Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,921 to 14,940 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Indictment of Milch at his trial; high presusure experiments

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1946. LS members of the tribunal enter. President states that the prosecutor may begin reading the indictment. MCU, defendant Gen. Erhard Milch. Unidentified prosecutor reading part of indictment which refers to Milch. Pan of Tribunal. Voice of prosecutor is heard speaking of the deaths of concentration camp victims in the high pressure experiments. Gen. Milch pleads not guilty. CU of Taylor and unidentified civilians.

  2. A brief diary of my war years

    Contains a two-page, typescript testimony recounting the author's experiences in occupied Poland.

  3. Rommel in Africa

    Shows German tanks, trucks, and motorcyclists advance in Libya; narration mentions Bir Hakeim. General Rommel in a staff car; German 88mm guns and mobile anti-aircraft guns firing against British tanks; Stukas attacking British around Tobruk; a German ace landing and being congratulated on his victories; German antiaircraft guns firing at attacking British planes; flaming wreckage of British bomber; desert sandstorms; Germans banqueting with Arab chiefs; and German troops bathing at an Oasis.

  4. Clipping

    The "Linzer Wochenblatt" was self-identified as a Roman Catholic paper. The headline announces Chancellor Kurt Schussnigg's planned national referendum on achieving an "Anschluss" with Germany. The referendum was to be held on March 13, 1938.

  5. Petain's trial; War Crimes Tribunal charter

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Henri Petain's trial ends. Courtroom scenes and film of many prominent witnesses. Next scene shows a meeting in London where delegates sign the charter setting up the War Crimes Tribunal.

  6. German industry, Duesseldorf, Berlin. Famous kindergarten. Farming. Cologne

    BP fuel truck on Tempelhof airfield in Berlin. Lufthansa plane "Obersalzburg". Crowd of German civilians. Planes flying above. "Stanavo" fuel truck. Side view of plane named "Eduard Dost..." "Shell" fuel truck. 00:11:09 Scenes driving on Autobahn between Cologne and Dusseldorf, going under bridges, signs reading "Tankstelle" and "Dusseldorf". 00:12:15 Germans at outdoor fair/industrial exhibition in Dusseldorf, crowd. Sign, "Gepaeck-Abgabe." 00:12:41 Street scene in Berlin, tram, well-dressed people. Loeser and Wolff shop on corner. News sellers with "Berlin Illustrierte" late edition: "Jap...

  7. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  8. Gold ring taken by a Jewish youth when he escaped Treblinka death camp

    Gold ring missing the setting taken by 18 year old Yidl (Eddie) Wajnsztajn from Treblinka death camp where he was forced to sort the belongings of incoming inmates. Yidl, his mother Leah, and 20 year old brother Israel were deported by the Germans to Treblinka from Losice, Poland, on August 22, 1942. The next day, while waiting in line for water, he was shot in the chest by an SS guard. Israel hid him and dressed the wound, then went to get water and never came back. Yidl escaped and returned to Losice. He told the remaining Jews about the horrors he had seen, but no one believed him. His f...

  9. German civilians forced to view atrocities at cinema

    Crowds of German civilians waiting, then entering cinema "Scala Lichtspiel" under compulsion. Some look disturbed as they exit. Pan, crowd of well-dressed people queuing in front of a building. A few British soldiers tend to the crowd, containing them. Another large group of people exit the building, walking past the waiting masses. MCU faces as they walk past the camera. Some smoke pipes, some with hats. Pan, group standing at opposite side of entrance doorway. Large crowd pushing to get in and out of the building. View from inside doorway, sign reading SCALA LICHTSPIELE. View of people en...

  10. Nazi propaganda: home front

    Intertitle: "Ein Film vom Arbeitseinsatz und der Gefolgschaftsfuersorge in Heeresbetrieben" [A film about work's employment and staff's welfare in army firms] This documentary begins with graphics showing the German civilian workforce in Army firms in 1939 and 1943 and highlights the rise of women's involvement. It stresses the importance of a female workforce for 'wrestling for Germany's future'. A 'typical day' is shown: a worker's camp situated in a beautiful landscape, housing in modern buildings, working in healthy conditions, living conditions 'like at home', 'real comradeship' betwee...

  11. Anti-Bolshevik exhibition; Nazi Party Rally (Nuremberg): Armed Forces Day

    Overhead shot of crowds waiting, SS men. Wide view of exhibition building with crowds in front, swastika banners, and the building-wide exhibit title: "Grosse Antibolschewistische" [Great Anti-Bolshevik Exhibition] (pan, words shown one at a time). Men exiting exhibition building. 00:06:29 EXT stadium with Nazi banners. 00:06:58 Nuremberg parade grounds, crowds at seats, swastika flags. Marching (mostly trims of reasonable length). 00:07:40 Group of Italian officers, talking, laughing. 00:08:59 Trims of young men with SS badges eating. Flags with swastikas and SS. CUs, faces, men in SS swea...

  12. Green patch with a gray embroidered swastika within a diamond

    Green parch with a gray swastika to be worn by a Nazi party member or sympathizer.

  13. Nazi propaganda: leadership principle

    The compilation starts with a staged scene of an uniformed Nazi officer speaking in Russian about the Fuehrer to people with beards and shabby clothing gathering in a hut. Then documentary footage of Hitler is shown: in a car passing cheering masses, addressing a gathering about overcoming of any pre-existing cleavages in favor of the unity of the German people, at the balcony of the Reichskanzlei [Reich chancellery] watching a torch-lit parade in 1933 to the sound of the German national anthem, with Baldur von Schirach and Rudolf Hess at a stadium gathering of the Hitler Youth, at the Olym...

  14. Autobahn construction; German town, market scenes; Hitler Youth

    Autobahn construction: big crane, digger and dirt, rocks for construction, workers. 00:02:24 Marketplace scenes in Dinkelsbuehl town square: women selling and buying apples. Church entrance, timbered houses, crowds of civilians. VCUs, townspeople. Swastika hanging from building. Cows walking up cobbled street towards camera. 00:04:17 Woman with glasses and cat leaning from window, statue of Christ in niche on house wall. VS, views of river, tower. Woman leading animals through arch. 00:05:11 Men examine pigs, pull them out of baskets by hind legs. VS, pigs, carts, handling animals. Cobbled ...

  15. Onie Rogers photograph collection

    Contains photographs of the aftermath of the Gardelegen atrocity.

  16. German occupation of France and Belgium

    Tank crossing river. MCU, workmen building bridge. MCU, horse-drawn wagon driven by German soldiers. German soldiers on bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, side cars. Tanks fording small stream. Truck hauling large German mortar. German aircraft in flight. City below. Pilot of German aircraft, taken from nose of plane. City smoking. Wreckage around railroad yard. German soldier firing machine gun, digging foxhole, firing into city streets, talking in street. Street is ablaze. Bullet in hand of soldier. Pan, burning building, city. German trucks moving through wrecked city. Inspecting destroyed...

  17. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 1 mark note

    1 (eine) mark receipt issued in the Łódź ghetto in Poland in May 1940. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939; Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and annexed to the German Reich. In February, the Germans forcibly relocated the large Jewish population into a sealed ghetto. All currency was confiscated in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be exchanged only in the ghetto. The scrip was designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols. The Germans closed the ghetto in the summer of 1944 by deporting the residents to concentration camps or kill...

  18. Crematorium tag

    Consists of one cylindrical clay disc of the type which were attached to deceased prisoners' bodies during cremation to easily identify the ashes. Though the original origins of this disc, numbered 8745, are unknown, such discs were used at Theresienstadt, Sachsenhausen, Majdanek, and similar discs were also discovered at Belzec.

  19. Postcard advertising antisemitic exhibition

    Postcard advertising antisemitic exhibition arranged by Nazi officials. The postcard depicts a caricature of man, wearing black coat and hat, holding out right hand, gold coins visible; in left hand, he bears whip and arm folds around piece of map with hammer and sickle visible on map "Der Ewige Jude" written across the bottom; "Grosse Politisch Schau im Biblioteksbau des Deutschen Museums/Zu MuenchenAB 8. November 1937Taeglich Geoeffnet von 10-21 Uhr" printed.

  20. Antisemitic Nazi propaganda film (3 reels)

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts.