Park crowded with people, spectators from the bridge. (05:01) János and Erzsébet enter the gate to 33 Pasareti ut. (possibly the home of a great-aunt after grandfather died). CUs, women in courtyard, looking at photographs/letter with János. (06:15) János and his mother pic...

  8. Alexander Bachur law office 621-1/82 Alexander Bachur

    Office records of the Jewish lawyer, Dr. Alexander Bachur. Contains only client files.

  9. Oral history interview with Eva Lecerof

  10. Oral history interview with Max Eisen

  11. Philip and Ruth Markowicz collection

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to and documenting Philip and Ruth Markowicz and their and their families experiences after the Holocaust. Includes several identity cards issued to Fajwel Markowicz, formerly held in Gross Rosen, after the war. Also includes an envelope of photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp after liberation.

  12. Harold and Pirry Roth papers

    Consists of a scrapbook, correspondence, clippings, restitution documents, IDs, naturalization documents, and other original materials pertaining to Pirry and Harold Roth, formerly of Uzhhorod and later of the United States. Pirry and Harold married in 1939 before Harold immigrated to the United States with his parents. Pirry was to later follow but her plans to emigrate from Europe were disrupted by the war. Pirry survived deportation to Auschwitz and was liberated at Plön in 1945. After her liberation she was reunited with Harold who had been serving in the US Army. The couple married for...

  13. Zoller collection

    Contains a copy print image of donor's father eating a meal with family shortly after arriving in Los Angeles.

  14. Oral history interview with Sioma Zubicky

  15. Ciechanowska family photographs

    Collection of approximately 50 photos of the donor and her parents and friends of her parients in the Pocking Displaced Persons camp in Germany after World War II. Also includes unidentified photos of survivors in Łódź and Pocking.

  16. Oral history interview with Leon Rytz