Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,061 to 14,080 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Esther Sonheim collection

    Collection contains correspondence, in Yiddish, and official documents issued to Esther Sonheim [donor] including a Polish passport; a green card issued by the U.S. Immigration Agency; and receipts for food packages which were sent by the donor and her aunt from Chicago, IL to family members in Warsaw.

  2. From Antwerp to Geneva via Récébédou and Casseneuil: memoirs of the years 1940-1942

    Contains a 28 page memoir by Saul M. Bergman. Written in 1997, this memoir relates the author's experiences as an adolescent during the German invasion of his native Belgium, and his subsequent escape with his father to southern France, their eventual arrest and imprisonment at Récébédou and later Casseneuil, his father's deportation from Casseneuil to Drancy and eventually to Auschwitz, and the author's escape to Switzerland, where he was reunited with his mother and sister in Geneva in 1942.

  3. Romanian State Archives records

    New documents related to the confiscation of Romanian archives by the Military Allied Commission added on July 23, 1998 Fond: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Sanatescu, Radescu. Contains additional photocopied materials to RG-25.002M: requests made by Jews to Presidency of Consule of Ministers; specific case of Sally Solomon Karmitz. This folder is in Archivele Statului, Inventar 300, Presedentia Consiliuluide Ministrii, 1941, dosar 641.

  4. Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst collection

    Contains essay by the donor who is on the staff of the Institut fuer Afrikanistik,Universitaet zu Koeln, entitled "'Der schwarze Stern' Vom Schicksal deutscher Afrikaner im Nationalsozialismus;" an editorial concerning blacks in Nazi Germany excerpted from a book by Paulette Reed-Anderson entitled "Eine Geschichte von mehr als 100 Jahren: Die Anfaenge der Afrikanischen Diaspora in Berlin;" and copies from the Bundesarchiv of Wehrmacht, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Eingeborenen kunde, and NSDAP correspondence and reports which include name lists, dated 1938-1941, relating to individuals of Afr...

  5. Celia Rothstein Elbaum collection

    Contains a handwritten memoir (apparently written by the donor's niece whose name is unknown) and handwritten interview notes describing the experiences of Celia (Cesia) Rothstein Elbaum in the ghetto in Lask, Poland, until it was liquidated; her transfer to the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, where she stayed from 1941 to August 1944; her transfer, along with her sisters and brother, first to Birkenau concentration camp, where one sister was selected for extermination, and then with her surviving sisters and brother to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they volunteered for work in hopes of...

  6. Betsy Lalich collection

    Contains a memoir written by the donor in the form of a letter which gives a brief biography of her grandfather, Stojan Knezevich, a Serbian farmer living in Mutilich (Yugoslavia) who was killed by Croatian Ustashi in 1944; and copies of photographs, circa 1935-1936, showing Jovan Knezevich, brother of Stojan Knezevich, at the dedication of a monument to King Alexander of Yugoslavia, who had been killed by Croatian Ustaša (Ustashi) in France in 1934.

  7. Ingrid Kalanj Lyras collection

    Contains a biographical sketch, written as a letter, describing the experiences of the donor's great grandmother, Marija Obradovic Kalanj, a Bosnian Serb, who, with her family, lef tBenakovac (Bosnia) in 1937 to farm land they had purchased in Serbia. In 1941 they were forcibly expelled by ethnic Albanians and returned to Benakovac. Over the next two years various members of the family were murdered by the Nazis or Croatian Ustaša (Ustashi); Marija was shot by the Ustashi in 1943. A color photograph of a portrait of Marija and Mileta Kalanj, a color photography of the Kalanj family headsto...

  8. Helga Roth collection

    Contains material relating to Alma Frieda Exner, nee Held, consisting of a brief memoir of her daughter, Mrs. FNU Redeker, describing her experience as a young child being grabbed by a women on the way to school, forced onto a train and sent to a boarding school in Gross-Rosen (Germany) where she received no mail or information about her family; her later move to her grandmother's home in Goerlitz (Germany); her and her father's visits to her mother who was in prison in Goerlitz and later sent to the psychiatric clinic in Bunzlau (Poland); the death by lethal injection of her mother on Febr...

  9. Irene Hass Shapiro collection

    Contains the donor's recollections of the German invasion of Bialystok (Poland) in September, 1939, the Soviet occupation which occurred shortly thereafter, and the German return on June 27, 1941; the burning of the Jewish quarter; the mass executions of Jewish men; her transfer into the ghetto on August 1, 1941, along with 60,000 other Jews, where she stayed until the ghetto was liquidated in 1943; her transfer, with her mother, to Blizhyn (Poland); her transfer, again with her mother, to Auschwitz concentration camp in May 1944; her transfer to a munitions work camp at Lippstadt (Germany)...

  10. George Lieberum Jr. collection

    Collection contains photocopies of certain chapters from George Lieberum, Jr's [donor] memoirs including "Dachau," "The meritorious wreath," and "My moment in the sun." Several poems by the donor and a colour print with annontations of medals awarded to the donor.

  11. Fritz G. Cohen collection

    The Fritz G. Cohen collection consists of 37 handwritten postcards, in German, sent from Hannover, Germany, dated 1940-1942, from Lina Cohen, the donor's grandmother, or Margarete Liepmann, or Bertha Abrahamsohn, the donor's aunt, and sent to Hete or Henry Vaderborght or Mimi Lambucht in Brussels (Belgium), and to Dr. J. Gramegna in Genoa, Italy. All the postcards are addressed to "My dear child" or "My dear children" and describe daily family life in Hannover, Germany. The death certificate is from Terezin and dated March 30, 1943; it states that Lina Cohen died in Terezin February 20, 1943.

  12. A Lublin family remembered

    A Lublin family remembered consists of one postcard, one pamphlet, and one videorecording (not digitized), all relating to the unveiling of a memorial to the Zajfsztajn family of Lublin, Poland, at the Glusk Jewish cemetery in June 1995.

  13. Golda Wainberg Tatz collection

    Contains a photocopy of Oswaldas Balakauskas's score for cello, piano and string quartet entitled "Betsafta" ("Together"), composed in 1995, which was premiered by Golda Wainberg Tatz with the Vilnius String Quartet; and a photocopy of a newspaper clipping about Golda Wainberg Tatz's memories of the Holocaust experiences of her mother, Judith, and of her own musical career in Lithuania and the United States.

  14. Thea Sara Sluzker collection

    The flyer is in both in French and in German. The identification card was issued in Amsterdam to Thea Sara Sluzker and stamped with a red "J;" no photograph; no issue date.

  15. Essays by the Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs

    Contains two essays: "A Jewish military force" and "Palestine and the Arab world." Discusses the need for a Jewish military and the implications of establishing one.

  16. "Their Aims, Our Aims"

    Contains a brochure entitled "Their Aims, Our Aims," published approximately 1940 by the League for Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy. Contains quotations contrasting Nazi statements of principles with those of American political and labor leaders. Includes references to Roosevelt's Four Freedoms; the struggles of the labor movement in countries under dictatorships; and extensive quotes from R. Walther Darre and President Roosevelt.

  17. Un prisonnier de guerre ecrit a sa maman

    Contains an undated printed pamphlet, in French, which includes a letter from an unidentified French prisoner of war, addressed to "little darling mommy" describing his conditions of imprisonment; exhortations from the National Committee of Prisoners of War and directed to friends of liberty, and wives and mothers of prisoners of war; and a report on prisoners of war from the Red Cross.

  18. Liberation newspaper

    Collection contains an entire newspaper regarding the end of the war and the arrival of the Allied armies in Berlin.

  19. Memoires of Stuk

    Contains information about a Polish town, Stuk; names some victims from the town and what happened to them during the Holocaust; describes how, in 1948, members of the town went back in order to give proper burials and to reestablish the Jewish cemetery; and general reminiscence by the unknown author.

  20. Molly Bastocka Ingster collection

    Contains correspondence, a memoir, and newspaper articles with information regarding survival in Bergen-Belsen's women's camp including a description of starvation. Newspaper articles discuss Bastotzky's Holocaust related experiences. A letter fromTom Lantos, dated March 14, 1994. A list of family names and their fates, dated August 22, 1991. A written, unsigned statement regarding the usage of skin to make lamp-shades, baby's body fat to make soap, and mattresses from hair of gassed victims. Copy of UNRRA certificate. Copy of letter from American GI to the Jewish Welfare Board who met Bast...