Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,001 to 15,020 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Tin can used as a cup

    Given to Annya and Israel Sheynman by Italian troops. Saved throughout war by Annya and Israel Sheynman.

  2. Tsilya Tochilnikov papers

    The Tsilya Tochilnikov papers consist of personal narratives and photographs documenting Tsilya's flight from Voznesensk, Ukraine, during World War II and the loss of relatives killed in the war and in the Holocaust. The narratives describe Tsilya’s happy early life in Voznesensk, fleeing from German bombs in 1941 on a long and arduous journey, finding refuge in Tbilisi, learning her relatives had been killed, her mother’s desperate grief, her own and her brother’s removal to children’s homes, being sent to Baku with her brother, and finding a foster mother in Baku but suffering from contin...

  3. Wounded Soviet troops; partisans working; German POWs

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 20 / Moscow / March 9, 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy"/ "To work with strengthened determination" Long pan across factory workers feeding large furnaces. Workers are silhouettes, backlit by furnaces. Pan stops, lingers on one group of workers. Coverage from different angles. Close view of furnace. Cuts between CUs of various workers shoveling and CU of furnace. 01:30:23 LS of airfield, gathering of soldiers and pilots. MS soldiers/officers shaking hands with pilots. LS airplane being started and taking off. Close views of propellers. Title: 01:31:17 "The homeland...

  4. Ruins in Novgorod; Kinggesep concentration camp

    Reel 2. LS ruins in Novgorod. MS soldiers digging, uncovering large steeple bell. LS bell being dragged out of the ground. LS diver submerging to attach cable to bell. LS bell towed out of water. Pre-war shot of church contrasted with footage of the church in ruins. MSs and CUs of toppled statues partially buried in snow. ELS large gravesite. Map highlighting Pavlovsk. The town with soldiers moving through. Various structures on fire. CUs statues and historical sites in ruins. 04:04:05 Map highlighting Pushkin. Extensive pan across city from elevated vantage. Before and after shots of museu...

  5. Bar soap

    Soap given to Rabbi Abraham Klausner from Eugeniusz Motz, Munich, Germany.

  6. Selma Wideroff papers

    The Selma Wideroff papers consist of correspondence, reports, and photographs documenting Selma Wideroff’s work for the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in Germany from 1945‐1946 in the Bergen‐Belsen displaced persons camp and later at the Blankenese children's center on the Warburg Estate near Hamburg. Correspondence and reports include descriptions of Wideroff’s work in Europe, the use of the Warburg estate, activities in the British Zone, displaced communities in cities around Germany, directives for education programs. This series also includes JDC letters of introduction and of recom...

  7. Koranyi family papers

    The Koranyi family papers include a postcard, two Swedish protective documents, a photograph, and a photocopied clipping documenting the survival of Zsigmond (Sigmund), Sara, and Marta Koranyi in Budapest during the Holocaust. Marta’s friend Gabrielle (Gabi) sent her the postcard in June 1944 from a sealed deportation train destined for Auschwitz, where Gabi was killed. A rough English translation of the Hungarian postcard reads, “My little Martha, Since the morning we have been standing with our packings, we don’t know where we are going. Think of us, Many Kisses, Giza. Please send a card ...

  8. Sidney Liswood photograph collection

    Consists of 15 photographs of liberation of Dachau and the nearby village.

  9. Farming wine and tobacco; Mussolini visit to Berlin

    Rural/farming activity. MLS unloading tobacco leaves. 00:01:16 In Heidelberg, CU, door and porcelain sign: "Dr. med. E. Lobstein" "Arischer Arzt" [Aryan doctor]. 00:01:49 Grape harvest and wine pressing scenes. In Rhineland/Neustadt, kneeling to pick grapes, VCU, beautiful light. MLS of vineyard and workers. MS, older woman bent over basket. MLS edge of field, pouring grapes from basket and into big press. INT dark, primitive, grape press, slowly coming down. Leaking out of barrel down chute. Grape pulp being ground up. CU, grapes. In field, little boy helps man. Loading funnel, press. Scar...

  10. Kindergarten; town, church, park, market

    Froebelhaus Kindergarten in Berlin - INT: wooden toys, dolls. CU, children playing at tables, climbing up ladder and stomping down slide. 00:02:48 Signs: "Das Weisse Gold", "Sicherheits-Glas" Industrial exhibit and visitors in Dusseldorf. Manufacture of safety glass, scenes of spindles. 00:04:26 In Leipzig, EXT, St. Thomas Church, park, cars, birds. People going in and out of church doors. Nuns, upright citizens. 00:05:39 Street scenes, swastika flags, banner across road: "Untergrund Messhalle Markt." Newstand with papers, seen over backs of customers. 00:06:03 Farm scenes, tractor, hay. CU...

  11. Weinmann family papers

    The Weinmann family papers contains primarily financial and immigration papers for Gustav Weinmann, and documents relating to his efforts to escape Vienna, Austria. The financial documents cover primarily restitution and transfers of money. This includes attempts to transfer funds, collect pensions, and other efforts to receive money owed. Also included are tax documents concerning the Jewish “Atonement Fee,” levied after Kristallnacht, documents concerning the sale of Gustav’s tobacco shop, and a lawsuit filed after Gustav’s dismissal from his job following his incarceration at Dachau. The...

  12. Songbook attributed to Sachsenhausen

    Contains a handwritten and illustrated songbook believed to have been created in Sachsenhausen concentration camp

  13. Polish army in Soviet Union; speech; Liberation of Vinnytsia

    Titles: "Soviet newsreel / 19 / Moscow / April 1944 / Directed by L. Stepanovoy"/ "Michael Ivanovich Kalinin has served 25 years as head of the Soviet Supreme Court" MSs and CUs of Kalinin studying papers intently at a desk. Title: "In the Polish army" ELS of mass of Polish soldiers standing at attention beneath raised flag. CU flag. LS small parade of sword bearing officers. CUs soldiers saluting. Audrey Vitos, Chairman of Council of Polish Patriots in USSR delivering speech: "Units of the Polish Army: together with troops of the Red Army... already at the gates of Poland. You are now goin...

  14. National Socialist German Workers Party pin worn by a Party member

    National-Sozialistische-Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("N.S.D.A.P.") [National Socialist German Workers Party] pin worn by Party member.

  15. Star of David badge with a Z for Jew worn by a Yugoslavian Jewish woman

    Badge worn by Yugoslavian Jewish woman during the Holocaust; Issued to and worn by Erika Reiss Kinel, 1941. "Z" identified bearer as a Jew.

  16. Abram Pinczowski papers

    Consists of four post-war identity cards and one photograph, all for Abram Pinczowski (or Pinczewski).

  17. Bronze bust of Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jewish woman who perished in Auschwitz

    Bronze bust of Etty Hillesum who was deported from Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands to Auschwitz where she perished, age 29, on November 30, 1943. The sculpture was created by Pieter Starreveld, circa 1986-1988.

  18. Records from Romanian State Archives

    Photocopied documents from various Romanian military officers relating to the case of David Margulies of Iasi.

  19. Collective farms; Zhukov decorates partisans; soldiers defending Latvia

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 35 / Moscow / April 23, 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy" / "Through the front-line of Leningrad" Angled ELS of procession of partisans in horse drawn sleds moving through the woods. LS of men conferring on skis. Procession passing through collective farm. Title: 01:41:10 "Award of the homeland" Coverage of ceremony where Commander Zhukov greets and decorates partisans. LS of Zhukov giving partisan lengthy kiss. CU of woman adjusting medal pinned to her shirt. LS Zhukov speaking to assembly. Title: "An investment in the military - an investment in victory" ELS grou...

  20. Molotov addresses the Soviet people re. German invasion.

    Title: "Soviet newsreel / 59 / 1941 / M. Fidelevoy"/ "Radio address of the USSR's Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov / June 22, 1941" MS of Molotov. Voiceover of Molotov speech: "Today at 4 a.m. ... without declaring war, Germany attacked our country ... the attack was perpetrated despite a pact of non-aggression between the USSR and Germany, which the USSR faithfully abided by ... responsibility for this attack falls entirely upon German fascist rulers ... at 5:30 a.m. the German ambassador in Moscow relayed the messa...