Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,761 to 14,780 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Ladyfingers: a memoir

    Anna Margaretha "Anneke" Vonk describes a little girl's life during the Holocaust when living in Holland. The donor remembers vividly the events that Anna Vonk is writing.

  2. Russian Military Medical Museum Archives records

    The collection contains records acquired by members of the field medical units of the Red Army that provide information on the persecution and killing of Jews and others in Eastern Europe by the Nazis. Documents include reports regarding concentration camp conditions; treatment of Russian prisoners; and reports and eyewitness accounts of Nazi atrocities in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.

  3. A survivor of Cariera de Piatra: a memoir

    Discusses life in Czernowitz prior to the war; transport to Transnistria (Ukraine); a year stay in Lager at Cariera de Piatra; ghetto in Tulchin for one year; escaping into the forest to the Yampol ghetto; liberation.

  4. Susan G. Schoenenberger collection

    German documents: Bescheinigung der Eheschliessung, 28 November 1932; Heiratsurkunde, 7 October 1948; Auszug aus dem Familienregister, no date; Geburtskunde, 8 October 1903; documents for immigration visa; letters, photocopies and originals.

  5. Recollections of concentration camp Buchenwald, November-December 1938: a memoir

    Contains a testimony, 16 pages, entitled "Recollections of Concentration Camp Buchenwald," by Harvey Newton (Herman Neustadt), with English, German, and Spanish versions of the text.

  6. Karl Freising collection

    Correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to Karl Freising's immigration to the United States, his attempts to find employment, a legal dispute with another refugee, and correspondence concerning his attempts to get his mother, Emilie, out of Germany.

  7. Julius Schellenberg papers

    The Julius Schellenberg papers consist of biographical and genealogical materials, correspondence, and restitution files documenting Schellenberg’s family, his immigration to the United States, communications with friends and family who remained in Germany or also immigrated to America, and his efforts to receive restitution for the confiscation or forced sale of his parents’ property. Biographical and genealogical materials include Schellenberg’s birth certificate, genealogical research, and a family tree. Correspondence files consist of letters and postcard between Schellenberg and his fa...

  8. Hans and Johanna Hirschfeldt collection

    Certificates relating to emigration, first to Britain in March 1939, and then to the United States in 1947.

  9. Eva Mándlová Roubíčková papers

    The Eva Mändlová Roubíčková papers include a diary, documents, and photographs relating to the wartime experiences of Eva Mändlová while imprisoned in Theresienstadt. The diary was written by Eva in Gabelsberger shorthand from 1943-1944 while in Theresienstadt. In her diary Eva writes about her family’s deportation, life in the ghetto, the fear of being transported, and her relationships and interactions with other people. The collection also includes a Red Cross telegram between Eva’s husband, Richard, and his mother, pamphlets notifying Eva’s family that they have to leave their home...

  10. Curtis Sloan papers

    The Curtis Sloan papers consists of a "Report On Camp At Auschwitz," 10/12/1944; "Notes About The Camp of Civilian Prisoners at Ravensbruck;" 10/12/1944; and United States Army Signal Corps photographs of survivors and victims at the Flossenbürg concentration camp, and the Volary Death March. Photographers include unidentified photographs, as well as J.R. Bradley and Howard E. James.

  11. Norman A. Sinowitz collection

    Four color photographs; certificate in Hebrew; postcards and letters in Russian and Yiddish.

  12. Gary J. Greenberg collection

    Documents and photographs taken from pouches of German soldier. Documents relating to the immigration/naturalization of donor's family. Identity card for Berthold Podhaicer. Correspondence. Documents regarding Bert Podhaicer's military career, etc.

  13. Selected Records from the Archive of the Foreign Ministry of Spain

    Contains information relating to European refugees (including Jews) in Spain during the Holocaust.

  14. Siegelmann collection

    "Survival of children in the Holocaust" by Hanna Siegelmann. "The Jewish community in Fulda" by Michal Siegelmann.

  15. The Revier (hospital) in the concentration camp Dachau, a report

    Report on inhuman Nazi treatment and methods used on inmates in the station for experimentation, Block 7 - Mental Illness Dept., and the overall hospital at Dachau.

  16. Bruno and Elsa Lewin collection

    Documents relating to Bruno Lewin and his emigration from Nazi-occupied Berlin.

  17. Chaim Piotrkowski collection

    The Chaim Piotrkowski collection consists of a photocopy of Piotrkowski's personal narrative about his experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Lieberose, written in English; a photocopy of Hercko Ciesluk's personal narrative about his experiences in the Bialystok ghetto, Bliżyn labor camp, Lieberose, Gross Rosen, and Mauthausen, written in Yiddish in 1947; and Piotrkowski’s English translation of Ciesluk's personal narrative.

  18. Military government concentration camp questionaire with photograph

    Photocopy of Arnold Wachtel's postwar Concentration Camp Inmate Questionaire with his photograph.

  19. Marek Jannusz collection

    Contains audio tapes, programs and brochures, etc. of Requiem and Sh'ma dated April 27, 1996, and a Boston University Conference on "Rescue and Resistance WWII and the Present."

  20. U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee to Conduct an Investigation of the Facts, Evidence and Circumstances of the Katyn Forest Massacre, 82nd Congress, 1st Session (RG 233)

    Includes reports, evidence documents, investigation results, and other materials relating to the committee’s investigation on the Katyṅ Forest Massacre,1940 (Murder of the Polish officers and Polish intelligentsia).